MySpace page fights for "1991: The Year Punk Broke" DVD release

A MySpace profile has been created with the sole purpose to petition for a DVD release of the documentary, 1991: The Year Punk Broke. The Sonic Youth film which features a number of clips of Nirvana live was originally released on VHS in the 90s. It has apparently been ready for DVD release since 2004. Visit the MySpace page for more details.

"Take a trip with Sonic Youth and Nirvana as they stumble thought their 1991 European club festival tour! Let filmmaker Dave Markey put you on stage, off stage and backstage! Witness the boredom! The cynicism! And rock harder than you may have ever rocked before! Featuring Dinosaur Jr., Babes In Toyland, Gumball, The Ramones and a surging wave of punk rock fanatics!"

Posted in NFC news section at on 08-24-2008 @ 6:10 PM (GMT).

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