Courtney Love settles money dispute with lawyers
From the Seattle Weekly: " 'I did not fuck you,' was how Courtney Love responded when told by her Seattle attorneys that she owed them up to $341,000 plus interest. That was the balance due on legal fees attorney Katherine Hendricks and O. Yale Lewis say Love incurred in a 2002 lawsuit against former members of her late husband's band, Nirvana, from which she ultimately earned at least $9 million.
But the troubled widow of Kurt Cobain has now agreed to settle the attorneys' tab for an undisclosed amount, according to King County Superior Court records. The settlement, effective Monday, Sept. 17, apparently ends a three-year claim by Hendricks and Lewis, who alleged Love breached their legal-services contract. Hendricks would not discuss details of the settlement or confirm whether Love had paid her debt on time, as she agreed to do in an Aug. 28 settlement report. A trial had been set to begin on Wednesday."
Read the full story here.
Posted in NFC news section at on 09-23-2007 @ 7:09 PM (GMT).
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