New book by author of "Stupid and Contagious"

Caprice Crane who wrote the brilliant book Stupid and Contagious has another treasure out, Forget about it - now available in paperback.

As I reported back in May 2006, Crane's previous book got its title from a Nirvana lyric and included several Nirvana references. Even Courtney Love picked up a copy of it!

The new book, while not Nirvana-related per se, is certainly a great read. As one reviewer from wrote: "For everyone who has been eagerly awaiting the second novel by Caprice Crane following the fantastic STUPID AND CONTAGIOUS...clap your hands and say yeah.

FORGET ABOUT IT is here and does not disappoint. Laugh out loud funny, FORGET ABOUT IT has a wonderful plot, fascinating characters (without giving anything away, I have to say that the lyric-spouting homeless lady is the best) and nuances that literally drop you into the heart of the book, from Long Island to Manhattan. This is pure, fun, enjoyable fiction at it's best...and not to be missed!"

Check the author's official website for more information. Order the book online.

Posted in NFC news section at on 09-23-2007 @ 6:54 PM (GMT).

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