Courtney tones down rumors about Kurt Cobain movie

In another blog posting on a fansite for Courtney Love, she tries to put a damper on the stories in the media alleging that an official Kurt Cobain movie is in the works: "There is no substance or reality to anything about this film. Until there are deals on the table and producers deals signed, this will then be announced at the appropriate time. It may be years from now before this film begins." Thus, no producers or actors are associated with the project yet, which is still in a very early stage.

"If it gets made it will of course be A list and a high-end film, but that announcement will happen, again, if and when these deals close with production. There is no point publishing that this Biopic is presently active when it is not."

Read the full posting here.

Graphic design major Aaron Pass did submit an interesting creation he made, however, based on the rumors that Ewan McGregor might play Kurt: "I merged two images, one of Kurt, and one of Ewan McGregor to see if he could really pull off a Kurt Cobain look." You can view the result here! Thanks Aaron.

Posted in NFC news section at on 01-26-2007 @ 4:12 PM (GMT).

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