- - - December 31, 2000 - - -
Happy New Year ! ! !
A big happy new year goes out to all the visitors of NFC. Thanks to MusicFans
without whom this site would not be online today. Welcome to the year 2001 which
will, among other things, hopefully bring us the long awaited new Nirvana album. Have
a good one, and don't you dare forget to return to NFC in the new year! Maja R. rocks.
- - - December 29, 2000 - - -
Yesterday's NFC Chat Session wasn't particularly interesting or eventful as they usually are, and the turnout
was not that impressive. Though, thanks to those who did appear and participated in the chat. Perhaps next
time we should decide in advance on some specific topics to discuss. In any case, you can read a log of about
5½ hours from the chat here. Remember that logs from earlier chat sessions
are also available in the NFC Museum. The Java Chat client has been a bit instabile
lately but it should now work in both Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer. You can always try it out
here. In other website news, the poll question on the main page has been changed
to: "Do you think Kurt Cobain should have married Courtney Love?". Please go ahead and vote if you haven't already.
Also, don't forget that this year's Christmas present will be removed in a few days.
- - - December 27, 2000 - - -
A disturbing story that popped up in the New York Times a few days ago; "AC/DC, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Patti Smith,
who were among the acts recently passed over for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, reportedly have
an unlikely defender. Protesting their exclusion from the hall, Hole leader Courtney Love has demanded that the
hall of fame's Cleveland museum return all memorabilia belonging to her and her late husband, Kurt Cobain, the
New York Times reported Thursday (December 21). 'Any of my stuff you stole, I want back immediately. This includes
any of mine or Kurt's clothes, guitars or debris that you scavenged for,' Love reportedly wrote in a telegram sent
to the rock hall. 'I hope that no one I know is ever inducted into your idiotic Hall of Fame.' Spokespeople for the
hall of fame and its nominating committee said they were unable to confirm the contents of the telegram or comment
on Love's demands." VH-1 had more details; "... 'How dare you fools not put Lynyrd Skynyrd, Patti Smith, or AC/DC
in your Hall of Fame,' Love reportedly wrote in a telegram sent to the rock hall. 'Damn you to the darkest belly of
the underworld. Stop.'" This story was courtesy of Brian Hiatt, SonicNet and VH-1. Thanks to Bob Gilmartin and Nitin
for the link. Read the
full stories. Feel free to discuss this idiotic
move on the Discussion board, or over at the official Hole website.
Don't forget to turn up for the NFC Chat session, starting tomorrow around 2 PM EST. To join, just use the online
chatroom or an IRC Client, connected to irc.afternet.org and the channel #NirvanaClub.
- - - December 26, 2000 - - -
I may I have mentioned this before, but here goes; "On VH-1's Top 90 Videos of the 90's, Smells Like Teen
Spirit was #1. On the 100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock, Nirvana was #7. On a recent episode of Saturday
Night Live, they had a sketch parodying the VH-1 show Behind the Music. It was Behind the Music-Rock & Roll
Heaven. In the beginning, they ran pictures of deceased artist, and the second one was huge b&w Kurt Cobain
photo. It seems Nirvana is quite popular on the VH-1 show, 'The List'. Here is everything that they have ever
been nominated for; Best 90's Band or Artist, Best 90's Song, Best Album, Best Album Cover, Best Album of the
90's, Best Rock Anthem, Best Singer/Songwriter, Greatest Artist Whose Life Was Cut Short, Most Groundbreaking
Band or Artist, Sexiest Male Artist, Rock's most Significant Moment (The Emergence of Grunge)."
Nicole wanted to add this; "There is the absolute best cover of 'Rape Me' done by Richard Cheese. You can't help
but love it! It's on the 'Lounge Against The Machine' CD. Enjoy." Courtesy of Nicole.
Bastian Stein was kind enough to translate the list of Nirvana songs to German! So if you know German, check out the
translated text here. Once again thanks to Bastian Stein for doing this.
- - - December 24 & 25, 2000 - - -
Merry Christmas ! ! !
- - - December 23, 2000 - - -
The latest poll; "What should be added to this site?" ended with the following result:
'More Pictures' - 917 votes (44%). 'More sound clips' - 360 votes (17%). 'More movie
files' - 378 votes (18%). 'More articles' - 123 votes (6%). 'More Nirvana Info' - 305
votes (15%). So, out of the 2083 total votes the majority wanted more pictures. To grant
that wish, I decided to host a terrific Nirvana Picture Gallery, created by Vladislav
Bajev. His site contains around 1.000 Nirvana photos, from their entire career. I thought
that would satisfy your Nirvana picture needs for now :) Check out Vladislav's amazing
gallery here. All the pictures are neatly sorted and organized
chronologically, and the gallery contains many rare and uncommon shots.
- - - December 22, 2000 - - -
Dave Grohl just posted a nice little message at the Foo Fighters message board, noting
how pleased he was to have finished the latest Foo Fighters tour and what some of his
future plans are; "We're all at home, kicking back for the holidays. Hope you all are
too. Chicago is next. Then Brazil. Then new record. Are you guys ready for another one?
I can't wait. I'm not sure what to expect, but there's a ton of new stuff kicking around.
Like, 25 or 30 new ideas. We'll see what happens. We won't make you wait long." Read the
full message at foofighters.com. Thanks to Tom.
Today, Madonna - the legendary queen of pop - is set to get married in Scotland to
British film director Guy Ritchie; "Madonna's big day on Friday was strictly off limits
for the press who have turned the pop icon into one of the world's most photographed
women after the death of Princess Diana. Three security teams, equipped with thermal
heat-seeking equipment, are prowling the pine forests around the Gothic-turreted Skibo
Castle in search of intruders. Three paparazzi have already been ejected from the grounds.
Up to 1,000 reporters from around the world have invaded the sleepy little Highland town
of Dornoch for Britain's wedding of the year. The rumor mill is working overtime, the tabloids
are competing fiercely for every snippet of showbusiness gossip. The 2 million pound wedding
has attracted a sparkling cast of A-list celebrities -- from pop star Sting to Oscar winner
Gwyneth Paltrow and wedding dress designer Stella McCartney. Madonna, whose fortune is estimated
at $200 million, has spurned the celebrity magazines who were seeking exclusive photos of the wedding.
Ritchie boasts a strong emotional attachment to the Scottish Highlands and is determined at
the wedding to honor his grandfather, decorated for bravery in the First World War and killed
fighting in the Second World War. The film director, who has in the past talked down his background
and developed a 'Hard Man' working class image, is to wear the family Hunting Mackintosh tartan
and his grandfather's sporran for his romantic walk up the aisle. The wedding ceremony will be
performed by Church of Scotland minister Susan Brown who also officiated at the baptism."
Story courtesy of Yahoo!
- - - December 21, 2000 - - -
The person who was fortunate enough to be visitor number 3 million was kind enough to take
a screenshot of the main page and send it in. View it here.
Adem Smith wanted me to post this about his band; "We are in a band together, and Nirvana
is our biggest influence amongst other grunge bands. We try our hardest to keep our music
pure and as natural sounding as possible. In recent months, we have been getting more and
more popular in the Twin Cities metro area. We will be acquiring an agent soon, and will
be playing venues throughout Minneapolis, St. Paul, and surrounding cities. Our band's name
is ANTITOXIN. With enough luck, and the ever so valuable word of mouth, we'll be going
nation-wide bringing the truly heavenly style of grunge (not pearl jam) back to the forefront.
This is all we've ever wanted to do. Currently we are working a demo and hopefully we'll soon
be getting that out and about. Also we are currently working on putting up some mp3s. Come visit
us for questions and/or comments, or just to visit here."
Now, enough with all the band ads :)
There is going to be another NFC Chat on December 28, starting around 2 PM EST. To participate,
just enter the online chatroom or fire up an IRC client and connect
to irc.afternet.org, followed by joining the #NirvanaClub channel. Special thanks to Tyler for
once again organizing this.
The following documents were briefly updated; Nirvana in movies and
TV, the list of songs, the discussion board
archive, the most wanted list, the Vault
and an extra question/answer was added to the NFC FAQ. Also don't
forget to check out this year's NFC X-mas present. The NFC Discussion
Board rules were also briefly revised. Note that the 'Nirvana' forum
is currently closed due to constant abuse. It will re-open sometime after Christmas. Thank you.
- - - December 20, 2000 - - -
The infamous documentary "Kurt and Courtney" by Nick Broomfield will be aired over in Sweden
on the channel 'SVT2' this Saturday (December 23) at 11:20 PM, local time. Indeed, one hell of
a way to spend Christmas ;) Thanks to Dag and John for the news.
The counter on the main page will probably hit 3 million later today! Wow! Quite impressive.
Though, this count doesn't say much as the same person may trigger it several times (although
the script is setup to prevent this) and it only registers hits to the main page. Detailed
analysis of the logs have proven that this site gets around 110.000 unique visitors per month.
From André in Brazil; "Yesterday I was watching MTV and, with MTV Brazil having their 10 year
anniversary right now, they're showing some good programs. So, I saw a Nirvana special yesterday.
They showed some videoclips [exactly the same videos that the guy told you about on MTV2 in the US],
but they showed that Brazillian interview [few parts], and a [clip of] Drain you from the São Paulo
show. Its not pro shot with tons of cams. It's pro with one cam. On the right side of the stage, but
not on the stage, it's in the crowd. I didn't record it, but sure, there's 2 versions of this show.
One source from globo networks [pro shot, tons of cams] and another source from MTV brazil [pro shot,
one cam]." Info courtesy of André.
- - - December 18, 2000 - - -
"I was watching MTV2 [in the US] on 12/15 and from 4pm (Eastern) to 5pm they played all
Nirvana's videos. They played (in correct order): Lithium - Heart-Shaped Box - Drain You (MTV
studios) - About a girl (Unplugged) - In Bloom (Version 1, wearing dresses without the audience)
- Territorial Pissings (MTV studios) - The Man who sold the world (Unplugged) - Smells Like Teen
Spirit - Aneurysm (Live! Tonight! Sold Out!!) - Come as you are - Rape me (SNL) - Sliver - All
apologies (Unplugged)." Thanks to Ryan for this info.
Barry put up an interesting Trading Tree for Nirvana fans, which should ease the acquiring of
Nirvana recordings. Join the tree, or get more info, here.
Thanks to Barry for the link.
From Nathan; "I'm in a band known as sELF-Titled and right now we've got a cover of Polly that we did on a 4-track
floatin' around on Napster. One way [to get it], is to go on Napster and search for sELF-Titled: or find me on there.
I'm satansmacker on there. People also have told us we sound like a cross Nirvana-Smashing Pumpkins and since we've
been up at mp3.com, we've been doing REALLY GOOD FOR AN UNSIGNED BAND! We're #3 in our genre for Winnipeg with our
song 'The Tragic's Theme' (which we think is the worst song we put up, 'cause the vocalist can't sing). Don't forget
to check us out here. I have all the songs on Napster, including a really
cool cover of Shout At The Devil that was done in 1 take." Courtesy of Nathan.
There are now ad banners in the top and bottom of every page of this website. Unfortunately, this step was
necessary to take, in order for the site to continue. The expenses in hosting alone are several hundred dollars
per month, which are paid for indirectly by the advertisers. Generally, it was a choice between shutting down
the site or putting ad banners all over the place. I chose the latter. The content of the site is, obviously,
the same and it will continue to be free. Thank you and sorry :o)
- - - December 15, 2000 - - -
Since there's absolutely no Nirvana news at the moment, let's do some Grohl news; "FOO FIGHTERS drummer
DAVE GROHL has said he plans to move into writing film soundtracks, claiming it is the 'retirement plan
for any musician'. Speaking in an interview on XFM to be broadcast tomorrow evening (December 15), Grohl
said he has already been offered a score, which he 'really wants to do'. He said: 'There are people that
just move on into that and it becomes a great way to exercise your creative muscles and do something
worthwhile - that's kinda like the retirement plan for any musician. It's like you tour your arse off,
you get tired, all you want to do is stay at home. And then you have this career opportunity, which is
watching TV and writing music!' Grohl said he was increasingly unhappy with doing massive tours 'to
promote a product'. He said: 'I started touring when I was 17 years old. I'm almost 32! 'I mean, we love
playing live. We've become better at it and we're happy, because the other night we were playing and I
remember what it felt like to play in 1995, and I know what it feels like to play now, and it's a world of
difference, it really is.' 'You know, it's a whole different vibe. I don't ever want to stop doing it, but
you know there's the whole side of being in a band which is touring like mad, to promote a product.' "
Story courtesy of NME. In other Grohl news, Dave appears on the first single off the new Tony "Black Sabbath"
Iommi solo album.
- - - December 12, 2000 - - -
The annual NFC Christmas Present is now online. For the 4th year in a row, we present to you some classic
and rare Nirvana tracks in all their glory for a limited period. This year we have an instrumental from a
studio session done in January of 1991, a video clip from Nirvana's last ever concert, and a couple of
stunning live performances. Remember that the present will - if everything goes well - be removed in the
beginning of January 2001. Special thanks to Chad Channing for his contribution. Check out the NFC X-mas
Present here.
Gilbert Blecken who contributed some great Nirvana photos to this site not long ago has opened a site
of his own, featuring some interesting stuff - such as a full transcript of the interview he did with the
band in 1991. Check out Gilbert's site here. Thanks to
Gilbert Blecken for the link.
I recently noticed that if you search for Nirvana on either of the net's two biggest search engines/directories
(Yahoo! and Altavista), the first result (or "hit") will be this very site. Very interesting indeed :o) It is
worth to mention that if you search for "Nirvana" on Altavista, it will currently return that it found 109230 pages!
Interesting observation; "In the video game 'NFL Gameday 2001' (american football game) for the playstation, when
a team scores a touchdown, sometimes it will play a crappy sounding clip of Nirvana's 'In Bloom'. It's obvious its
In Bloom too." Courtesy of Mark C.
"Courtney Love has signed on to star in a movie about a woman climbing her way up the entertainment ladder — but it's
not autobiographical. Variety reports that the Hole leader will star in Hello Suckers, a film about Hollywood legend
Texas Guinan, a turn-of-the-century showgirl who schemed her way to Broadway and the silver screen. A Map of the World
director Scott Elliott will helm the project, which is based on David Henry Hwang's adaptation of Louise Berliner's 1993
book, Texas Guinan, Queen of the Night Clubs." Story courtesy of Yahoo! and Wall of Sound. Thanks to Vic for the link.
"Just wanted to let you know that your site was just mentioned on the German MTV Webcharts. I was just zapping through
the channels, so I didn't get to see it all, but the VJ was talking about Nirvana and that there were so many internet
sites about them and they showed the URL of yours. Afterwards they played 'Come as you are' from Unplugged, which was no.
3 [on the webchart]." This interesting news was courtesy of Franzi. Currently number one on the webchart is Deftones,
followed by Eminem on place #2.
- - - December 5, 2000 - - -
VH-1 are having an auction at amazon.com, for some interesting music history artifacts;
"How would you like to play a round of golf with Alice Cooper? How about owning Madonna's
pink cowboy hat? Or the sparkling blue electric guitar from the Goo Goo Dolls video? The VH1
Save the Music holiday auction lets you bid on these items and more fabulous rock & roll
memorabilia--and all for a good cause. Just in time for the holidays, over 100 items of great
music memorabilia--such as guitars, CDs, posters, and set lists signed by your favorite rock
stars--are being auctioned with all of the proceeds benefitting Save the Music, the nonprofit
initiative dedicated to improving music education in America's public schools. Surprise your
friends and family with great gifts, and maybe bid on that Aerosmith-signed electric guitar
for yourself while you're at it." These items include a guitar, autographed by Gloria Estefan,
Don Henley, Nirvana and others; "This Yamaha FG-401 acoustic guitar was signed by Gloria
Estefan, Don Henley, members of Nirvana, and others. Net proceeds from the sale of this item
benefit the VH1 Save the Music Foundation in helping to restore music education in our public
schools." The auction closes 12/13/2000 @ 12:00:00 PST. Unfortunately, the seller will not
ship outside of the US. More info here.
View the other auctions for legendary items here.
Thanks to Ryan for the links.
"According to wallofsound.go.com, this Saturday MTV (US) will be airing 'MTV Uncensored'. I
think this is just a rerun of an old show, but it does spend a few minutes on Nirvana, so it's
worth mentioning. Other bands listed were Beastie Boys, Green Day, Limp Bizkit, and 98 Degrees."
Courtesy of 'AKMoose' and Daniel. Update: "That MTV Uncensored show is 'MTV Uncensored: New Years Eve
Special.' As far as I know that hasn't been aired before, but they're gonna be showing bloopers
and stuff of all the new years eve specials they've had. " Courtesy of 'magoo'. The airing times
are 1 PM, 6:30 PM and 11:30 PM. Thanks to Matt for the times.
- - - December 2, 2000 - - -
A couple of days ago, another star-studded music award show took place in the
US. This one, My VH-1 Music Awards, was a bit different as the categories, the
nominees and the winners were all decided by people voting at the VH-1 website.
The big winners at the show were Creed and The Red Hot Chili Peppers, who also
performed live along with Metallica, Christina Aguilera, Bon Jovi and a few others.
Metallica did a terric performance of "Fade 2 Black", a song also voted for by
people on the Internet. Metallica ran off with the award for 'Best Stage Spectacle',
while The Foo Fighters were nominated for 'Video of the year' but lost to Bon Jovi.

"Twenty-nine years after the death of singer Jim Morrison, the remaining members of the
Doors are gearing up for the release of a wealth of previously unavailable material from
the group's archive, including nearly 30 hours of concert records and a clutch of rare
studio gems. The band plans to release the music through a series of 36 CDs, at a rate of
three new titles every six months for six years. The material in question was uncovered
after the band set out to consolidate its audio and film works, previously scattered in
vaults across the globe, into a comprehensive archive. Highlights from the dozens of hours
of rare and unheard recordings will now be released on CD, beginning with three new discs
due out by the end of the year, on the band's own Bright Midnight Records label. The discs,
available exclusively via the Doors' official Web site, www.thedoors.com, won't be sold in
stores." Story courtesy of Yahoo! and Wall of Sound. I wonder if Nirvana will be doing the
same in some 25 years ;)
- - - December 1, 2000 - - -
As we have now headed into December, I thought it was time to give the main page of NFC it's
usual Christmas look, with a couple of bells and a new banner. Once again thanks to Claus Jensen
for making these images back in 1997. This year's NFC Christmas Present will also be up soon,
probably within the next week. More info about that will be published as it becomes available.
The lucky winners of the 7th NFC Competition have now been chosen. The winner of the
first prize, "NIRVANA: The Bark Not The Bite - an interview CD", is Marco Sorbetti. And
the winner of the second prize, "FOO FIGHTERS: There Is Nothing Left To Lose, press pack",
is Jenna Lohneis. There was no third prize this time. Unfortunately, only 117 people entered
their name to this competition - a bit odd considering this site has a little over 100.000
unique visitors per month. I will try to line up some bigger prizes for the 8th competition,
starting early next year.
Some Nirvana news from Matt; "I got some new info on that book Charles Cross is working on.
The book is due out in August 2001. The title will be: Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography of
Kurt Cobain. The suggested price is $24.95. There is a picture of Kurt on the cover from the
session that yielded photos for Nevermind and Incesticide -- it's a black and white photo where
Kurt is wearing a leather jacket. It was an advertisement for publications due next year." I
have been reluctant to publish this info earlier, as the author Charles noted that the title
could possibly change (it was previously to be called "The Will of Instinct"). Though,
the release date should be correct. "Heavier Than Heaven" was the name of Nirvana's first UK
tour in 1989 with TAD. It will be published by Hyperion Press, possibly on August 15. Thanks
to Matt Reeder for some of this info. Also thanks to Caren.
"SLTS is going to be used in a musical called 'Moulin Rouge'. Unfortunately I don't know where
and when this will be shown. I just know that some responsible person called Baz Luhrmann asked
Courtney for permission and apparently she didn't mind. The interesting thing about this musical
is that the action takes place in the year 1850, I wonder how they want to make the song fit in there."
Courtesy of Franzi. Mr. Luhrmann is the writer and director of the film. "Moulin Rouge" features
stars such as Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, John Leguizamo and Kylie Minogue. It is currently
slated to be released in the US, June 2001. A more detailed story on the film's use of Nirvana;
"Movie director Baz Luhrmann was forced to beg Courtney Love to let him use Nirvana's cult song
'Smells Like Teen Spirit' in his new movie. Love was convinced that the music of her dead husband
Kurt Cobain wasn't appropriate for the period piece, Moulin Rouge (2001) - which also stars Nicole
Kidman and Ewan McGregor, and revolves around the 19th Century Parisian night club. Luhrmann says,
'I had to spend time with Courtney Love going through that in a very thorough way. You can imagine
Teen Spirit is an ironic piece, a symbol for a generation and Courtney really protects it. At first
she was like, 'In a musical? I don't think so!' And then I sent her the footage with that lyric,
'Here we are now, entertain us,' and she recognised the song is being sung by guys in top hats and
tails and it's this wild out of control vision of the 1890s. The juxtaposition made it special enough
for her to give us permission to use it.'" Story courtesy of WENN and The IMDB. Also thanks to
"MADONNA SETS WEBCAST RECORD. A record nine million people watched Madonna on their computers
Tuesday night as she strutted her stuff at London's Brixton Academy for a six-song twenty-nine
minute set". Full story,
courtesy of Rolling Stone.