NFC News 12/1999
- - - December 31, 1999 - - -

Happy New Year / Happy 2000 ! !

Well, a happy new year to all of you out there from NFC. Hopefully the whole Y2K deal won't disable this website from working after the clock has passed 12, but I'm sure it won't be a problem. In the event of some problems occuring I'm sure my host will be working hard solving them. In any case, the next update will be done in the next century, the next millennium, the next year, the next month, and possibly the next week :) Now there's something you don't see every day! The 1999 NFC Christmas present will be removed on January 1st, 2000 - assuming the world hasn't exploded by that time. Also I plan on opening the NFC Museum officially this day. So there is something to look forward to, although you have to wait till the next millennium! Maja Rasmussen, I love you!

- - - December 30, 1999 - - -

In Jack Endino's latest newsletter there is a little bit of info on the Nirvana boxed set; "Some people have been asking me what I know about an eventual Nirvana box set. I've been consulted on some things, but all I can tell you is that I would compare its progress to that of the Neil Young box set. Maybe some of you know what I mean here. Sub Pop's Bleach reissue is still stalled in lawyer-land." - he also kindly asks you not to send him more questions about the box or the Bleach re-issue. I think I put this same info on my page a while ago but I don't remember for sure. In any case, Jack is just confirming once again that the box is far from a release. Thanks to Jack Endino for this story.

The Dutch Music television channel TMF (The music factory) had a poll of the 'Top 1000 songs of the millenium'. Nirvana is featured on spot #4 with "Smells like teen spirit", #133 with "Come as you are", #231 with "Lithium", #355 with "About a girl" and finally on place #605 with "Heart-Shaped Box". On place #1 was Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" followed by Guns N' Roses' "November Rain" as #2, and Metallica's "One" on spot #3. It's great to see Nirvana, Guns N' Roses and Metallica in the Top 4. Way to go, TMF. Full list here. Thanks to Paul for this story.

Over at, Nirvana has been named "Best artist of the nineties" and six Nirvana songs are nominated in the "Best song of the nineties" category. Thanks to Virpi Kaarikainen for this story.

"Former Beatle George Harrison was hospitalized after being stabbed in the chest Thursday by an intruder who broke into his Oxfordshire mansion, according to his spokesman. Authorities said his condition was not life-threatening. Police said a 33-year-old man was arrested following the incident, and was also being treated for injuries. Harrison, 56, and his wife, Olivia, were attacked when an intruder broke into their home about 3:30 a.m. (0330 GMT) in Henley on Thames." Story courtesy of CNN QuickNews.

- - - December 29, 1999 - - -

Earlier today, the Danish radio station P3 did some sort of poll of the 10 best songs of the Millennium. The winning song was decided by a poll on the radio stations' website. I'm not sure if this is the conclusive result, but last time I checked Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was #1.

Once again the list of Nirvana in TV and movies was updated. This time a slew of new info was added courtesy of Brian Peterson and his Ultimate Nirvana FAQ. Check out the updated file here. By the way, the 1999 NFC Christmas present will be removed very soon so make sure you download it now, before its too late!

On the British Radio 1 Rock Show's 'Top 20 Rock Songs of the century', "Smells like teen spirit" was number 1. "Monkey Wrench" by The Foo Fighters was number 14. The show was aired on December 28, 1999. Thanks to Adam and Alessandro for this.

- - - December 28, 1999 - - -

Radio station WKQX Chicago (Q101) and held the top 1011 of songs of all time. The final results included several Nirvana songs that ranked as follows:

  • 976. "Pennyroyal Tea" - Nirvana
  • 949. "Where Did You Sleep Last Night" - Nirvana
  • 893. "About A Girl" - Nirvana
  • 822. "Aneurysm" - Nirvana
  • 715. "Verse Chorus Verse" - Nirvana
  • 683. "Rape Me" - Nirvana
  • 616. "Lake Of Fire" - Nirvana
  • 405. "Polly" - Nirvana
  • 269. "The Man Who Sold The World" - Nirvana
  • 138. "Dumb" - Nirvana
  • 056. "In Bloom" - Nirvana
  • 046. "All Apologies" - Nirvana
  • 043. "Lithium" - Nirvana
  • 034. "Come As You Are" - Nirvana
  • 028. "Heart Shaped Box" - Nirvana
  • 001. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" - Nirvana

    The song named as "Verse Chorus Verse" is the one that is in fact called "Sappy", as noted in an earlier news update. Thanks to 'Deming' and Jeff M. for this news.

    Seattle, the "homebase" of Nirvana, will have a quiet new years eve; "The mayor of Seattle has scrubbed the city's planned New Year's Eve celebration below its trademark Space Needle, where an estimated 50,000 people had been expected to gather. 'We do not want to take chances with public safety,' Mayor Paul Schell said Monday. While federal officials have not advised of any specific threat to the city, 'it is safer to be prudent,' he said." Story courtesy of CNN QuickNews.

    "Yesterday, MTV Germany aired a program called '9 for the Nineties: 9 days that rocked the nineties'. They spoke of Nirvana and Cobain's death for about 5 minutes showing some clips from Reading festival (onstage and backstage, with Sonic Youth...) and from some MTV interviews." Thanks to Alban for this.

    'C.J' wanted me to add this, concerning a Hole gig recently where they were threatened by Marilyn Manson fans; "Apparently, according to English newspaper reports, fans were mocking Kurt Cobain by using their arms to look like shotguns and were placing them in their mouths and pretending to pull triggers, and falling on the floor playing dead. Tomatoes, Orange juice cartons and other objects were thrown at stage and they were booed off which reduced Courtney to tears backstage. Now she has said she wants to sue her management."

    Another new Nirvana domain opened earlier this month. is a Nirvana fansite, created by Khris Jensen who is also a moderator of the 'Junkyard' forum of this site, and Matthew Bonato who is a former NFC moderator. Good luck with the site!

    Here's a story from MTV News; "People with extra post-holiday cash and a healthy pop culture appetite may want to seek out 'Paper' magazine's recently released pop culture encyclopedia. 'From Ab Fab To Zen, Paper's Guide To Pop Culture' reaches deep into the world of music in compiling its look at all that goes pop. Madonna, Marilyn Manson, Nirvana, O.D.B., Tupac, Courtney Love, and numerous others see their careers neatly summarized in the tome alongside entries for such cultural forces as the Teletubbies, Viagra, Versace, Xena, Andre The Giant, and Zima." Story courtesy of Robert Mancini, MTV News, Nathan White and Shane Edmundson.

    The magazine Guitar Player recently did an interview with Dave Grohl, where Nirvana are among the subjects they cover. You can read the full interview here. It was courtesy of Guitar Player magazine, Kyle Swenson and Shane Edmundson.

    On a radio station, KROQ 106.7 Los Angeles, they had a "300 Most Requested Songs of the 90's" countdown. Nirvana had 13 songs in it and they are as follows:

  • 292 - Polly
  • 277 - Verse Chorus Verse
  • 221 - Dumb
  • 198 - Man who sold the world
  • 184 - Rape Me
  • 167 - Heart Shaped Box
  • 144 - All Apologies
  • 117 - In Bloom
  • 109 - Lithium
  • 095 - About a girl
  • 011 - Come as you are
  • 001 - Smells Like Teen Spirit

    The song named as "Verse Chorus Verse" is the one that is in fact called "Sappy", as noted in an earlier news update. Thanks to 'supersucks' and Matt Stewart for this story.

    - - - December 27, 1999 - - -

    First to some more statistics. I added a graphical counter to this section exactly one month ago today. The counter is up to about 10.500 hits at the time of this update which leads me to conclude that this news section is being visited roughly 10.000 times per month. As mentioned in the December 8 update, this site reached 1.5 million visitors Dec. 8. At the time of this update, the counter on the main page is up to almost 1.550.000. So, I assume that the main page has been visited about 50.000 times over the past three weeks. At least if the counter is not mistaken. I don't believe it is, though the same user might make the counter increment several times if he/she stops by the main page several times in a row. Even so, I think it is quite an honour that this news section receives about 10.000 visits per month - and the main page receives more than 50.000 visits per month. These figures would not have been possible without you, so thank you for that and thanks for supporting the site by clicking the sponsor ads. On a sidenote, it is worth to mention that the NFC Discussion Board now has about 500 registered users. More than 4000 threads (each with several posts) have been submitted since the 'new' board opened in early July. You'll be able to find a minor fraction of these in the archives, along with all the ones that are no older than a few weeks. The threads that become 'too old' are, for the most part, deleted and a few are moved to the archives. Thanks to all the registered users & the loyal daily users. Also thanks to the hard working moderators; Tyler, Pennyroyal, Scoff50, pLuTo, Boddah, Spoonman and Billy Talent!

    This is not very relevant to Nirvana either, but this is not the exactly the first time I put up some non-Nirvana material! Anyway, I made some video captures of one of the beautiful shows Metallica did in Berkeley, CA earlier this year, for their recently released "S&M" CD. Personally I'm a fond listener of this band, and I know a lot of you reading this are as well, so I thought you might enjoy these captures. Thanks to Reidar for providing the video (not the complete show, btw). (REMOVED)

    On VH-1's countdown of 'The best Rock and Roll band ever', Nirvana placed at #42. Beatles were #1. Thanks to 'VFW666' for this news.

    - - - December 26, 1999 - - -

    'Wall of Sound' recently published Top 100 lists in various categories. This includes 'The Top 100 Singles of All Time' which had Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" on spot #3, and "Hotel California" by The Eagles on place #1. In 'Top 100 Albums of All Time', Nirvana landed on spot #6 with "Nevermind" while it was topped with the Beatles classic "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band". Finally, in the 'Top 25 albums of the nineties' list - as voted by the readers - the number one spot belongs to "Nevermind". More info. Thanks to Dan and Wall of Sound for this story.

    In the Year 2000 edition of the 'Guiness Book of World Records', Nirvana is mentioned a couple of times. The records include MTV Europe's most played song being "Smells Like Teen Spirit". Nirvana also has a record in 'most successful post mortem' albums with "MTV Unplugged" and "... Wishkah". Thanks to Jaakko Hauru for this story.

    In a recent edition of the VH-1 show "The List", they did a rundown of 'Best Rock Anthem' which had Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" on place 3. "Stairway to heaven" by Led Zeppelin was #1.

    In the January 2000 issue of the Danish magazine 'Mix', there is a brief feature on Nirvana where they name them "Band of the nineties" in the rock category. In the same category, the video for "Black hole sun" by Soundgarden is named "Best video of the nineties", and the debut album from Rage Against the Machine is named "Best album of the nineties". Finally, they name "Under the bridge" (By Red Hot Chili Peppers) as being the "Best song of the nineties".

    Yum. Not exactly the most relevant story you could imagine, but there is a feature on Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters in the February 2000 issue of the British magazine "FHM". The issue has a very interesting picture of Alicia Silverstone on the cover, as it features a lengthy article on her with a bunch of new gorgeous images of the beautiful actress. So, now there are two good reasons to pick up a copy of this particular issue :) I do wonder how a 'February 2000' issue of a magazine can be put out in December 1999 - but that's another story. Maybe I should start working on the March 2, 2000 update of this section ... then again, maybe I shouldn't :-)

    - - - December 24 & 25, 1999 - - -

    Merry Christmas ! ! !

    - - - December 23, 1999 - - -

    A couple of minor updates were done to the site today. First of all, the 'Nirvana in movies and TV' page was updated with some additional info. This page now offers information about hundreds of shows and movies where Nirvana is somehow featured - for example with a poster. View it here. The list of all songs had a minor update, with a few errors getting fixed thanks to Zulian. View list of songs here. I recently acquired a few of the items on my most wanted list, so it was updated to reflect this. Remember there are still a bunch of Nirvana shows, movies and a few shows that I'm looking for, so please take a look at the most wanted list and let me know if you can help locate any of it. Finally, an additional question "Are there any official websites for Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Sweet 75 and Hole ?" and the answer to it was added to the FAQ.

    - - - December 21, 1999 - - -

    If you have a LOT (and I do mean A LOT) of money to burn, you might want to check out this auction at eBay, offering an original acrylic painting done by Kurt when he was a kid; "This is an original piece of artwork done by Kurt Cobain of the band, Nirvana. It was made some time in 1983 while Kurt was in high school (most likely his junior year). The measurements of this piece are 11" x 17" with the four corners cut (see images below). With the frame the size is 20.6" x 14.7". It was done with acrylic paint, which is why this piece is particularly rare. To my knowledge and from what I've been told, there are no other known pieces of art that Kurt did in acrylic. The paper itself has some wrinkles and one small pin hole at the bottom (see images). A photocopy of the Certificate of Authenticity comes along with the piece." - the opening bid starts at a stunning $5.000 which is below the unknown reserve price. The auction ends December 31, 1999. View it here. Thanks to Mike Ziegler for the URL, the description and the scan at the right. Let me know if you buy it ;)

    - - - December 20, 1999 - - -

    Well, I did it again. I just finished doing an interview with Kurt Cobain's cousin, Beverly Cobain. I think the interview went very well and it offers a lot of background on what made Kurt Cobain kill himself, as well as covering the subject of depression and teenage angst. Most of the interview is based upon Bev's terrific book "When nothing matters anymore", mentioned in an news update earlier this month. If you have feelings of depression or perhaps even suicidal thoughts, I strongly urge you to read this book and the interview. Even if that is not the case I'm sure you will enjoy the interview. A huge huge thanks to Bev for doing this, and for putting up with my "finish those darn answers!" type of e-mails :-) Please make sure not to put this interview on your website without specific permission ... you are welcome to put up a link to it, however. Thanks a bunch. Click the link below to read it;

  • An interview with Beverly Cobain.

    "Courtney Love of Hole is gearing up for a big Christmas week that will include the release of her new feature film, 'Man On The Moon,' as well as the debut of Hole's new video for 'Be A Man.' On Monday night, Love will attend the West Coast premiere of 'Man on the Moon,' being staged at Mann's Chinese Theater in Hollywood, California, along with the film's stars, Jim Carrey and Danny DeVito, and director Milos Forman. Others expected to attend the screening, also a benefit for Comic Relief and the Artists Rights Foundation, include Michael Stipe and Mike Mills of R.E.M., as well as Rob Zombie. Love's band, Hole, will then take to the Web on December 21 to premiere the video for 'Be A Man,' the group's contribution to the soundtrack to 'Any Given Sunday,' the new Oliver Stone football flick." - "Plans currently call for the 'Be A Man' video to first be shown at the same band-endorsed fan site that made an MP3 file of the song available for download earlier this month. That same site has also posted some rather revealing photos of Courtney taken during the shoot, although the topless shots aren't expected to be included in the final version of the video, scheduled to debut on MTV on December 24. Both 'Man On The Moon' and 'Any Given Sunday' open on screens nationwide on December 22, while the soundtrack to 'Any Given Sunday,' featuring Hole, L.L. Cool J, Kid Rock, Outkast and DMX, is due out on January 4." This story was courtesy of David Basham and MTV News.

    - - - December 18, 1999 - - -

    I just had a chance to watch the 1999 VH-1 Fashion Awards. The show featured the Foo Fighters performing "Learn to Fly" live. To look as unfashionable as possible, Dave was wearing an angry Motörhead T-shirt and an ugly knitted cap that was trendy about 50 years ago. Courtney Love was nominated for the award 'Most Fashionable Artist: Female' but lost to Jennifer Lopez. Finally, the Nirvana classic "Come as you are" was played during a presentation of Gucci. Pictures from the Foo Fighters' live performance are no longer available for download. Sorry.

    On December 20th this site might be instabile between 12:00 AM and 04:00 AM MST, due to my host doing some upgrades and maintenance of the web servers. Thanks to Prohosting Management for this notice.

    Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was #1 in VH-1's "Top 90 videos of the 90's" countdown. I'm not sure if this is the same list where "Come as you are" came in at spot #68 as mentioned in the update a couple of days ago. Thanks to Amir & Adam for the news.

    Apparently Dave Grohl was not only reunited with former Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic, but also with former Nirvana guitarist Pat Smear. This happened at a show in Anaheim, CA recently; "Pat Smear (Former Guitarist for the Foos) dropped in to play 'Stacked Actors' with the guys at the Anaheim show. During the band's 30 minute set, they also played such favorites as Monkey Wrench, Everlong, Learn To Fly, Breakout, and I'll Stick Around. However Pat and Stacked Actors stole the show." Thanks to the official Foo Fighters site for this news. Krist joined them for a couple of songs at a show in Seattle recently, as reported in an earlier news update. Obviously Pat was not present at this show, since he left the Foo's in 1997.

    - - - December 16, 1999 - - -

    Wow! After downloading my e-mail today I realized that more than 50 e-mails had arrived with birthday greetings. Thank you so much! It was really sweet of you people to send a birthday greeting for today, where I turn 20 by the way. Again thank you very much for this incredibly kind gesture. You guys ROCK! Speaking of celebrations, it is now exactly 4 years since I started using the internet. And early next year it will equally be four years since 'The Danish Nirvana Page' opened. This was the site I used to build The Internet Nirvana Fan Club. Should you want to, for some reason (!), you can read more about this in the NFC Museum, set to open January 1st 2000. Now finally on with some Nirvana news . . . . .

    Last weekend on MTV UK it was "Top 100 of the Century" weekend and (drum roll please....) "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was [the] 2nd best video of the millennium. Thanks to Colin Robertson and Andreas for this news.

    "An English guitar magazine, 'The Guitar Magazine' had a poll for the Millennium. Kurt Cobain was voted seventh best guitarist of the Millennium, (but he was voted fourth most overrated player, sadly). Krist Novoselic was the ninth best bassist, Nevermind was the best album, In Utero was thirteenth and Smells Like Teen Spirit was the sixth best riff. Shows how many people respect Nirvana." Thanks to Aiji Castle for this story.

    "Kurt was named 3rd best singer-songwriter of all time by the VH-1 show, 'The List'. Second was John Lennon, and 1st was Bob Marley. They said Kurt made a 'tremendous impact, he blew all the 80's hair bands away with 1 record'. Thanks to Chris for this story. I forgot if I put up this story earlier. If so here it is again! Speaking of VH-1, "Come as You Are" was number 68 in their recent 'The Top 100 Videos of all time' list.

    "I just saw an interesting poll on, where you can vote for best song, album, band and musical event of the century. I was shocked because Nirvana didn't make it to the top 3 in all four lists (Guns N' Roses tops two lists). I thought maybe you could mention this poll at your news section so everybody can help Nirvana to the number one spot." - I usually don't care much for these polls, but I figured one hosted by Rolling Stone magazine would be appropriate to mention, so here ya go. Thanks to Koen for this one.

    "I want to alert you that In Utero is being featured in the top five of Nude As The News' 100 Most Compelling Albums of the '90s list. Nude As The News ( is a non-profit internet music zine based out of Chicago. I encourage you to visit the site and the countdown (In Utero is at #5)." - Thanks to Troy Carpenter for this link. Visit his site here.

    "I am from Venezuela, and on the MTV Latin America they had a Top 10 music videos of the 90's poll, and Smells Like Teen Spirit was number 1". Thanks to Omer for this one.

    - - - December 15, 1999 - - -

    Well, tomorrow (December 16) is my birthday so feel free to e-mail a little greeting or something. I also have an exam in computer architecture tomorrow which is ... erhm, interesting. Lately I haven't had all that much time to update this section but the amount of interesting Nirvana news hasn't been that great either. Though, I have received a couple of nice stories that will be added here soon, and I have a very cool thing to put up on the site later this month. Stay tuned to find out what it is. So keep on sending in your Nirvana-related news and I will add it as soon as possible. Once the holidays begin after this week I will have more time to work on the site. Thanks ... and a happy birthday to me :)

    - - - December 13, 1999 - - -

    I just received a very nice Nirvana picture that has not been released to the public before now. The picture was taken during the shooting of the 'Come as you are' video in 1992. On it you can see a 'capping shutter'; "You use it in conjunction with a Norris intervalometer and an Arri 3, with fixed degree shutter. The Norris intervalometer is a time lapse device that won an Oscar technical achievement Oscar). The footage you see projected during the video was shot this way. It's really a mind boggling device if you think about time, light and exposure duration." A huge, huge thanks to John Gannon for this info and the great picture. John has previously supplied some great images from behind the scenes of the CAYA video, and some shots from a Del Mar concert that Nirvana did. You can see these in the rare pictures section. First of all check out the picture, described above, right here. Please do not put this picture on your Nirvana website. Thanks.

    The online garage sale by Krist Novoselic has finished. During the last couple of days of the auctions, the bids on the 13 items went crazy and each of them finished at more than $100 USD. In fact the total outcome of the auction was a $5,982.99 profit which will be donated to Home Alive. Thanks to all the bidders, and congrats to the lucky ones who won the auctions. Krist wants to thank everyone who participated in helping a worthy cause. He also thanked me and Jeff (of the Krist Novoselic dedication site) personally for helping spread the news about the auction. For my part I want to thank Krist, Tim G. and Jeff for making this donation possible.

    As mentioned in the December 10 update, Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl got reunited a few days ago; "Ex-Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic joined his former bandmate Dave Grohl on stage last week (December 9) at a Seattle radio station gig. Novoselic played bass with the Foo Fighters on 3 tracks, including 'Big Me' at the KNDD 'Deck The Hall Ball' concert at Key Arena. Beck's bassist Justin Meldal-Johnson played the rest of the gig, standing in for the band's usual bassist Nate Mendel who had flu. The gig was only the second time the two have played together in public since the days of Nirvana. In 1997, Krist joined the Foos for Seattle's Bumbershoot festival. The pair are currently compiling a Nirvana box-set for release some time next year." - this story was courtesy of New Musical Express [NME], December 13 1999. MTV also wrote a story about the event which you can read here.

    - - - December 10, 1999 - - -

    The 1999 NFC Christmas is now online. As usual it consists of some full length semi-rare songs. This year, though, we also have some movie files for you - including the 1990 "In Bloom" music video and a live performance of "Floyd the barber". The music clips include the Cher cover "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves" as well as "Son of a gun" performed live. Since this is an (early) christmas present, the files will only be up during this month and perhaps a bit of next month too. X-mas So don't forget to download them while they're up. It is also important that you don't make direct links to the files from your website. I hope you will enjoy the present: The 1999 NFC Christmas gift.

    For the first time since the 1997 Bumbershoot Festival, Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl re-united on stage; "At the 107.7 music fest last night [December 9] in Seattle, concert goers were given a hell of a treat when the Foo Fighters came on. Nate [Mendel] the bass player wasn't at the show ... guess he was violently ill ... so, the Foo's kinda did a 'musical chairs' with bass players for the whole set. The bassist from Beck played a few songs, then the current guitarist from Foo Fighters (Chris) played a while (with them as a 3 piece). Then guess who stomped out onto stage to an uproarious cheer; none other than Krist! He played "Big Me" and "I'll stick Around" before catapulting his (Nate's?) guitar towards the rafters only to come crashing down onto a stack of amps! Whew!" Thanks to Jeff and Tim for this very interesting story! If anyone happens to have a recording of this show, please let me know! I'm also very very interested in pictures from the show - especially the part where Krist was on stage with Dave.

    Courtney Love was recently on the Howard Stern radio show, and now some of her comments to Howard are the hot topic among both Nirvana and Hole fans. In particular something she said about former Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl; "Courtney Love exploded a nuclear bomb of gossip on Howard Stern's radio show Thursday (Dec. 9) morning, claiming that Kurt Cobain hated Dave Grohl near the end of their Nirvana tenure together. 'He hated his guts!' Love said. 'For five years I've been quiet about this. [Kurt] loved him at first, because he was sweet, funny and lovely. And then he turned into such a dick. This whirlwind of success was happening for Dave, and he really turned his back on Kurt. His singer had a drug problem, and he wouldn't talk to him, he wouldn't take his phone calls. He wasn't his friend anymore.' The assault sprang from the new Foo Fighters single, Stacked Actors, which Love claimed was written about 'what a bitch I am.' Sample lyrics: God bless, what a sensitive mess/Yeah, but things aren't always what they seem/Your teary eyes, your famous disguise/Never knowing who to believe/See through, yeah but what do you do/When you're just another aging drag queen. 'I would think he'd have other things to inspire him,' said Love, who sang for Stern what she claimed was a song she wrote in response. 'When the drummer tries to sing/Everybody better hide!/When the drummer tries to sing/God, let's all go inside./Oh yeah, all of you that love all things Foo/Dave, I have to tell you/Kurt hated you!' " - Story courtesy of AllStar news.

    New Musical Express also wrote about the incident; "HOLE's Courtney Love has told US 'shock jock' Howard Stern that she is planning to leave Geffen Records and wants Hole to release their next album on the internet. She told listeners that she had marched into the label's offices and demanded that the Interscope logo be removed from her records. She also said that she disapproved of the merger that created Universal Music, one of the biggest conglomerates of labels in the world. Courtney has already made a foray into downloaded music with their new single 'Be A Man'. The track is taken from the soundtrack to the forthcoming Oliver Stone film about American football, Any Given Sunday, and can be heard as a streamed version or downloadable MP3 on the film's site. She also said that the band were currently writing new songs; US site Sonic Net reports today that bassist Eric Erlandson and drummer Samantha Moloney are currently auditioning bassists to replace Melissa Auf Der Maur who has now joined Smashing Pumpkins. Courtney said that the split with Melissa was entirely amicable. 'I'm a training camp for chicks, just like Ozzy. Melissa gave me a year of her life. Samantha will leave me next,' she said. Courtney also said that she has written a song about Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl. 'Dave Grohl slams me every time he's on your show, implying that Kurt [Cobain] wrote all my songs,' she said. 'I'm not going to slam him, but I've written a song about him: When the drummer tries to sing, everybody better hide/When the drummer tries to sing, let's all go inside.' Grohl told NME last month that the song 'Stacked Actors' was about Courtney. She alleges that Kurt Cobain actually hated Grohl. 'He wouldn't talk to Kurt, he wouldn't deal with him, he wouldn't return his phone calls,' Love said. She also said that she had found Kurt's diary: 'We read one of his diary entries where he wrote that he felt sad, depressed and betrayed by his drummer.' " - this story was courtesy of NME. If anyone has a good quality recording of her complete interview with Howard Stern from December 9, please contact me. Thanks to Matt, Jonas, Neno and a couple of others for this news. You might want to read MTV's story about the incident as well. Read it here. Courtesy of MTV. Finally you can read Sonicnet's story. You could also comment on Courtney's actions on the official Hole message board.

    A Chicago radio station Q101 and is hosting, for the millennium, the Top 1011 of all time. A lot of Nirvana songs are nominated. To vote go to In the middle click on the Top 1011 of all time logo and vote. Thanks to Jeff M. for this one.

    "I'm from Boston, and on the news they had their Top 10 music videos of the century, and Smells Like Teen Spirit was number 3." Thanks to Rob for this one.

    - - - December 8, 1999 - - -

    It looks like this site will reach 1.5 million hits either later today or tomorrow morning. At the time of this news update, the counter on the main page was up to 1.499.130 hits. Quite a number of hits if you think about it ... the counter dates back to April 8th, 1997 where the domain opened. Speaking of hits, this news page is being visited roughly 350-450 times daily. The news page uses a different script for counting, one that does not increment the counter if the same person clicks the reload button or something. I don't think the counter on the main page has 'protection' against that. Still, it's limited how many times the same person visits the same page in a row. The web statistics done by the server seems to be corrupted, but my ad sponsor also provides some nice stats. According to these statistics, the 5-6 ad banners around the site have been displayed 1.216.335 million total times since December 1998. What is interesting is that it reports them being displayed 36.341 times just this month - which is only eight days old. Enough stats for now. Bottom line; thank you for visiting this site!

    Smells Like Teen Spirit made Dick Clarks Top 10 party songs of the millennium list. Thanks to 'supersucks' for this story.

    Krist Novoselic's website has been updated with a couple of new things, including a collage of pictures. One of them is a rare picture of Kurt from 1989, with his girlfriend at the time sitting next to him. You can view the picture by clicking here. Thanks to David Thorpe for the news and thanks to Krist for putting up this great picture :)

    Once again, the US cable channel Comedy Central will be airing the two episodes of Saturday Night Live featuring Nirvana. You have to hurry up though, as the shows air tonight. Episode #742 with Nirvana and Rob Morrow airs tonight at 6:00 PM and episode #808 with Nirvana and Charles Barkley airs at 8:00 PM. Sorry for not putting up the air times before, but these two episodes have been on Comedy Central a number of times over the past year.

    In the December issue of Hit Parader magazine, Kurt Cobain was named the third best artist of the decade while a Nirvana album finished at spot #8 in 'Best album of the century'. Thanks to Tom for this story.

    - - - December 7, 1999 - - -

    Today, the 5th NFC Competition was finally put online. As mentioned before the first prize for this competition is an autographed copy of the recently released book called 'Winterlong', reviewed a couple of days ago. The second prize is a purple 7" single of the Hole song "Violet" with the B-side "He hit me". Finally the third prize is Nirvana's "From the muddy banks of the Wiskah" album on CD. All items are obviously original; no copies, no CD-Rs or anything like that. Before you can enter your name to the contest you need to answer three questions but they are pretty easy this time around. Remember that even if you entered your name for the last competition you must enter it again for this one - as each new competition cleans the slate. Thus, the list of those who entered their name to past competitions is not in use for the latest one. Don't forget to tell your friends how they can get a signed copy of 'Winterlong' for free - or the 'Muddy Banks' album for that matter :) For this competition, the first price was generously donated by Alex Proud of the Proud Galleries in London, UK. For this competition, the 2nd and 3rd prizes were generously donated by Simon Wright and Esprit International. You may try the 5th Competition here. Good luck!

    The Norwegian radio channel Petre, the alternative youth channel, just recently let its listeners vote for the song of the Century. The winner would get airplay for 24 hours from New Years Eve. At one time, Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was on third place, with a song by Marvin Gaye on second. The song on first place would eventually win the contest by a couple of votes more than Europe's song "The Final Countdown." The Norwegian band Motorpsycho is known for its small but hard core of fans, and these fans managed to get "Vortex Surfer," a nine-minute anti-hit, on first place.

    I don't normally do this, but Kyle wanted me to add this ad: Please re-direct your brower's to the new happening in the music buzz. Dusk is a new band in the making and they need your help. Please check 'em out and leave them feedback.

    - - - December 6, 1999 - - -

    Now, Christmas has hit NFC too. This is represented by the new Christmas style banner on the top of the main page, joined by a couple of nice ringing bells. And for the 3rd Christmas in a row, the little green character from the classic game "Bubble Bobble" has found its way to the main page, in its Christmas outfit. Special thanks to Claus Jensen for making these images in 1997. He might make a couple of new images for the site this year. The 1999 NFC Christmas present should be up later this week. It will, as usual, consist of some rare full songs. So far I do not know which ones will be included - but the plan so far is to include the 'Sliver' video. Once the present is up, you will be informed here.

    On the US MTV there will soon be a Top 100 countdown of the '100 Greatest videos ever made'. Apparently, Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" ends at place #3, followed by Madonna's "Vogue" on #2 and the Michael Jackson classic "Thriller" on place #1. Thanks to Brad and others for the news.

    - - - December 5, 1999 - - -

    On the cover of the Dec. 21 issue of Circus Magazine, there is a picture of Kurt Cobain in the lower left corner of the page. Inside the magazine, on page 14, there is another pic of Kurt. The magazine also features the results of the poll: "Best band of the millennium". Nirvana received only 790 votes which was 15%. Korn won the poll with 26% of the votes. On place #2 was Limp Bizkit, followed by Orgy on place #3 and then Nirvana on #4. On the places following that, bands like The Beatles, Black Sabbath and Metallica followed. Thanks to Tony for the story.

    Not so long ago, Krist Novoselic appeared briefly on a show on BBC 2 (a british terrestrial channel) called 'Postcards From The Web' discussing the thriving industrial side of Seattle today. He especially mentioned the suffocation of excellent bands who are forced underground by record companies. Thanks to Tom for this story.

    On March 27 1999 British Kerrang! magazine published a very interesting 'lost' interview with Nirvana plus unseen photos from the same time of the interview. Both the interview and the photos were done by Gilbert Blecken in November 1991. Oddly enough, this interview has not been spread on the Internet yet. You can read it here. The pictures will also be available soon. Thanks to Reidar for this story.

    - - - December 4, 1999 - - -

    Last night, the worst storm of the century hit Denmark and destroyed property worth millions of dollars as well as killing six people. Even though thousands of danes are without power today, I am not one of them and thus able to keep you updated with Nirvana news ... which could probably wait a couple of days, if it was necessary :) I hope all the fellow Danes reading this are doing ok and haven't had their homes destroyed too much. We only got half our trees in the garden knocked over so I guess we were lucky! Anyway, December has already provided a bunch of interesting Nirvana stories despite it only being four days old. We also have some more surprises lined up for you, including interviews and exclusive competitions. On with the show ...

    I just got a copy of the new Nirvana book 'Winterlong', the book mentioned several times over the past couple of weeks. The book consists of a bunch of black and white photos, shot by the three authors: Martyn Goodacre, Steve Gullick and Stephen Sweet. What makes the book special is that most of the photos have not previously been seen by the fans. At least I had not previously seen most of the photos in the book before. The timespan of the photos is from December 1989 up until December 1993. Thus, the first part of the book offers some candid shots of Nirvana's 12/3/89 show in London. In the book you'll also find some great photos from the 1991 Reading Festival, the 1992 tour in Scandinavia, the 12/13/93 MTV Live & Loud show and much more. In addition to concert photos, the book offers a rare view of photo sessions - for example one done by Stephen Sweet at a hotel in London on October 24 1990. With each of the shows and sessions depicted, there is a little comment from the photographer. I think they could have done a little more of out that since it is a book, a book mostly filled with pictures rather than text. Thus, if you want a Nirvana book with a lot to read, this is not the one you should get. Instead, if you want a book with a wealth of high-qualtity and rare Nirvana photographs - this one cannot be missed and should belong in your collection. Generally I think it is a very good book ... and I'm glad the three photographers decided to share some of their best work with us. If you want to get a copy of it, I think you can order it at the British Amazon. If not, try the official site for the exhibition in London that is currently displaying the same photos you can find in the book. Finally, it should be available in most British bookstores. Thanks a bunch to Alex Proud for providing the book. You kick ass.

    I am now almost ready to put up the 5th NFC Competition as the last couple of prizes should arrive in the mail within a few days. The first prize for the competition will be a copy of the 'Winterlong' book, reviewed above. But that's not all. This specific copy of the book that you can win is autographed by the three authors; Martyn Goodacre, Steve Gullick and Stephen Sweet. Want more? Yes, baby. Not one, but two people will run off with a copy of this book as I will put two of them up in the competition. That's only the first prize. The second prize is a copy of Nirvana's latest album "From the muddy banks of the Wishkah". The third prize is an UK limited purple 7" single of the Hole track "He hit me". Not a Nirvana item, but still quite nice. These two items are courtesy of Simon Wright and Esprit. The books are courtesy of Alex Proud of the Proud Galleries in London, UK. As mentioned, the competition should be online next week.

    Now that I've done one book review, I might as well do another. I recently got a copy of Beverly Cobain's book "When nothing matters anymore: A survival guide for depressed teens". Beverly is Kurt Cobain's cousin. As the sub-title indicates, it is a book about depression with plenty of survival tips to those who suffer from this condition. It describes the various types of depression, what you can do to deal with them and what you should not do (ie. hurting yourself, drinking, doing drugs etc.). I thought it was quite a good book and I am convinced it can help save lives. The book also received positive feedback from the US National Institute of Mental Health and many others. You can get the book at Amazon and over at Barnes and Noble. I have a little surprise hidden in my sleeve which will include more info about this book ... instead of this crippled review. So, watch this space closely during the coming week!

    The latest single by Hole has been put online in its entirety, by an official Hole site that is. The song "Be a man" from the "Any Given Sunday" soundtrack is actually a fairly nice song. Download the song.

    - - - December 3, 1999 - - -

    All of the items for Krist Novoselic's online 'garage sale' are now online. Most of the auctions' opening bids are at $100 but I'm sure they will sell for far more than that. Here are some direct links to all of the auctions. Use them to get pictures and a full description of each item. The auctions end on December 12, 1999. You must be a registered eBay user before you can bid on the items. Serious bids only please. All items come with a signed note from Krist, verifying its authenticity. Some more basic information; "No returns. Profits from this auction will go to 'Home Alive', a Seattle-based organization created to help teach violence prevention, and to groups helping women in Serbia and Kosovo. Buyer pays shipping and handling charges. Payment by money order or cashiers check only. NO personal checks."

  • Item no.1: Vintage "Gretsch New Yorker" Archtop Acoustic Guitar
  • Item no.2: Vintage "Harmony H-50" Hollow-body Electric Guitar
  • Item no.3: Vintage "Custom Kraft?" flattop Acoustic Guitar 1940's?
  • Item no.4: Vintage 1940's "Custom Kraft" Archtop Acoustic Guitar
  • Item no.5: "Unknown" Mariachi Bass Acoustic Guitar
  • Item no.6: "Unknown" Violin Wonderfully aged wood w/ resonance
  • Item no.7: "Sony" Digital radio
  • Item no.8: "Used" Mismatched Drum sticks
  • Item no.9: Autographed Broken "Nirvana" Guitar neck
  • Item no.10: "Fender" Music Master Bass Guitar 1978
  • Item no.11: Autographed Nirvana 1990 "Gibson" Thunderbird Bass
  • Item no.12: "Zenit" Russian 35mm camera
  • Item no.13: Vintage "Vox" Hollow-body Electric Guitar 1960's

    Well, despite the initial reports I received, the scheduled show by 'The WTO Band' happened afterall - just one day later than planned. As I foresighted, this was the first and only show by the band. Though, apparently they did record a demo. More info; "Wednesday night, 300 lucky fans got to see a show to be remembered. This highly-politicized show even had Krist sporting an Israeli-issue gas mask, and singing back-up during the 'No! No! No, WTO!' song. This show was at the Show Box, as planned, in the middle of the 'Zone', anyone caught on the street near the club would be immediately arrested for violating the curfew restriction. The show began at 10 p.m., and the headliners were Spearhead. Tim Gabor gave his opinion of the band, saying they had a very heavy punk sound, and almost sounded like early Nirvana. That's not the end of them though! A demo tape of the band has survived! There has been rumours the demo will be released for public ears. There were no cover songs played during the show, just original music by the band. Mainly just jams, they were each fairly long in length, sometimes 10 minutes. However, the 'songs' were obviously written before hand, as the band recorded a demo during their political music stunt." Special thanks to Jeff for this info.

    Speaking of the WTO Band, SonicNet just put up a very comprehensive article about the band and the WTO thing. Here are some quotes from it; "Two of the biggest names in Seattle's early-'90s grunge scene joined forces in that city [Seattle] Wednesday night to rail in classic punk fashion against the controversial World Trade Organization, which is meeting there this week. Seattle was under a 24-hour curfew and the National Guard prevented nearly half the ticket-buyers from reaching the Showbox theater, where the concert was held, according to booker Sean Haskins. But ex-Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic and former Soundgarden guitarist Kim Thayil managed to get together with political gadfly and onetime Dead Kennedys leader Jello Biafra as the WTO Band." - the article also mentions a webcast of the show ... hmmmm. Anyone got a recording? Don't forget to read the full story. Thanks to Beth of SonicNet for the link.

    "Paul McCartney formerly of The Beatles was interviewed on BBC Radio 1 today. He was asked what he thought was the best thing that's happened in music recently. He said even though it was a few years ago now, Nirvana, and they belong somewhere beside Jimi Hendrix. He also said Kurt Cobain had some very interesting guitar chord structures, or something along those lines." - thanks to Rich Cracknell for this story.

    The world famous photographer Anton Corbijn will have some of his work up at an exhibition in Malmö, Sweden. Included are those neat pictures of Kurt and NIRVANA. Anton also directed Nirvana's "Heart-Shaped Box" video. I assume the exhibit is the same as the one displayed in Copenhagen around October-November 1997. I checked it out just before seeing the Foo Fighters live, at the same place where the exhibit was. It was quite nice and displayed some of Anton's best work. Thanks to Jonas for the news about the Malmö exhibit.

    I just got a scan of an ad for the 'Nirvana Retrospective' exhibit in London. It was displayed in the November 17-23 1999 issue of Melody Maker magazine. View it here. Thanks to Reidar for the scan.

    The December 1999 issue of Guitar One has Dave Grohl on the cover and features an interview with him about the new Foo Fighters album. He talks about Nirvana a couple of times, including 'A Leonard Cohen Afterworld'. Some excerpts;

    Q. Nirvana went through something like seven drummers before you entered the picture right before Nevermind. Have you ever felt like you're going through the same thing, only with guitar players?
    A. "...In his defense, I always say, 'You know, the whole time I was in Nirvana I really thought that I was going to be fired or replaced because of the long line of drummers before me...'"

    Q. I heard you were actually able to play Kurt Cobain's left-handed Strat by flipping it over and playing it right-handed. How did you manage that?
    A. "Yeah [laughs]. Well, all the guitars in the house were left-handed, so I had to learn. It's not that difficult; you get used to it after the first 15 minutes. It's like going to England and learning to drive on the left side of the road."

    Q. What kinds of things did you pick up from playing with Kurt for so long?
    A. "Just the simplicity of writing, and how the challenge is to strip it down so it's as bare as it can be while still being interesting and challenging. That's what always blew me away about Kurt: He wasn't the most accomplished guitarist in the world. He played chords that everyone else had played a thousand times, over and over again. But somehow, he did it differently without making it any more complicated. It had more to do with his heart and his soul than it did his fingers. It was cool."

    Q. I understand New Line Cinema is putting together some kind of Kurt Cobain or Nirvana documentary called A Leonard Cohen Afterworld- a film that you, Krist Novoselic [Nirvana's bassist], and Kurt Cobain's estate do not endorse.
    A. "Right. They're making a movie about two kids who drive up to Seattle for the memorial at the Seattle Center after Kurt died. And to see someone try to reenact something like that takes away from the beauty and the meaning of the real memorial. Because that was something that kids wanted to do and felt like they had to do- it wasn't choreographed or contrived. It was a completely beautiful, real, spontaneous, organic gathering. Maybe it means something different to me than it does to other people. Maybe other people just see it as something like the Kennedy assassination or just another event in the timeline. But, to me, it's more than that. It feels strange to see the death of your friend being reenacted. It makes you feel a little weird."

    Thanks a bunch to Casey Ewart for this story.

    - - - December 2, 1999 - - -

    Gillian G. Gaar, who wrote a comprehensive article about Nirvana for Goldmine magazine, just wrote a story about the canceled show by 'The WTO Band'. She commented on the WTO situation and why the "WTO Band"'s show was canceled, as mentioned in yesterday's update. You can read the story here. Thanks to Jonas and Gillian G. Gaar for this one. The story was also published by AllStar news who were probably the original source; Full story. Courtesy of CDNow/AllStar news and Gillian G. Gaar.

    A couple of stories from yesterday's news were updated with some more info. So browse back to the news of yesterday and look out for the little picture saying 'updated'.

    The first auction, of an item belonging to Krist Novoselic, is now up! Look at some of the past weeks updates for more info on the auctions. For now, only item #12 is up. The rest should be up shortly. When they are online, I will provide links to them here.

  • Item no.12: "Zenit" Russian 35mm camera.

    - - - December 1, 1999 - - -

    I just received an official press release for the photo exhibit in London, mentioned earlier. The document offers some general information about the exhibit, about the photographers and about the actual gallery hosting the exhibit. If you are interested in the exhibit I suggest you look through the press release. Special thanks to Alex Proud for providing it. You may read it here. If you plan on visiting the exhibit, here is some handy practical information: Address: Proud Galleries, 5 Buckingham Street, London WC2. 1 min walk from Charing Cross or Embankment Tube. Opening hours: 11am - 6.30pm Mon - Sun. Ticket prices: £3 adults, £1.50 Conc, Open until 21 Jan. Signed books, Posters and Postcards available.

    Speaking of the exhibit, I just got a copy of the December 1999 issue of the British magazine MOJO. It has a nice article about the three photographers who are displaying their work in the Nirvana exhibition. The article includes an interview with all three, as well as several of their pictures - including some rare ones. The same issue of the mag also contains a little bit of info on the forthcoming Nirvana box, as mentioned a couple of days ago. Thanks to Karla Sopp for the magazine.

    I just got some nice pictures from the 11/13/99 Foo Fighters show in Hamburg, Germany. View picture #1, #2 and #3. A huge thanks to Reidar for these pictures!

    The 4th NFC Competition ended today. The lucky winner of the 1st price, an 'Everlong' single, is: Chris Morris. The lucky winner of the 2nd prize, a different version of the 'Everlong' single is: Ben Dweck. And finally the lucky winner of the 3rd price, a CD-R of a recently found Nirvana recording is: Harri Peltonen. Congrats to the winners who will receive their items within a few weeks. The 5th and final NFC Competition of this millennium will fire up very soon, offering some very unique prizes.

    "Kurt actually got [the] 12th place in Music for the millennium's most influential musician poll. I got this info out of the official music for the millennium magazine." Thanks to Bernard McKeever for this.

    Here is a little update on the auction of a bunch of items previously owned by Krist Novoselic (look at some of the November updates for full details). The auction(s) will start on Thursday (December 2). Most of the proceeds from the auction will go to the Home Alive organization. Finally, the guitars being auctioned off are in excellent playing condition and the drum sticks up for auction were originally Dave Grohl's. Oh, the auctions will run for a total of ten days. Thanks to Jeff for this info.

    A show in Seattle with the 'WTO Band', featuring Krist, was apparently canceled. The reason was that the club where the show was supposed to be, 'The Show Box' is right down the street from the Paramount Theatre which is the WTO Headquarters until tomorrow - as mentioned in previous news stories. At the day of the show, the city of Seattle was given a 7:00 PM curfew - ending 7:00 AM next morning. Thus, people could not have gotten to the show without being arrested. More info about the show that was canceled can be found in last month's news and updates. Thanks to Jeff for some info on this one.

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