NFC News 10/1999
- - - October 31, 1999 - - -

Danielle Scott wanted me to make you aware of the following: "I do this site that gets people who get submissions from anime fan artists to draw [an] anime style version of the rock starts featured on the site every bi-monthly. Nirvana is [currently] being featured and the site is called Monthly Anime Rock Stars" at: [ ]

Today marks the 8th anniversary of Nirvana's legendary performance at the Paramount Theatre in Seattle. This day, eight years ago, Nirvana did an outstanding performance there. The show is rumoured to be a part of the forthcoming boxed set and clips from it can be seen in the video for 'Lithium'. A semi-complete audio recording, though, is available through bootleg trading. Someone has claimed to have the video too but he will only trade it for rare videos of 'The Clash'. Click here for more info.

There is a rumour going around that Nirvana's former 2nd guitarist Pat Smear is about to re-unite with the Foo Fighters. Pat left the band, following the MTV Video Music Awards in 1997 and was quickly replaced by Franz Stahl who left recently - but was also replaced. I don't think the rumour is very likely to be true since the band has already got two guitarists. They don't really need a third ... unless Dave decides to quit the guitar to focus on vocals only. Time will tell what happens ...

Since this is not a Foo Fighters website it should, in theory, not provide a lot of news on the band. But I thought you should know the following dates: the band will on the late show with Conan O' Brien on November 5, 1999. They will then head on to New York to be on Saturday Night Live on November 6, 1999 and on the late show with David Letterman, November 30 1999. Thanks to Jamie for the dates. Remember to visit a real Foo Fighters website for full news, such as here.

Daniel White discovered that four apparently new Nirvana books are available in Australia. Each book is named by Nirvana's four main albums (Bleach, Nevermind, Incesticide and In Utero). They are each about the same size as a CD booklet, but are hard covered. Each book tells you about the making of one of these four albums. They are going for about $15 USD each. If I get more info, I will put it here. Thanks to Daniel White for the info so far.

- - - October 30, 1999 - - -

Here is an interesting story about the forthcoming Nirvana Boxed Set. It involves quotes from Adam Kasper and a statement by a Geffen Records spokesperson. Here it is: "Nirvana's last recorded song which had languished undiscovered among unfinished works by the band captures the Seattle trio in a 'grungier' and 'screamier' mood than their previous final singles, according to the song's producer. Producer Adam Kasper (Foo Fighters, Verbena), who worked on the recording with the pioneer grunge-rock band, said the song with the working title Know Your Rights is 'a little bit grungier and a little screamier over the chorus' than Heart-Shaped Box, from In Utero (1993), the final studio release from the band considered one of the most influential groups of the past decade. The cut was completed several months before singer/guitarist Kurt Cobain's April 1994 suicide. It's likely the only finished, unreleased studio track from the band, Kasper said. 'Know Your Rights is a pretty cool tune. [With] almost a Heart-Shaped Box kind of approach,' Kasper said Friday (Oct. 29). 'It's not Smells Like Teen Spirit or anything,' he added, referring to the Nirvana song that became the anthem for the grunge generation, 'but it's a nice one to hear.' Kasper said that Know Your Rights got that working title because that was the phrase Cobain sang in the chorus. Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl, now frontman for the Foo Fighters, told the BBC that the final song Nirvana recorded would be included in an upcoming box set. Though Grohl did not name the song, Kasper said it was likely that he was referring to Know Your Rights. Kasper produced the Foo Fighters' upcoming third album, There Is Nothing Left to Lose (Nov. 2)."

- "The sessions that produced the song were 'from like February '94 or something,' Grohl was quoted as saying to the BBC's Radio 1, as reported in an article posted to the BBC website Oct. 14. 'We went in to do a demo session and recorded one song, and not many people have heard it all maybe a handful of five or 10 people.' The sessions also represented a turning point of sorts for the trio, Kasper said, with Grohl and bassist Krist Novoselic contributing song ideas to complement Cobain's wealth of material. 'There were six or seven things [they were working on], but Know Your Rights is the only one I would say is a complete song, a single and everything,' Kasper said. Unlike performers such as The Artist, formerly known as Prince, or Bruce Springsteen who are known for squirreling away numerous unreleased cuts Nirvana have relatively few songs in storage, Grohl told the BBC. 'Most of what we recorded from 1990 to 1994 has been released or heard maybe if it's live stuff, I'm not sure but I think the real jewels of that box set will be the really weird stuff that was recorded before I was in the band,' Grohl, 30, was quoted to have said."

- "Regarding a release date or track listing for the Nirvana box set, 'Nothing at all is set even in wet concrete,' Geffen Records spokesperson Dennis Dennehy said Friday. Dennehy said the multi-CD collection is being worked on, but he didn't know what will be included or when the collection will be released. 'We always make time to get [Nirvana work] done,' Grohl was reported to have said. 'But at the same time, it's nice to look forward to something rather than ... digging through a library of a past that you miss or that was so great.'"

- "Kasper worked as an assistant engineer on In Utero and said he wound up doing some additional recording with the band following the tracking for that album. Those post In Utero sessions ended up being the last ever by the band. 'A couple months after In Utero was finished, we did some sessions at a studio by Dave's [Grohl] house [in Seattle],' Kasper, 33, said. 'It was fun; it was just four guys hanging out. Kurt was kind of here and there, he put some time in, but he was a little flighty. The days when he didn't show up, we just did Dave's songs, which he ended up doing for that first [Foo Fighters] album. The producer said Novoselic also has numerous other tapes with songs Novoselic wrote, songs Grohl wrote and jams by Cobain that were never fleshed out. 'Know Your Rights is finished, but the other ones only have scratch ideas. This one is one you could put out right away.'"

First to a couple of corrections. The song, called "Know Your Rights" by Adam Kasper and "I Know You're Right" by Dave Grohl is really called "You Got No Right". Well, either that or "You've Got No Right". Probably the latter. Second, the song was recorded in the studio, in Seattle, around January 28-30 1994. At least that date is most likely and it was given by a source close to Nirvana, at some point. It is worth to mention that the song was performed live by Nirvana in Chicago, IL on 10/23/93 and Hole have covered it a number of times, most notably at their MTV Unplugged performance. The song has now been mentioned by both Grohl, in his BBC interview that you can read
here, and in the interview with Kasper above. Thus, it should be confirmed that the song will be included with the coming Nirvana Boxed Set - as I foresighted.

What you should read a couple of times, from the story above, is this line by the Geffen rep.: "Regarding a release date or track listing for the Nirvana box set, 'Nothing at all is set even in wet concrete,' Geffen Records spokesperson Dennis Dennehy said Friday. Dennehy said the multi-CD collection is being worked on, but he didn't know what will be included or when the collection will be released." - so please STOP asking me when the set will be released. I don't know, and as you can read above, not even Geffen knows yet. Story courtesy of SonicNet Music News of the World, the daily music news service - Thanks also to Michael Farrington for it.

The new album page has been updated with the news above, and the most wanted list was also briefly updated. I plan on stopping the current poll concerning the new Foo Fighters album, when it is released this Tuesday. Thus, if you haven't voted yet please do so before this Tuesday - where the poll will end and the result of it will be put here. Thanks to all who voted so far.

- - - October 29, 1999 - - -

Today, Rolling Stone Magazine did a review of the forthcoming Foo Fighters album, 'There is nothing left to lose'. Here's an excerpt of the review, from the Rolling Stone newsletter: "The first thirty seconds of the Foo Fighters' third album, There Is Nothing Left to Lose, are a bridge to singer Dave Grohl's past: Drummer Taylor Hawkins pounds nails into his snare, Grohl's guitar sounds sick with distortion and Nate Mendel's Sumo-size bass belly-flops from the high diving board. And then the trio veers off toward less-familiar, and decidedly softer, terrain as Grohl wrestles with the post-grunge question of the moment: Could Evan Dando have had the right idea all along?... If not quite as bold as its title implies, There Is Nothing Left to Lose nonetheless marks a departure, with greater emphasis on melody and actual singing..." - the album received a rating of 3½ stars which is quite good. Thanks to Rolling Stone Magazine for this story.

Speaking of reviews, the Danish reviewer Steffen Jungersen, of the nationwide paper B.T., is currently writing his review of the new Foo album. Recently, I got in touch with him and had him share his opinion on this website. To my great pleasure, he was very impressed with it and commented that it was best 'private' website he had seen. His full comment (in Danish) is available in the hall of fame right here. Thank you so much, Steffen!

Traditionally, Nirvana fans hate Guns N' Roses. Still, for those who care I would like to share the release date of the first 'new' material from the band in six years. The album "Guns N' Roses Live Era '87 - '93" is set to be released November 30, 1999. Also remember to pick up the new Metallica album "S&M" on November 23 and of course the new Foo Fighters album - to be released Nov. 2, 1999. You can order a copy of it here.

- - - October 28, 1999 - - -

I just wanted to encourage everyone, wanting a great concert experience, to check out the band TOTO live in concert. I went to a show with them in Copenhagen back in March of this year, and again last Sunday. Both concerts were brilliant. While their music is far more 'soft' than Nirvana's, I for one still enjoy it immensely. They also have some of the best musicians in the world - including guitarist Steve Lukather and legendary drummer Simon Phillips [pictured below]. Check out the last few dates of their current tour here and also check out the rest of their great official website. It includes a brief review I wrote about their last show here in Denmark :)

I just received a copy of the recently surfaced 10/24/91 Nirvana video. The video was shot in a record store, thus the performance is very short. I also think the performance is rather poor but it is probably just due to the fact that I didn't like the setlist much. The video is still pretty nice, and finishes off with the band signing autographs to their fans. Unfortunately, I only have the video in NTSC format and can therefore not trade it. Sorry.

- - - October 27, 1999 - - -

The creator of "Kurt and Courtney" was recently on the UK channel M2. Here's the details: "He said there were two Nirvana videos that he wanted to put on Kurt & Courtney but he wasn't allowed. He said the first was "About A Girl" and then they interrupted him with the video right as he was about to say what the second one was." - The second video must have been "Smells Like Teen Spirit" which I believe exists in early edits of the film, though it was cut out due to Courtney threatning with lawsuits etc. As mentioned in an earlier update, the movie will be broadcast on the US Cabel channel 'MoreMax' soon, and it is also available on video in most countries. Thanks to Rich Cracknell for this news.

CDnow/AllStar recently did an interview with Dave Grohl where he talks about the new Foo Fighters album, and about Nirvana: "Grohl's pop tastes have always been the line in the sand that's separated Nirvana's base from that of the Foo Fighters. But the notion that the shadow of Nirvana is now another age away from the backyard the Foos are currently plowing is not something Grohl will endorse. 'Well to me it's not because it was such an enormous part of my life. To a lot of people I think the music is still alive and important but things, you know, move on... You'll always miss it, you'll always have fond memories, you'll always have bad memories. But it feels nice to go from one place to the next in your life. I think with people's perception of the band, there will always be a hint of that in me. It's nothing I would ever deny; it's nothing that I would ever want to forget. I'm so very proud to have been in that band [Nirvana] because regardless of anything outside of the three of us I was so satisfied that I could be involved in something that created such energy within three people. It's like the greatest love affair but with three people. And no sex.' - 'I think someone's trying to make a movie about a few kids who were travelling up to the memorial that was held in Seattle after Kurt died. It [his memory] means something else to me than it does to a lot of other people. To some people it's seen as...mmm...something more than human or something more than reality and it was very human and very real and very beautiful and very timeless and it would be a crime to see anyone take advantage of that.'" Story courtesy of CDnow/AllStar.

Speaking of The Foo's, there will be a live webcast of the record release party for 'There is Nothing left to lose' ... full story: " and HMV are webcasting the Record Release Party for FOO FIGHTERS' new album, Nothing Left To Lose on Monday, November 1, 1999. We will be broadcasting live from the HMV store at 86th and Lexington Avenue in New York City. The Foo Fighters show will start at 11:00 PM followed by a meeting and a greet session with the band. You are invited to join us at!" Thanks to Aimee for this one.

- - - October 26, 1999 - - -

The rumour that Hole's bassist Melissa left the band has now been confirmed by the band themselves, through a press release. This rumour was mentioned in a past NFC Newsletter. The press release also talks about some new songs they are working on, and that a full-blown official website is in the works. Read the full story here, courtesy of MTV.

The "new" Nirvana "video" that had it's "debut" (yes a lot of quotes there, but read this with a sarcastic eye) yesterday on MTV's 120 Minutes was apparently just Nirvana's performance of 'Rape Me' from their 1993 appearance on Saturday Night Live. The "debut" of this could be linked to the fact that a double-CD celebrating SNL's 25th anniversary will be out soon. A Nirvana track is also featured there. Check past NFC Newsletters for full details on this CD. Thanks to Chad and a few others for this news.

- - - October 25, 1999 - - -

In the November 1999 issue of the Danish magazine "Mix" there is a brief interview with Dave Grohl. Here are some roughly translated excerpts from the interview: "It was important for me to build up my own studio, in the surroundings that felt right to me, and where no one could interfere with our work. It also meant a great deal to us to produce a record without using computers, as the last album was 'over produced'. So this time we wanted to record the music more 'raw', with more life and soul. The feelings [we have] shouldn't be manipulated by some computer, or some producer." Amen to that, Dave. In response to the question - "Is the original rock scene with guitar, bass and drums - and no technology - fading away?" - Dave answered: "No, because the possibilities are endless. Though, people have to seek to other sources for inspiration. They just don't put enough thoughts into the music. But there are still bands who are fucking good, even though they don't use computers and fake breasts! It can really piss me off that people can create a name for themselves in the music business, merely by going through plastic surgery." Dave, you couldn't be more right. I too am sickened by "artists" who go number one because they have large breats and a song with two words that are easy to sing along to -- songs created by computers. - Anyway Dave also commented on the infamous 'Kurt and Courtney' movie: "I haven't seen that movie. I don't want to see anything, involving looking at her [referring to Courtney Love] as I don't want to get sick! [as in throwing up]. Hmm ... looks like Dave has joined the thousands of people who have a problem with Courtney Love. An opinion that Krist Novoselic supposedly also shares. Special thanks to 'Mix' for the interview. Have in mind that the quotes are not 100% accurate as they were translated from English to Danish and then back to English, by me who didn't have the original English-spoken interview :)

Here's a Nirvana-related story from the October 28, 1994 issue of Melody Maker. It is an interview with Alex Macleod: "'Unplugged probably nodded more in the direction that the band wanted to move in. But I don't think they were planning was purposely acoustic. The whole frame of mind was to start moving in a new direction. Kurt would say 'How many times can I write a song with a distorted guitar and ruin my voice screaming all the time?' I mean, they were kind of getting tired of the format. They wanted to give themselves the chance to work in a different way, give themselves a new injection of live. I'd heard some of the stuff they were writing. Some of it had a sense of humour. It wasn't in any way an attempt to make wacky fucking zany music but the sense of humour was there. It was in certain things like little accordion pieces here and there. A few things had titles but only working ones. But the next album I'm sure would have also had louder, classic Nirvana stuff. I don't think the intention was to do something deliberately different. It wouldn't have been a 90 degree turn. They wouldn't go out there-and they never did go out there- to alienate people. The idea was to try and open people up to different ideas and different sounds. They did that from day one. From Love Buzz through to Unplugged there's a linear progression.' - 'They did about two days rehearsal for it [The MTV Unplugged show]. Ha! Even they were a little nervous as to whether they'd rehearsed enough. They were there rehearsing for five or six hours over two days and, in their usual way, it was kinda slap-dash and haphazard. In their minds, it was obviously enough rehearsal for them. I mean what do you want someone with emotion of Pink Floyd?'" - thanks to Chris Lomas for sharing this one.

- - - October 23, 1999 - - -

First up today are some exclusive sound clips from former Nirvana drummer Chad Channing's new band. The band, T.V.I.V. (Television Intravenously), features Chad Channing, John Hurd and Erik Spicer. As you might know, this band was formed when the The Methodists (a band with the above 3 people, and Dan McDonald on bass) broke up a while ago. Here are the first new songs from TVIV which are quite good IMHO. You can use WinAMP to play these clips:

  • The songs are available in the NFC sound gallery.

    'If not for you' and 'All in the family' were written by Erik Spicer, 'Fin' was written by Chad Channing. 'If not for you' and 'All in the family' features Erik Spicer on vocals and guitar. 'Fin' features Chad Channing on vocals and guitar. John Hurd is on drums. Special thanks to Chad Channing for providing the songs. Clips are copyright ©1999 Television Intravenously.

    In the table on the right you can see some thumbnails of pictures, taken of Kurt Cobain's former house. In a few days I will add the full-size copies of the high quality pictures I received recently, showing the house Kurt Cobain and his wife lived in up until he died. Below those pictures are the ones I received recently from John F. Gannon that can already be found in the picture gallery.

    The Internet Nirvana Fan Club is still featured on MTV's teletext service, as mentioned in NFC Newsletter #26. Now, however, instead of the review of the site that was presented earlier - the current update mentions this site under "Some Previously Recommended Sites". Other sites they recommend, in the current update of "Net Minute", are and If you want to see this for yourself, simply tune in to page 206 of MTV UK or MTV Europe's tele text (aka. text tv). To see the review MTV's James Hyman did of this site, simply read NFC Newsletter #26.

    Speaking of MTV, on October 25th they [MTV US] are airing a Nirvana video on the show '120 minutes'; "120 Minutes shows you the world's greatest alternative videos. Make sure to watch October 25th at 12 a.m (ET) / 11 p.m (CT) for another brand new 120 Minutes. This week's special guests are Creed and Travis Meeks from Days of the New. Don't miss it! We will be debuting videos from: Nirvana, Tori Amos, Gomez, Stroke 9, Everything but the girl, Mercy Playground, The Promise Ring, Len, Ash [and] Fuel." What Nirvana video could be shown as a 'debut' is unknown, but I guess time will tell! Thanks to Ben Dweck for passing on this story.

    The main page of this site was updated to make it integrate closely with this section. Thus, in the right column of the main page - the first 15 lines of this page will appear. In other words, some of the latest update(s) will always be available on both the main page and on this one. Though, since the space reserved for news on the main page is set to 15 lines, you will still have to visit this section to get the full stories and all the news that didn't fit on the main page. Apart from that, a couple of new Nirvana images were added to the main page.

    - - - October 22, 1999 - - -

    "The new Foo Fighters album will be released in Britain on Nov 1st and there's a limited edition digipack featuring an interactive element." - thanks to Chris Lomas for this info. Looks like you should reserve your copy now :)

    If you for some funny reason want to see the movie "Kurt and Courtney", it is soon airing again on the US Cable Channel "MoreMax". On November 22 it will air at 2:00 AM, and again November 30 at 1:00 AM. Thanks to Jesse Long for this one.

    Apparently, a CD tribute to Nirvana is in the works: "Nirvana is next in line to get the tribute treatment from Cleopatra Records. Steve Jones of Sex Pistols fame and rap producer/studio musician Ronnie King, formerly of Joykiller, are producing six songs each for the compilation, which is tentatively due in the spring of 2000. Jones and King have only just begun working on the project in the past week or so in Los Angeles, so at this point the only band confirmed is punk rockers Total Chaos, who will be covering Nirvana's 'Breed' from the band's 10 million- selling Nevermind, according to King. The band, which is also contributing 'Seventeen' to the Sex Pistols tribute album on Radical Records, is scheduled to record the song Friday (Oct. 22), and while King says they may add some keyboards to it" - "King says that he's toying with the idea of doing a rap version of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit.'" - hmm a rap version of SLTS ... sounds like a terrible idea if you ask me. Story courtesy of CDnow/AllStar. Thanks to Jena for telling me about it.

    I updated my most wanted list, adding a couple of extra items I'm looking for. I also put a strike over some items I found recently, mostly thanks to Per-Christian. Please check out the list and contact me if you can help track down any of the shows listed on the Most wanted list.

    - - - October 21, 1999 - - -

    Yet another new Nirvana book was released last month. This one was written by Sal Nudo and is called "Nevermind: It's only rock of ages" - a book featuring Def Leppard and Nirvana ('Rock of ages' is a line from a Def Leppard song). The book is 40 pages and thus only selling for $8.00 US. You can purchase it at Amazon or Barnes & Noble. The ISBN is: 0805946624 on Dorrance Publishing Company. Sal gave his own brief review of the book at Amazon's website: "I'm glad to have had the chance to write about some great experiences I've had, while paying tribute to some bands that I have admired over the years. This is a short book that I think people can relate to and enjoy at any age." - Special thanks to the author Sal for telling me about his book, and for praising this website :)

    According to an 'inside source', the Foo Fighters will appear on MTV's Total Request Live this November 3 - to promote their forthcoming new release "There is nothing left to lose". Have in mind that this is on the US MTV, thus you will most likely not be able to watch this on MTV UK, MTV Europe, MTV Germany etc. Thanks to the source for this info.

    - - - October 20, 1999 - - -

    First to a story that will probably come as a shock to most of you: Sweet 75 is no more. Apparently the band, formed in 1997 by Krist Novoselic and Yva Las Vegas has broken up due to differences between Yva and Krist. Sadly, the band only got to release one album -- the self-titled "Sweet 75" that was released on August 26, 1997. The band also broke up in January 1998 but shortly after Krist and Yva re-united. So far is it unknown what Krist will be doing now, but that he will spend more time with his political career and JAMPAC is very likely. Thanks a bunch to Jeff for this story. More info about Sweet 75 is available at Carlton Kim's site.

    Speaking of Krist, there will soon be an auction at eBay where you can purchase a bunch of items that Krist currently owns. This includes 14 of his guitars, a violin, 2 used drumsticks, a camera and more! As of right now I don't have much additional info about the auctions but as soon as they are up - I will put a notice about it here. Again, thanks to Jeff for this story. More information about the auction is available here.

    It seems that the semi-official Nirvana site on Geffen's website is currently offline. Though this is probably due to the fact that Geffen is now a part of Interscope records. I'll keep you posted ...

    Gavin Rossdale of Bush recently commented on Nirvana in an interview: "'Before there was a concerted effort to sound or to have similarities to the Pixies and to Polly Harvey and nods to the spirit of Nirvana and stuff,' says Bush singer and guitarist Gavin Rossdale about critics' early complaints that the band's sound was too derivitive. 'But I thought that was really always over exaggerated. There were many more bands with way closer ties [to other acts] like mad, madly. I think for instance when the Smashing Pumpkins came out they sounded a lot more like Jane's Addiction than we try to sound like -- because we're always compared to -- Nirvana. Gish was like a blueprint of Jane's Addiction. Jane's Addiction didn't really have the God-like status that Nirvana had because obviously Kurt [Cobain] killed himself.' - 'It's kind of ironic. I remember reading stuff about Kurt saying that he felt he was in the most hated band in the world and then of course there was that terrible tragedy and he shot himself and you become defied beyond the realm. So if you have like the tiniest bit of spice from them you're in shit, especially if it sells!' - 'But I never used to talk about them,' continues Rossdale. 'Now I've sort of moved on. The record definitely doesn't sound like anything to do with Nirvana. I was scared to talk about them for a while and yet they were such an important band. And it's stopped me listening to them. That was the worst part.'" Story courtesy of CDnow/AllStar.

    A new album by fellow Seattle-rockers Mudhoney is in the works: "Grunge pioneers Mudhoney will release the 52-song retrospective March to Fuzz Jan. 18, a spokesperson for Sub Pop Records said. The two-CD, three-LP set, which is still being assembled, will include work from the band's tenures at both Sub Pop and Reprise Records. In June the band announced it would take time off to consider its future, following the departure of bassist Matt Lukin." - story courtesy of SonicNet Music News of the World, the daily music news service -

    - - - October 17, 1999 - - -

    First to some info on the Nirvana related shows that are airing on MTV US this weekend. As I foresighted, they did NOT air the complete Unplugged performance but just the usual butchered 45min version. Though, the "Bare Witness" special was apparently quite nice and it featured a bit of "Something in the way" and "Where did you sleep last night" (without credits on the screen) - both songs off the Unplugged performance. When I get a copy of the show I will put up more details.

    - - - October 16, 1999 - - -

    Apparently, more Nirvana books are in the works: "Kurt St. Thomas, who did the 1992 Nirvana interview CD, Nevermind: It's an Interview, with Troy Smith while the two were Music Director and Production Director, respectively, at Boston alternative station WFNX, has handed in his history of the band with Smith again to St. Martin's Griffin. The book, Nirvana: The Chosen Rejects, is due early next year. Allstar Managing Editor, News, Carrie Borzillo has just inked a deal with Carlton Books for a timeline-style on Nirvana, including nearly every date and major happening in the band's career with quotes from interviews conducted for the book from people involved or those who where there, and quotes culled from previous interviews around the world. She will be on a month-long sabbatical to work on the book from Oct. 25- Nov. 22 and can be reached during that time at:" - this article also mentions the book that Charles R. Cross is working on: "Charles R. Cross, Editor of Seattle's premiere music paper The Rocket, has been working on a biography of Kurt Cobain, highlighting a lot of his early years, for Hyperion Press. The book is titled The Will of Instinct, A Biography of Kurt Cobain, and is due next September." - I did an interview with Charles earlier this year, where you can get more info on the book. Read it here. Thanks to CDnow/AllStar news for this story.

    Here's some news from the British Metal Hammer magazine, passed on by Joe Grassby: "Nirvana fans will be interested in a photo exhibition called 'Nirvana - A Retrospective', which opens at Proud Galleries in London on November 24. Featuring 100 photos of the band taken by Martyn Goodacre, Steve Gullick and Stephen Sweet, the exhibition will run until January 21. Proud Galleries can be found at 5 Buckingham Street, The Strand WC2. Tickets cost £3."

    Two days ago SonicNet published an article which gives quotes from Dave Grohl's interview with Radio One - mentioned in yesterday's update. It also gives a quote from Nirvana's management: "Geffen spokesperson Dennis Dennehy said nothing has been finalized about the box set, including a target release date or track list, although he said he didn't doubt the band's final recording would be on it. He said the group's management did not have any information on the collection." Full story here. Thanks to Wendy for the link.

    This NFC Discussion Board is now back up and running. The problem yesterday was caused by a server upgrade. It has been fixed now. Thanks for your patience.

    Legendary The Who will apparently re-unite to play a gig later this month: "The Who will reunite to perform live in Las Vegas on Oct. 29, but you don't have to get off your quadrophenic butt to see them. The concert, iBash '99, will kick off the launch of (a new online broadcast network) and will be cybercast live [on the internet]." - news courtesy of Entertainment Weekly online.

    Metallica's next album "S&M" is set to be released in the US on November 23, 1999. That very same night they are doing a show in New York, NY at the Madison Square Garden, backed up by a symphony orchestra. Speaking of, the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra joined Metallica for the show that is being released on the "S&M" album that features this tracklisting:

  • "Call of Ktulu"
  • "Master of Puppets"
  • "Of Wolf And Man"
  • "The Thing That Should Not Be"
  • "Fuel"
  • "The Memory Remains"
  • "No Leaf Clover"
  • "Hero Of The Day"
  • "Devil Dance"
  • "Bleeding Me"
  • "Nothing Else Matters"
  • "Until It Sleeps"
  • "For Whom The Bell Tolls"
  • "Minus Human"
  • "Wherever I May Roam"
  • "The Outlaw Torn"
  • "Sad But True"
  • "One"
  • "Enter Sandman"
  • "Battery"

    Thanks to MTV Online, October 15 for this story. While Guns N' Roses are also releasing a new album next month - it looks like November 1999 will see new releases from Metallica, Guns N' Roses and the Foo Fighters ... does it get any better than this? :)

    - - - October 15, 1999 - - -

    As you might know, MTV in the US are airing several Nirvana specials this weekend. Here's the full lineup for Saturday, October 16 and Sunday, October 17, 1999:

  • Sat 16 Oct. - 4:00 PM: Bare Witness: Nirvana
  • Sat 16 Oct. - 4:30 PM: Unplugged
  • Sat 16 Oct. - 10:30 PM: Bare Witness: Nirvana
  • Sat 16 Oct. - 11:00 PM: Unplugged
  • Sun 17 Oct. - 7:30 AM: Ultra Sound
  • Sun 17 Oct. - 2:00 PM: Bare Witness: Nirvana
  • Sun 17 Oct. - 10:00 PM: Bare Witness: Nirvana

    The 'Bare Witness' special was described in NFC Newsletter #26 and is a program with interviews of fans who went to see Nirvana live at the MTV Unplugged, I believe. It will probably also contain behind-the-scenes footage of the MTV Unplugged performance. There's a rumour going that they will air the complete Unplugged show, including "Something in the way" and "Oh me" but I think it's unlikely. The last special, 'Ultra Sound' should have a brief special on Nirvana's 1991 Reading performance. Thanks to Mike Ziegler, Kris Sproul and others for this story.

    Speaking of MTV - the feature on Nirvana they put online in April 1999 is now being advertised for again, due to this weekend's Nirvana special. In case you haven't seen it yet - I recommend you to check it out: [ ]

    BBC's Radio One got some additional info on the forthcoming Nirvana boxed set, from their drummer Dave Grohl. The new info was added to the new album page. Thanks to Jesse Grandy and Michael Farrington for this one.

    The Discussion Board has not been working today, and during most of yesterday. I believe I have found the problem, though, and I am desperately working on getting it solved as soon as possible. The Board should be back to normal soon.

    A little bit extra info about the Pennyroyal Tea single was added to the FAQ. This is now a great resource for finding out how to spot fake Pennyroyal Tea singles, so you don't get ripped off for hundreds of dollars. Basically, if you're seeking info about this single I strongly encourage you to check out the FAQ here.

    - - - October 14, 1999 - - -

    Today, this page was created which will probably replace the NFC Newsletters. This way of presenting news about Nirvana - and details on the latest website updates - is faster than the newsletter and easier to publish. This method is also used on a slew of other sites around the net. So remember to check out this section of the Internet Nirvana Fan Club at least once a day :) Although this section was created on October 13, I added several stories that date back to September. Please e-mail me to submit news. Remember that the NFC Newsletters are on a break at the moment and I have yet to decide the future of this service. The ultimate outcome will probably be, however, that I stop publishing them and instead concentrate on this new section - which will contain the same as the NFC newsletters did. Just with more stuff :)

    Rasheed sent in this story today; "I thought I'd let you know that a Toronto radio station, Edge 102 (102.1), had a best of the 90's (so far) album list voted on by fans back in September 1997. While the information is late I thought you'd be interested to know that Nevermind was #1, In Utero was #22, MTV Unplugged In New York was #51 and From The Muddy Banks of the Wishkah was #89.

    - - - October 12, 1999 - - -

    Apparently, an approx. 20min horror movie that Kurt created as a youngster has surfaced. The 'movie' features Kurt Cobain, Dale Crover, Matt Lukin and Krist Novoselic all dressed up. Apparently it doesn't have any sound and no storyline for that matter.

    I decided to shut down the bootleg forum for this site, as it was becoming more or less obsolete. All the files in it are already linked to in the facts and information section - and apart from that the bootleg forum didn't contain much. So it was removed. You can still find my list of shows online here. Remember not to mix this up with the "Swap Meet" forum of the NFC Discussion Board - where you can talk about bootlegs and bootleg trading. This service is still online and going strong.

    The NFC FAQ was updated. Some of the existing answers were corrected for minor errors and most of the answers concerning bootleg-related questions were re-written. Don't forget to look through the NFC FAQ before e-mailing me with questions concerning either Nirvana or this website in general.

    Each and every sound file I have presented in the Sound Gallery page has been moved to the server I don't have the space nor bandwidth to have them located at, so I've had to move them elsewhere. Now, they've all been collected on this server thanks to Alexandr Kovalenko who is the new host. This also means that all sound files are once back online - including the clips with the Foo Fighters that were down for a while.

    This tidbit comes from Reidar: "This one is from the [British] Kerrang! magazine Top 40 albums, of the most sold albums the week before February 27th 1999: #30 Incesticide and #39 Bleach.

    Some low generation upgrades of the shows 04/17/90 Montreal, Canada and 09/21/91 Montreal, Canada surfaced earlier this month. Previously, only a couple of songs from the 04/17/90 show were available. Now the whole show is here on audio, in quite good quality actually. The new version of 09/21/91 is also a slight upgrade over the old version, which was also lacking the talk in-between songs - which this new version includes.

    - - - October 11, 1999 - - -

    As I reported in earlier newsletters, the Bleach re-issue has been moved to 2000 - despite the fact that 1999 is the 10th anniversary for the release; "The planned 10th anniversary reissue of Nirvana's debut indie LP, Bleach, won't see the bottom of a CD bin in 1999 as Sub Pop Records, the label on which the album originally surfaced in 1989, is now eyeing a 2000 release date." - "According to a source, bassist Krist Novoselic is currently working with label reps to decide which bonus tracks should be on the album along with gathering liner notes for its release. A Nirvana box set has also been in the works." Thanks to CDnow/All Star and Kevin Raud for this story.

    I was recently contacted by former Nirvana drummer Chad Channing who wanted to share some interesting info about his band; "As you know The Methodists dropped down to a 3-piece. Me, Erik and John (who now plays the bass). This last weekend we got out of the studio with our first 3 recorded, and written, songs as a three piece." - "We have changed our name. We are now called T.V.I.V. - Television Intravenously." Thanks a lot to Chad Channing for this story!

    Mark O' Connor submitted this story: "Every few months [the] Brit rock mag Kerrang! holds some kind of surveys of Top 100's:

    Top 100 Guitarists who changed your world:

  • #02 Kurt Cobain (Beaten by Jimmy Page)

    Top 100 Greatest moments in rock:
  • #04 Nirvana on the word (UK show)
  • #21 Foo Fighters play Reading 95
  • #28 Nirvana at Reading 1992
  • #40 Courtney Love on the cover of Vanity Fair

    Top 100 Greatest rock tracks ever:
  • #90 Rape me
  • #49 Come as you are
  • #48 Monkey wrench
  • #20 Lithium
  • #10 Heart shaped box
  • #01 Smells like teen spirit

    Top 100 bands that changed your life (Readers vote):
  • #01 Nirvana
  • #02 Metallica
  • #24 Foo fighters

    Top 100 bands that changed your life (Kerrang! version):
  • #01 Nirvana
  • #02 Black Sabbath
  • #26 Hole

    - - - October 10, 1999 - - -

    Today I closed down the 'DieNow' section of this website. This section was hosting the script for the popular IRC client mIRC, a script created by myself in 1996. I am no longer into scripting for mIRC so I decided to quit the project. You can read more at the DieNow page.

    - - - October 09, 1999 - - -

    Today I added some very cool never-before-seen pictures, shot by John F. Gannon. The pictures are from the shoot of the legendary 'Come as you are' video, and from Nirvana's show in Del Mar, CA in 1991. You may check out the pictures in full size, in this section. Special thanks to Mr. Gannon for these pics.

    Jack Endino added some additional info about the Bleach re-release in his latest newsletter; "Sub>Pop was planning a ten-year anniversary reissue of Bleach for this month, with possible bonus cuts, but their and Nirvana's lawyers had a little hissy fit so the whole thing has been delayed indefinitely." - Thanks to Jack Endino for this one!

    From the same newsletter, Jack added a little info about the 01/23/88 session: "I finally woke up to what was going on around me and started taking pictures of some of my cooler sessions. (It helps that I finally got a good camera after, what, 15 years? Duh.) It still bums me out that I have not one solitary photo from my five years of working at Reciprocal Recording (1986-1991), much less any video footage. (I still remember when some nice MTV folks came out here looking for Nirvana footage to use on some special program they were working on. When they finally breathlessly popped the question to me "Is there any video footage of Nirvana in the studio with you?" and I told them the sad truth, their faces, in unison, just FELL.) (I even have perhaps the most obscenely huge client T-shirt collection ever, but not even one Nirvana, Soundgarden or Green River T-shirt! Where's the justice?)" - again thanks to Jack Endino for this story.

    Vikki submitted the following story: "The current issue of NME in the UK (which I think comes out in the US a couple of weeks later) has a big poster of Kurt Cobain, with an article on his death, including a picture of his dead leg. This was number one in the 100 greatest moments in rock or something like that." - Thanks Vikki!

    - - - October 08, 1999 - - -

    Today I added a new poll to the main page, making it the first new poll in a while. The poll question is "Are you buying the forthcoming Foo Fighters album?" As you may know, the Foo's are releasing a new album in November 1999 called "There is nothing left to lose". Personally I can't wait to get it, but I wanted to see if that view was shared by other Nirvana fans stopping by this site. So, check the bottom of the main page for the latest poll.

    - - - October 07, 1999 - - -

    This interesting E-mail was forwarded to me by Reidar; "As part of our 'Big Room' contest we're giving away thousands of dollars worth of collectibles, including this NIRVANA item .... An autographed Nirvana Telecaster. There's no purchase necessary and the contest runs through November 15. You can check out the items through our live WEBCAM in "The Big Room." - for more info about this contest, refer to this website: Thanks again, Reidar.

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