- - - August 16, 2002 - - -
Nirvana's former 2nd guitarist Pat Smear will be auctioning off some of his legendary
guitars in a near future. There will be some other really great stuff as well for the
Nirvana fans. The first guitar should be up this Sunday. Note that the seller is not
Pat himself, but one of his friends. As mentioned, the first auction should be up on Sunday.
Keep an eye on this
page, to check the seller's ongoing auctions at eBay. The links to the individual items
that Pat Smear are selling will be posted here eventually. Thanks to Earnie for the link and info.
As mentioned previously, Eyes Adrift are about to embark on another tour of the US. Here
is the current tour schedule. Please note that this is NOT the finalized schedule and not all
dates have been confirmed. Updates/changes will be posted here as they become available. Thanks to Pam.
8/19/02 New York, NY @ Joe's Pub
9/25/02 Dallas, TX @ Curtain Club
9/26/02 Houston, TX @ Engine Room
9/28/02 Austin, TX @ City Limits
10/16/02 Tulsa, OK @ Majestic Theater
10/17/02 St. Louis, MO @ Blueberry Hill
10/18/02 Chicago, IL @ Scubas
10/19/02 Detroit, MI @ Shelter
10/21/02 Cleveland, OH @ Grog Shop
10/23/02 Madison, WI @ Luthers
10/24/02 Minneapolis, MN @ 400 Bar
10/25/02 Lincoln, NB @ Knickerbockers
10/26/02 Colorado Springs, CO
10/27/02 Salt Lake City, UT @ Liquid Joes
10/28/02 Boise, ID @ Bourbon Street
10/30/02 Portland, OR @ Roseland Grill
10/31/02 Seattle, WA @ Graceland
11/2/02 Chico, CA @ Brick Works
11/3/02 San Francisco, CA @ Bottom of The Hill
11/4/02 Anaheim, CA @ House of Blues
11/5/02 Los Angels, CA
11/7/02 Phoenix, CA @ Nitas Hideaway
Speaking of Eyes Adrift, check here to read
their 'official' bio, including interview quotes from the band members. Also thanks to Pam.
Earlier in the week, yet another rare Nirvana recording made it's way onto the Internet.
This time around it was in the form of a very interesting 39-minute demo that the band
recorded in Rio de Janeiro on January 22, 1993. The session was used to practice songs
for the upcoming album In Utero, and to give it's producer Steve Albini an idea of
what they were planning to do. The songs performed that day include demos of 'Heart-Shaped Box',
'Milk it', 'Scentless Apprentice' and 'Very Ape' - all of which were re-recorded for In Utero.
Also recorded was 'Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip', the only track from
this session that has been released officially (as a hidden track on the European version
of In Utero). Most interestingly, the session concluded with two unknown songs and a
cover of the Terry Jacks classic 'Seasons in the Sun'.
NME put up a story on the session, talking about the unknown track;
"Mystery surrounds what appears to be a previously unheard NIRVANA song that has surfaced
online. Dedicated fans of the band believe that the untitled track, which doesn't feature on
any official band release, has somehow been unearthed almost a decade after it was committed
to tape. Not commercial like the much-touted 'You Know You You're Right', the five-minute song
features a spoken word middle eight, in which Kurt Cobain is heard to moan 'If we did not have
chemicals / you would not be writing my death certificate.' " Courtesy of NME.
Another new Nirvana book is on it's way. However, this time it's one that is
essentially written by the fans. "Motivated by the feeling for the
need for the real fans to have a say rather than some big mouldy cheese telling you how
it is, this book of Nirvana is being put together minus the regurgitated stories you've
heard over and over again. This book will be writen purely by the fans for the fans which
means YOU! The aim of the book is to document the Nirvana 'phenomena' from the point of view
of the fans, rather than from the music journo's and critics. So we're asking for you to contribute
your Nirvana stories about gigs, the band, the songs, etc." The book will, if all goes well,
be completed by the end of 2003 and could very well include YOUR story. So if you want to submit
something, click here for more information.
Thanks to Kelly for the link and info.
"Rolling Stone are asking for votes for the '100 Greatest Albums Ever' for the
35-year anniversary issue. If you go to the RS site, you will see the 'Nevermind' cover and then
they ask you for your #1 pick and 9 others." Thanks to Jordana. Visit Rolling Stone Magazine's
website here.
- - - August 14, 2002 - - -
Today, Charles R. Cross released a press release concerning the paperback edition
of his book Heavier Than Heaven and his new book tour. Interestingly, the
press release mentioned that the readings will, when possible,
"include rare never-before-heard Nirvana music". The paperback edition of the
book was released in the US on August 12, priced at $14.95. In other news, various rare
editions of the book are being sold to collectors while supplies last. To read the
full press release, click here. Here's the
finalized schedule to Mr. Cross' west coast tour to promote his book and do readings:
August 23: Portland, OR, Powell's City of Books, 1005 W Burnside, 7:30 p.m.
August 27: Los Angeles, Book Soup, 8818 W Sunset Blvd, 8 p.m.
September 4: Seattle, The Elliott Bay Book Company, 101 S. Main, 7:30 p.m.
September 5: Seattle, Third Place Books, Lake Forest Park, 7 p.m.
September 17: Mount Vernon, WA, Scott's Bookstore, 7 p.m.
September 19: Bellingham, WA, Village Books, 7:30 p.m.
October 19-20: Seattle, Northwest Bookfest, Magnuson Park, time TBA
In 1993 Jim DeRogatis of the Chicago Sun-Times did a lengthy interview with Kurt
Cobain. The complete interview has never been published, even though it was meant
to be distributed through the website throttlebox.com a few years ago. However, after
just a short segment was released, the plans were cancelled due to their various bad
intentions. According to a Nirvana fan who e-mailed Jim, however, he is planning to
publish a book that will include the interview or, alternatively, put it on the Internet
if the book doesn't happen. Thanks to Chris and Jim DeRogatis for the info.
A little update on the 'new' Nirvana song that turned up recently; According to an article in a
magazine from Argentina, the song is called "Nobody Knows I'm New Wave". A full setlist of
the show was posted in the magazine article from the time of the show, which also features an interview
with Dave Grohl that took place after the show. It's likely that the person who wrote the article got
the setlist from a member of the band, possibly Dave, as the journalist was not familiar with Nirvana's
song titles. It is not 100% certain, however, that this is what happened and that the song title is indeed
correct. For now, you may view a scan of the magazine article in question by clicking here.
Thanks to Sebastian for the scan. Also thanks to Lily.
- - - August 12, 2002 - - -
A little more Eyes Adrift news; as mentioned previously the guys will release their
self-titled first album on September 24 on SpinART records. The first single is called
"Alaska". They are embarking on another tour in September and October. Already now, Krist
Novoselic and Curt Kirkwood from the band are scheduled to perform an acoustic set at the
Samuel Adams World Class Summer Jam in Boston, MA on August 23 at 6.30 PM. The last time Krist
and Curt did an acoustic set together was when The Meat Puppets joined Nirvana's Unplugged in 1993.
Other song titles on their first album include; "Sleight Of Hand," "Inquiring Minds," "Untried,"
"Blind Me," "Dottie Dawn & Julie Jewel," "Solid," "Pyramids," "Telescope," "Slow Race," "What
I Said," and "Pasted." Thanks to Julie and LAUNCH.com for the information.
Apparently the next issue of Q Magazine will feature a major Kurt Cobain retrospective.
More info will be posted as it becomes available.
- - - August 8, 2002 - - -
A 'new' Nirvana song turned up in the Nirvana community this week. The tune stems
from a video of the band playing in Argentina on October 30, 1992. Apparently, the
incomplete professional recording was being sold on eBay and a Nirvana fan from
livenirvana.com picked it up. As it turns out, the show opens with an interesting
song that doesn't seem to have been played before (or since) - at least not at shows
of which a recording exists in trader circles. The song, about 3 minutes long, have
somewhat sketchy lyrics that include the words "I'm New Wave / I'm Old School" according
to one transcript. Many argue that the track is merely a quick jam the band did to open
the show and warm up, rather than an actual song. For now, you may listen to a clip of
it by clicking here. Thanks to Lauri and others for
the link. Also a big thanks to Bill Mayer.
Apparently our German counterpart is doing good; "The Internet Nirvana
Fan Club Germany is now an official MTV Germany approved Fansite. Only about 10 other German
websites were to achieve this status -- mostly official ones. Nirvana Fan Club Germany is now
also mentioned on the website of MTV Germany. The webmaster is planning on opening an English
version of his site in a few weeks. You can reach the website here.
Thanks to 'Buffy'. Note that this site, The Internet Nirvana Fan Club, is in no way related or
affiliated with the German site of the same name. This site is, however, also mentioned on MTV
Germany's official website :)
The band Bleak who contributed with a song to the 2nd NFC Compilation project recently
released their first record -- a 7" single. Their music style was influenced heavily by
Nirvana, Melvins, The Wipers and others. The band has provided their unreleased song 'Lunch
Break' exclusively for the visitors of this website. You can get it here,
or check the band's website here. Thanks to Bastian.
"Psychedelic guitarist Jimi Hendrix has been voted the instrument's
greatest player in a poll conducted by Total Guitar magazine. Hendrix, who died in 1970 at
the age of 27, beat Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page to the top spot in the poll of the magazine's readers.
Hendrix made his name in the late 1960s, with classics like 'Purple Haze,' 'Hey Joe' and 'Voodoo Chile.'
Blues veteran Eric Clapton came in third, followed by Slash from Guns N' Roses and Brian May of Queen."
Kurt Cobain made it to spot #14 on the list. Story courtesy of Yahoo! and AP. Also thanks to Robin.
A newspaper in Vancouver, Canada recently ran a 'Top 10 Dead Rock Stars' list where Kurt
Cobain came in at number 6. Funnily, Rolling Stone Keith Richards made it to #10 even though
he is still alive (somewhat). Thanks to Sean.
Sophie sent in this one; "I work for Xfm online and am contacting you to
let you know that Nirvana have been short listed for the X-List 2002. The X-List 2002 is 104
essential tracks as voted by the public. We're now into the second stage of the mega-poll –
we've counted the thousands of e-mails we received with 104 tracks coming through as the
strongest choices. Now it's up to the public to shape the final rundown before it's played
out in its entirety on Bank Holiday Monday August 26." Click here
to vote for Nirvana's songs. Thanks to Sophie and XFM.
- - - August 3, 2002 - - -
MTV Europe recently celebrated their 15th anniversary and announced that MTV UK
listed Nirvana's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' as the video that had been played the
most; "NIRVANA's 'SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT' video has been played
on MTV in the UK more than any other track. The promo tops a list compiled to mark
the station's 15th anniversary of broadcasting in Europe. Only three of the tracks in
the top 10 are from British acts, with Oasis' 'Wonderwall' the highest at number two.
Surprisingly, Soundgarden enter at Three with their 1994 single 'Black Hole Sun'. Few
of the tracks are more than ten years old." The classic 'Money for Nothing' by
Dire Straits was the first ever video to be played on MTV Europe. In addition, MTV
recently played a video representing each year - from 1987 to 2002 - and Nirvana's
Smells Like Teen Spirit represented the year of 1991. Thanks to Clive and others.
An interesting tidbit; "Sunday, August 4, the Mexican radio station
Orbita 105.7 FM will broadcast one of the last concerts Nirvana did. The show is Milan,
Italy - February 25, 1994 and airs in it's entirety at 9 PM (Mexican time)."
Thanks to Francisco for this one!
Sometime earlier this year, a soft drink with the catcy name of NIRVANA was
presented in the US by SoBe; "Nirvana takes you to a new level of
refreshment. This mango melon blend features a combination of exotic Asian and Indian
herbs paired with Panax Ginseng." One fan reported that it tasted like orange
kool aid, and most seem to agree that it 'tastes really good'. Thanks to Eryn and
Parisa for info. Thanks to SoBe's website for the scan. You may check out their site
here for more
details. Thanks to Kim for the link.
A story from MTV's website; " 'Smells Like Booty.' 'A Stroke of Genie-us.'
'I Just Can't Get Enough Pills.' The song titles say it all. Music's latest craze is certainly a
twisted one. Some are even calling it bastard pop. How else do you explain Destiny's Child singing
'Bootylicious' over Nirvana's sacred 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' ? The new genre-crossing format, however,
has an obvious father in Napster, Gnutella and their controversial file-sharing siblings, who have fed
the frenzy by making a capella and instrumental tracks available to any wannabe producer with a decent
hard drive. Bootleg remixes would likely be all over the charts, except they happen to be illegal — unless,
of course, the remixers can score permission from the artists they use. And that's not easy, considering
they are generally going for the oddest combinations possible. When Dave Grohl heard about 'Smells Like Booty,'
for instance, his response was, 'It sounds like a f---ing mess.' " Read the full story here,
courtesy of MTV News. Thanks to Steph for the link.
Since the new and rewamped NFC Picture Gallery went back online a little over a month ago, it has
gotten more than 50.000 hits. Thanks to all the visitors who have supported it. We hope to get the
NFC Sound Gallery back soon as well. For now, visit the NFC Picture Gallery here.