- - - June 27, 2002 - - -
The NFC Picture Gallery is now finally back online. For bandwidth reasons the
gallery has been moved into a domain and hosting account of it's own and can
therefore now be found at www.nirvanaclub.net. Instead of just putting up the
old gallery again, I decided to completely re-do it. A lot of the pictures in
the old gallery had been on the site since it's birth in 1996 so it was about
time for a change. I compiled some of the best Nirvana pictures I could find, using
only a small fraction of the ones from the old gallery, and put them in the new
one. The new gallery is served dynamically, allowing you to easier browse
the pictures and choose how many you want to be shown per page - for example.
With a new and very user-friendly layout, the section will hopefully remain
one of the most visited parts of this website. Thanks to the countless of
people who put these pictures on the web at some point, and thanks to all
the photographers of course. Hopefully, the sound gallery will also be back
soon, but we are still looking for a host for that one. For now you can check
out the new NFC Picture Gallery here.

Apparently The Internet Nirvana Fan Club was mentioned on the Japanese TV-show
Sony Music Access last Friday (June 21, 2002). It happened in a non-stop
music video show with video clips, jingles and music business information and news.
It has an estimated rating of 600.000 people and is sponsored by media giant Sony.
This site was introduced on the show and on it's
Thanks to Kanagawa Television, Mr. Testuo and Ms. Ida.

pitchforkmedia.com put up the following Nirvana update;
"Possibly putting an end to the media war between Courtney Love and the surviving
members of Nirvana, it appears a compromise may have been reached in the battle over
how unreleased material from the Nirvana archives should be disseminated to the public.
As previously reported, Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl had been planning a three-disc
box set with Universal Music (who assumed the Nirvana catalog when the DGC label was
effectively folded into Interscope), but the set was put on hold when Love, as heir of
Kurt Cobain's estate, claimed that the recordings could not be released without a unanimous
decision among all three partners. Now, it appears one has been made, with a single-disc
Nirvana best-of compilation due as early as this Christmas, when it is expected Cobain's
diaries will be published. The best-of compilation would likely include a few previously
unreleased goodies including the post-In Utero demo 'You Know You're Right' (which has
appeared in part as a widely circulated MP3 bootleg), 'Verse Chorus Verse' (which appeared
as an unlisted track on the 1993 No Alternative compilation), and various alternate versions/rarities
yet to be decided. The best-of would be followed by Novoselic and Grohl's box set next spring, as
well as a single-disc distillation of the box set." Sounds interesting. The song
labeled as 'Verse Chorus Verse' in the story above is in fact entitled
Sappy. Thanks
to Will Bryant and Riley.

As mentioned in the story above, a book of Kurt Cobain's diaries is scheduled to be released
in November of this year. You can now pre-order the book at amazon.com. The suggested list price
is $26.95 but amazon will sell it for $18.87. If you would like to pre-order the book and be
among the first to own it, click
Thanks to Chris.
- - - June 25, 2002 - - -
Scott from VH-1 asked me to put up the following notice;
"VH1 is currently seeking KURT COBAIN fans for a one-hour special exploring
the untimely demise of rock stars and the fans that help keep their memories
alive. As part of this special, VH1 will join one selected fan on their journey
to various Seattle-based Kurt Cobain shrines. Along the way, we'll learn a little
bit about the fan and let him/her tell us why Kurt's death has changed his/her life.
Write to us and let us know a little bit about yourself, including:
Basic info; Your name/Age/Sex/Location.
When/why did you become a fan of Kurt Cobain/Nirvana?
How has his music and his death changed your life?
In what ways have you demonstrated your passion for Kurt?
Do you have any plans to visit Kurt's old house or other shrines in the next two months?
How can we contact you?
E-mail your info to Rock Graves @ VH-1. One lucky
fan will get the chance to tell the whole world why Kurt's legacy will never die."
- - - June 24, 2002 - - -
MTV put up another interesting Nirvana story on their website;
"Courtney Love, Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic continue to bump heads about a lot of
things, but attorneys for both sides say all three musicians think the unreleased Nirvana
song 'You Know You're Right' should be in the hands of the band's fans. They're aiming to
issue it on a Nirvana best-of collection by the end of the year, and the compilation will
be followed by a box set of rarities, then a single best-of-the-box CD. That's if all goes
well. If all does not go well, we may not get anything, as efforts to release the material
could be thwarted by ongoing legal battles, keeping 'You Know You're Right' and the box set
songs under lock and key for some time." Read full story here,
courtesy of Jon Weidderhorn and MTV News.
- - - June 20, 2002 - - -
On June 11, The New York Sun published an interesting article on the recent event with
clips of the unreleased Nirvana track You Know You're Right appearing online;
"It was a strange moment. The fans, normally a silent partner in any
band's success, had suddenly become principal players in the drama, not only in declaring
the depth of their desire to own one of modern music's holy relics, but also by potentially
altering the outcome of the artists' litigation. Record labels have been fighting internet music
-- e.g., manufactured CDs with safety features to prevent Web distribution -- and the struggle
to hear this song is a singular example of the Internet's power. Clips of the track were posted
at LiveNirvana.com for a short time before James Barber, Courtney Love's manager and boyfriend,
threatened the bootlegger who posted the song with legal action while at the same time insisting
the posted track wasn't a finished version. 'To my knowledge, the finished recording of You Know
You're Right has not been distributed on the Internet,' Mr. Barber wrote to the sun in an e-mail.
'And yes, of course we take all actions to prevent unauthorized distribution of unreleased masters.'
In the peculiarly meticulous world of online Nirvana buffs, the appearance of a studio version of
'You Know You're Right' was a Level One event. The online fansites like livenirvana.com, digitalnirvana.net
and the internet's largest Nirvana repository, nirvanaclub.com, are fastidiously structured databases
that bring an academic intensity to the study of the band's career. The archives are a seemingly inexhaustible
resource of performance statistics, bootleg reviews, and song information supported by footnotes from
official sources and links that report inaccuracies. The fans, with their Grateful Dead-style absorption
in Nirvana's catalogue, were excited earlier this year by reports that both Ms. Love and Mr. Novoselic
separately had hundreds of unreleased Nirvana materials -- containing everything from sound collages to
finished songs." Article written by Jonathan Durbin of the New York Sun. You can read the full
piece here (courtesy of Mitch Vassar and
Jen sent me this message; "We're hoping you can help spread the word to Nirvana Fans
everywhere -- up to 540 cities worldwide. On Tuesday, July 16 @ 8:00PM, they can meet face to face with
other Nirvana Fans in their town." The International Nirvana MEETUP Day is, as mentioned, scheduled
for Tuesday, July 16 at 8.00 PM. For more information on this project, go here.
Thanks to Jen Bekman.
- - - June 17, 2002 - - -
MTV just did an interview with Dave Grohl where the subject of Nirvana came up;
"The Courtney Love vs. Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic case is on its way to court, and in late September
the world should know more about the fate of unreleased Nirvana material. But Grohl is beginning to question
whether all the legal mumbo jumbo is worth the hassle. 'At the end of the day it's just not worth all the pain
and the anguish,' Grohl recently told MTV News. 'God, I had to get up at 9 a.m. to do a deposition today, and
it's just not worth that to me because my contribution has been made. The band is over and forever that music
will be there. There are times when I honestly don't give a sh-- who's running the cash register. I'll always
be the guy who played drums in that band, and to me that's more important than control or power or money or
In addition to being stressful and time-consuming, the litigation threatens to demean all
that Nirvana stood for and accomplished, Grohl said. 'Rolling Stone recently had a cover that read, Who Owns
Kurt Cobain? It's just absolutely everything the band stood against and has nothing to do with why the band
was a band in the first place.' Despite the headaches, Grohl is determined not to relent in the fight with Love
because he doesn't feel she's qualified to represent the best interests of the band and its fans. 'She wasn't in
the rehearsal space writing the music,' he said. 'She wasn't involved in the human records, she wasn't onstage
every night playing or in Aberdeen in 1987, hanging out with Krist and Kurt on tour in that tiny van. She wasn't
there for the majority of the band. So it would be different [if she wins control of Nirvana's music]. It would be
like handing Microsoft to me.'
Last month portions of the last song Nirvana recorded, 'You Know You're Right,' surfaced on the Internet, creating
a new wrinkle in the relationship between Cobain's wife and his former bandmates. Grohl and Novoselic wanted to include
the track on a planned Nirvana box set, but Love claimed she owned the track and sued to prevent it from being included
in the project. After the song was leaked, some accused Grohl of uploading the track to the Net to diminish its value —
a claim Grohl vehemently denies. 'Someone got a hold of a copy of that song, but not from me,' he said. 'I didn't give it
to anybody. This person in Spain put clips of it up on his Web site, and immediately lawyers came down on this kid going,
'Where did you get that song?' And he says, 'I got if off of a Probot CD,' which was a side project of mine. So the lawyers
just go straight to me: 'Why are you distributing this song?' And I had absolutely nothing to do with it.' Grohl added that
if he and Novoselic weren't enmeshed in a court battle with Love he wouldn't have any problem with unreleased Nirvana songs
being on the Internet. 'If everything was peachy keen and moving along just fine, then I would think that it's kind of cool
that some people actually got to hear the music rather than it being caught up in a bunch of f---ing legal bullsh--. I do want
people to hear the songs. The stuff that's on the box set is stuff like the craziest, most freaked-out Butthole Surfers/Scratch
Acid flip out that you've ever heard in your life. But I'm fortunate because I'm rich beyond my wildest dreams and I don't gotta
worry about selling CDs anymore.' " This interesting story
was courtesy of MTV News. Read the full interview with Dave Grohl here.
Thanks to John, Ronswell and others for reporting the news.
"On Friday June 21, 2002 there will be a Nirvana Radio show broadcasted on
killradio.org at 10:00 PM (pacific). The show will feature interviews, live performances, demos,
and an in studio performance by 'The Sun'. Check it out!" Thanks to Brian.
- - - June 15, 2002 - - -
As reported earlier on this site, former Nirvana drummer Chad Channing is now in a new band
called East of the Equator. The band recently recorded their first album and are about to release
their debut single "No One's Around" on the independent label Dinnertime Records. Some more info;
"East of The Equator was formed in 2001. The forthcoming album is the result
of months of recording at Greenhouse Studios in Vancouver, BC. Visit our site at www.eastoftheequator.net
for more information on the album. Check out an additional song exclusive to the Equator website.
If you are interested in buying CD's or helping promote the band, please use the contact information
on the site."
The band features Travis Robertson on lead vocals; Ric Autumn on lead guitar;
Erik East on rhythm guitar; Mike West on bass and finally Chad Channing on drums and vocals. The
first album The Painted Road is expected to get released sometime over the summer. Until
then you can listen to two of their brilliant songs by downloading the MP3 files below. Special
thanks to Erik, Travis and Chad for information and for providing these songs.
Look in the new NFC Sound Gallery.
- - - June 6, 2002 - - -
Yet another legendary artist has passed away;
"Dee Dee Ramone, the rock singer, artist and author who co-founded influential 1970s
punk rock band the Ramones and went on to become a rap singer and a painter, has died,
his agent said on Thursday. Ramone, 49, was found dead on Wednesday night at his home in
Los Angeles by his wife. The cause has not yet been determined, and an autopsy will be conducted,
Chris Maggiore of Los Angeles-based talent agency Artists Worldwide told Reuters. His death
follows that of lead singer and band co-founder Joey Ramone, who died in April, 2001 of lymphoma,
also at age 49." Story courtesy of Yahoo! and Reuters. Read more.
- - - June 3, 2002 - - -
In Seattle 107.7 The End did a countdown and of
course, Nirvana was number one. They didn't do the countdown in any
particular order, just randomly, so they played a chord or two of Teen
Spirit and the DJ's went: 'I'm not even gonna say who this band is and
I'm not gonna say what number they are [playing], so, here they are.'
They played 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' (of course), 'Love Buzz', 'Rape Me',
'Sappy', 'About a Girl' from Unplugged, New Wave 'Polly', and I think that's it."
Thanks to Jason and 'Gosunkugi'. The Top 10 of the countdown also included
bands such as Sublime, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, Pearl Jam and Staind.
Nirvana also landed as #1 on a countdown by New York radio K-Rock. Read
more here.
- - - June 2, 2002 - - -
After running for some three months - the latest NFC Poll ended today. The question
"Do you think it's a good idea to release a book containing Kurt Cobain's journals?"
received a stunning 16.318 votes. Out of those, 11.750 people (72%) supported the
release and voted yes - while 4568 (28%) thought it was a bad idea to put out the
journals in book form. So it seems that there is a significant majority of Nirvana
fans supporting the release (happening sometime later this year) but there's also
a good deal of people against it. In fact, when the poll first started, the "No"
answer was leading for a short time. But for the past couple of months the standings
have been around 70%/30% as the final result. A new poll has now been put up - also
dealing with release plans that Courtney has been toying with; "Should a 'Best Of
Nirvana' CD be released?" I know what my vote is! If you would like to vote as well,
just find your way to the main page. Note that if you recently voted in the old poll you
may have to wait a few days before you can vote again (even though the poll Q has changed).
The deadline for the latest NFC Competition has been pushed to August 1st rather than
June 1st. So, you can still enter your name for the chance to win some spectacular prizes!
Check out the contest here.