NFC News 06/2001
- - - June 30, 2001 - - -

Yahoo! put up an interesting story about the Courtney Love court case, mentioning this site a couple of times, and even mentioning the poll I have been running (see June 29 update for details); "Kurt Cobain's widow, Courtney Love, has obtained an injunction blocking the release of a Nirvana song recorded just months before Cobain's suicide, according to court papers. But a lawyer for Nirvana's surviving band members held out hope Friday that a box set containing 'a lot of new content' could be salvaged for October release with or without the new song. The album was planned as a 10th anniversary commemoration of the release of 'Nevermind,' Nirvana's 1991 disc that pushed Michael Jackson off the top of the record charts and started the 'grunge' music revolution in Seattle.

'It's a work in progress,' attorney Warren Rheaume told Reuters. Talks about the new album are continuing, he added, saying, 'Hopefully everybody can come up with something that can be put out.'

Whether the set contains the unreleased song 'You Know You're Right' remains in doubt. People who have heard the January 1994 studio recording of the song agree it could be a big hit.

A 45-second cut from a live version of the song can be heard on the band's fan club Internet site []. It is a bootleg recording from an Oct. 23, 1993, concert in Chicago featuring the angst-ridden Cobain vocal backed by bassist Krist Novoselic's wall of bass guitar and the slashing drums of Dave Grohl. The song was to have been included in the box set but Love, complaining she did not have any say in the album, blocked the release with the injunction, granted in King County Superior Court in Seattle June 11."

Here is the part of the Yahoo/Reuters story mentioning the poll I have been running here on NFC; "Nirvana fans have come down heavily on the side of the band members in the dispute. A poll on the fan club Web site shows 76 percent supporting Grohl and Novoselic, with just 6 percent on Love's side. Everyone in the dispute agrees the song, with an introduction of 'I don't need to love again/I won't sigh and mope again/I don't need to love again', would be a fitting final chapter of Nirvana's legacy. 'The fight is over control of Nirvana,' said Rheaume. The new album would contain 'out-takes, other stuff, whatever makes sense,' he added." This interesting story was courtesy of Yahoo! and Reuters/Variety REUTERS. Copyright © 2001 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Read the full story here. The soundclip of the song, mentioned above, can be downloaded here. I asked Krist Novoselic yesterday if he wanted to proceed with the boxed set, missing this song, or fight to have it included - but for legal reasons he could not comment.

On a sidenote, I would like to point out that the lyrics for the studio version of "You Know You're Right" are apparently quite different from the lyrics used in the live version (and thus the lyrics found on this site, and in various news articles recently published). Thanks to 'Cipher1000_2000' for the link to the Yahoo article.

Rolling Stone magazine also put up an article on this issue, basically mentioning the same as the Seattle Times article. Though, there are a few additonal tidbits; "Love argues that Nirvana was the single vision of Cobain and therefore should fall under Love's authority as the sole owner of his legacy and estate. The suit names Novoselic, Grohl, Nirvana L.L.C. and Universal Music Group. Love claims that a preliminary injunction was necessary to protect her legal rights and an immediate infringement upon them with the release of the box set. She charges Novoselic with threatening to erase master tapes of Nirvana recordings and finally claims that she entered into the partnership with Grohl and Noveselic at a time when she was still 'emotionally overwrought and distraught' over Cobain's suicide an unable to enter into any legal agreements.

In a written response to Love's request for a preliminary injunction bassist Krist Noveselic refuted many of Love's claims. He writes, 'When making decisions for the L.L.C., I am guided by a simple thought, What would Kurt think?' Novoselic contends that Love is not guided by the same principle saying, 'Here's my dilemma in a nutshell: Courtney wants control of Nirvana so she can leverage deals that benefit her career.' In regards to the box set, Novoselic charges Love with bringing the injunction about specifically to gain leverage in her suit with Universal Music Group, the parent company of Nirvana and Hole's label Geffen Records. The next step in the legal wrangle is a court date set for September 2002, a year after the intended release date of the Nirvana box set, but according to each side's attorneys, both parties are hoping to reach an agreement before then."
Story courtesy of Rolling Stone. Read the full one here. Thanks to Bas Vlaming for the link. Dotmusic also put up a story about this. Thanks to Julek for the link. Even the BBC over in the UK put up a story about this. It's more or less identical to the Seattle times one, though. It also mentions this site, and they even have a link to it :) Check it out here. Thanks to Simon.

With all the debate and controversy over the song "You Know You're Right" that's been going on, I decided to put up a longer clip of the live version, in much better quality than the old one. This clip was lifted from a bootleg recording of the show that took place in Chicago, IL on October 23 - 1993. Download it here.

"I was watching MTV and they had an MTV news brief on Courtney vs. Dave & Krist. While the news guy was talking about the judge's ruling, they switched to Nirvana performing 'About a Girl' at MTV New Year's Eve show from 1993. I thought this was kind of cool because MTV has only aired (besides the 9 songs they aired back in '93) a short clip of 'Come As You Are' from that show, and they first aired that clip of 'Come As You Are' back in 1999. So I thought MTV airing that short clip of 'About a Girl' was pretty cool." Thanks to 'CobainLithium686'.

- - - June 29, 2001 - - -

In regards to the article that Krist Novoselic recently posted on his website, I would like to make some personal comments on it, and pick out some of the most interesting bits. The article begins with Krist describing how Nirvana started, and he goes over some of the highlights in the band's career, and briefly documents their history. It's very interesting to hear this, straight from the horses mouth so to speak, and get details that are known to be correct.

  • Krist writes in his article that, in the late 80's; "Cobain, Channing and I started a sub chapter S corporation. We were each officers in this corporation and split ownership equally."

  • "In the Summer of 1990, for personal and musical reasons, Chad Channing and the band parted ways. It was an amicable split and the good intentions were reflected in Mr. Channing leaving the business with what all parties agreed was a fair settlement." The main 'musical reason' that Chad left the band was that his drumming didn't fit with the type of music that Nirvana wanted to do, and intended to do in the future. He was replaced by Dave Grohl and Grohl was made a full partner.

  • "We holed up for two months in a barn on the North end of Tacoma to put together the music for our second album. These were intense sessions where we played and played and played." Another interesting tidbit that I personally didn't know. I assume these recordings, among other things, yielded the interesting Nirvana version of "Old Age" of which a short clip was published by a Seattle newspaper a few years back. The full version remains to be released. Hopefully it will be included with tbe boxed set.

  • Some details on the Geffen contract; "During this period [spring/summer of '91] Nirvana signed a recording contract with Geffen records and a publishing contract with EMI. The structure of these contracts was reflective of our own business agreement. Assets and liabilities were split equally. We also gained professional management by Mr. John Silva, then of Gold Mountain Entertainment." Once again, it's interesting to note that "Assets and liabilities were split equally".

  • "That November, 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', a song that Cobain, Grohl and I co-authored, began enjoying tremendous success." In the booklet for the 1996 live album, it says; "All songs written by Kurt Cobain expect 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' ...". The reason for this is simply that the song was not written by Kurt alone, but by all three members of Nirvana - as Krist notes in his article.

  • After the success of Nirvana, and after Kurt met Courtney Love, "Mr. Cobain proposed an amendment to the structure of our agreement with EMI Publishing to allow him a greater share of the revenue from the publishing of the Nirvana catalogue. As it had become quite clear by this time that Kurt was to be the primary writer in the group, Mr. Grohl and I both agreed to the amendment." I don't know how great Cobain's share ultimately was, but I have heard as high as 96% being reported. Again, I don't know what the exact figure is. In any case, Kurt's share was higher than Krist and Dave's, because he was the "primary writer in the group" which, of course, is true since Kurt was the main writer of all Nirvana songs.

  • "Out of respect not only to Kurt Cobain's memory but also to his mother and sister, his daughter Frances, and to Ms. Love -- I made the decision (as did David Grohl) to not grant any interviews on the topic" [of Kurt Cobain's death and Nirvana in general]. This is the reason we haven't seen any interviews with Krist about Nirvana since 1994, except for some minor comments here and there. Grohl has not done any interviews exclusively about Nirvana, but is often asked about them in Foo Fighters interviews, and he has also commented on the boxed set a number of times. Courtney has done interviews on the topic of Cobain and Nirvana, most notably in a long Rolling Stone interview.

  • A while after Kurt died, a partnership was formed [I assume this is Nirvana L.L.C.]; "We decided that the best course would be to negotiate a partnership agreement between us all. I refer to it as the Nirvana constitution. It lays down rules for us to function. The formula is simple. On administrative matters there needs to be a majority vote. In regards to assets, there needs to be a unanimous vote. Courtney controls any Kurt Cobain indicia, (That's morally part of the estate anyway.) This was a fair deal to us all." Courtney has been trying to dissolve this partnership in the courts. See the court documents for more details.

  • "In 1998 the partnership signed an amendment to its contract with Geffen. We agreed to deliver a Box Set collection for greater controls over licensing and better royalty rates. With the intent -- as the only surviving founding member of Nirvana -- of seeing that our contractual obligations were met, I began work compiling recordings for potential inclusion on the box-set." This statement is in particular interesting, as it confirms that the boxed set started as far back as 1998 - around the same time I started a section of this site, dedicated to news and info about the box. I am sure many believed, myself included, that even today - the box was still in it's early stages and hadn't been worked on much. Fortunately, it was indeed started as far back as 1998.

  • "At the time [1998] Nirvana was approached by a MTV executive and filmmaker who wanted to direct a film biography on the life of Kurt Cobain. Her approach and ideas were compelling. Also, the film could dove tail into a promotional effort around the box set, a tenth anniversary re-issue of Nevermind and other Nirvana product. I was informed that MTV and Paramount pictures would produce the film. After we were ensured a good measure of approval rights Dave and I got on board." I have personally not heard much about this movie, until I read Krist's article. I don't know if the movie is still being worked on, or if it has been dropped entirely. It seems to have been, as Krist later says that; "After a while, the whole film issue sputtered out.". A re-issue of the Nevermind album surprises me a bit. I don't really see the purpose of such a re-issue. The plans of this have probably also been dropped, as the 1998 re-issue of Bleach was (mostly for legal reasons).

  • On a post at the discussion board earlier this year, Courtney said that Krist had apparently threatened to throw Nirvana tapes off a bridge. To that Krist says; "Regarding Ms. Love's assertion that I threatened to erase Nirvana master tapes, I can only say that my words were taken out of context as a means of attempting to distort my meaning for the purpose of a more potentially convincing legal brief. After listening to hours and hours of recordings for the box set project, I determined that there were some outtakes that sounded really bad. In this day and age of limited copyright protection in cyberspace, I was afraid that these recordings could leak out of our organization and hit the World Wide Web. I told Courtney that I felt we should erase some of these tapes because they are redundant and a poor representation of the group. Having worked so closely with Kurt Cobain, I know that he would feel the same as we occasionally practiced this while he was alive. Kurt had a very high level discretion in regards to art." It's noble that Krist only wants to release recordings that give a good representation of Kurt and Nirvana's music. But even so, I am sure a lot of Nirvana fans would be interested in any out takes, even if they were in poor quality (to a certain extent of course). It's understandable, though, that he is worried about material leaking out, and getting spread around the net, as poor quality and generated recordings.

  • The following quote from Krist's article proves once again how much control Courtney has over Nirvana; "For instance, neither David Grohl nor myself have the right to use a 'solo photo' of Kurt Cobain in the promotion of any Nirvana-related material without the expressed consent of Ms. Love (via the Estate...which has sole control over any solo likeness of Kurt Cobain). Neither David Grohl nor myself can release anything using the music of Nirvana without the expressed consent of Ms. Love (via the Estate...which controls the publishing rights of Mr. Cobain's catalogue as a songwriter)." You can read Krist's full article here.

    The latest NFC Poll, which is VERY relevant to the story above and the recent developments, asks the question; "Who should be in charge of the next Nirvana release?". After 5059 votes, the results were as follows: "Krist and Dave" - 3831 votes (76%), "Courtney Love" - 297 votes (6%), "Krist, Dave & Courtney" - 620 votes (12%), "Nirvana's record label" - 177 votes (3%), "Nirvana's management" - 134 votes (3%). So, as this poll clearly proves, the wast majority of Nirvana fans do not want Courtney involved with the boxed set. I believe a poll question of "Who should control the rights to Nirvana" would have yielded the same result. In other words, most people visting this site feel that Krist and Dave should control the rights to Nirvana rather than Courtney. In fact, the "Krist and Dave" answer got a much higher number of votes than "Krist, Dave and Courtney". You can still vote on the main page, if you haven't already.

    Earlier today, Courtney Love made a post on the discussion board, talking about the court case, the boxed set and related things. As usual, her post doesn't make much sense, but it does contain some interesting information. You can read it here, courtesy of 'CapCrazy'.

    In regards to the court case, here are the most essential parts of the June 11 verdict. Basically, Courtney wanted to prevent Krist and Dave from releasing Nirvana material without her permission and consent, in particular the song "You Know You're Right".
  • 1. Plaintiffs' [Courtney] Motion is GRANTED IN PART, as follows;

  • 2. Plaintiffs Love and Cobain, and defendants Grohl, Novoselic and Nirvana, L.L.C., and Universal Music Group, Inc., together with the officers, agents, servants, employees and attorneys of each, and the subsidiaries, successors, assigns and affiliates of each, and all other persons and entities in active concert and participation with any of the above-named persons and entities who receive actual notice of this Order, are enjoined from destroying, degrading, altering, modifying, adding to or subtracting from any of the recordings of Kurt Cobain or Nirvana until further order of this Court;

  • 3. Defendants Grohl, Novoselic and Nirvana, L.L.C. are specifically prohibited from releasing to defendants Geffen/Universal or any other person or entity, and from otherwise publishing, the song 'You Know You're Right' without either the written consent of plaintiffs or further Court Order;

    So what does this mean? It means that a) Krist and Dave cannot destroy, degrade, modify or otherwise alter existing recordings by Kurt and Nirvana. This is actually a good thing. b) Krist and Dave are prohibited from releasing the song "You Know You're Right" without consent from Courtney or a court order. Alas, only Courtney can release this song, or give Krist and Dave permission to do so. Thus, it is unlikely that it will be included with the boxed set. Will the boxed set be released in October? I don't know. As I see it, they have the option of releasing the set now, without this song, or keep fighting with Courtney in the courts, to possibly get the song included (and thus delay the release significantly). As far as I can tell, the above ruling only prevents Krist and Dave from releasing this song, and not other Nirvana recordings. If a legal expert or lawyer wants to comment further on this, let me know.

    - - - June 28, 2001 - - -

    Here is a very interesting story from the Seattle Times about the boxed set, and the battle over the song "You Know You're Right". This story is probably the most interesting I've read in years. For one, it's obvious that the Seattle Times have used this site when researching for the story, and they mention it several times in the article. Second, the article CONFIRMS that the boxed set actually EXISTS and is finished. It apparently contains [at least] 45 songs. The song in question, "You've Got No Right", has been discussed in this news section many times. As mentioned in the article, a short clip from a live performance of it, is available in the sound gallery. The song was also performed by Hole at the MTV Unplugged show some years back. The song has, as the only one, been confirmed to be included with the boxed set as far back as a year, by both Krist and Dave. The article also mentions that the boxed set was indeed scheduled for a September/October 2001 release (the 10th anniversary for Nevermind). But if a trial, set for December 2002, has to resolve things first, the set could be delayed significantly - at least if it should contain this song. I think it's a bit unreasonable to assume that this song alone could be what sells the box, and make it jump to 15 million units sold. That is obviously unrealistic - regardless of how good the song is. It's truly sad that Krist and Dave have to fight with Courtney over the rights to Nirvana. I personally don't see why Courtney should have the rights. Sure, she married their lead singer, but Krist and Dave created the music. You can read the full court document concerning the ruling of the case here, or the injunction on the case here.

    Here are some quotes from the court document; "On her own behalf and on behalf of her daughter, plaintiff Courtney Love Cobain ('Courtney Love') has come to this Court to seek relief against David Grohl and Krist Novoselic, who are the two surviving members of her husband's group, Nirvana, against the business entity Nirvana, L.L.C. ('the LLC') and against the successor holder of The David Geffen Company's contract with Nirvana ('Geffen/Universal').

    All parties agree that much is at stake here, including the possible publication of a previously unreleased and potentially very valuable recording by Kurt Cobain." - "The present dispute has arisen from the impending contract deadline for delivery of 45 previously unreleased Nirvana master recordings for inclusion in a Boxed Set. Defendants Grohl and Novoselic would like to go forward with Geffen/Universal in the preparation and ultimate release of a Boxed Set coordinated with the tenth anniversary of the release of Nirvana's first hit album 'Nevermind.' Plaintiff Courtney Love, who has succeeded to her husband's interest in the matter, has expressed concerns about the contents of the Boxed Set, particularly the possible inclusion of the Kurt Cobain recording 'You Know You're Right.' All parties believe that that recording, which has never before been released, has the potential to be a significant hit."

    "On April 30, 1991, prior to Kurt Cobain's death, Nirvana entered into a recording contract with The David Geffen Company. (Decl. of C. Love, supra, Ex. B.) Through a series of acquisitions, The Geffen Company is now owned by a Universal subsidiary. At various dates after 1991, the contract has been supplemented and amended by the parties and/or their successors. The amendment pertinent to the current motion was made by letter bearing the date of July 2, 1996. (Decl. of C. Love, supra, Ex. F.) Paragraph 1(b) of that 1996 letter amendment addresses the Boxed Set. It reads, in pertinent part: You [the LLC] agree to Deliver to Geffen a so-called 'boxed set' Multiple Record LP comprised of no less than forty-five (45) Masters embodying previously unreleased recordings of musical performances by Artist, so-called 'B-sides,' and other Masters (the 'Boxed Set'). The Masters to be embodied on the Boxed Set shall be determined by you in meaningful, good faith consultation with Geffen . . . You shall Deliver the Boxed Set to Geffen no later than June 30, 2001 . . . "

    "With regard to the Boxed Set, plaintiff Love asks this Court to enjoin Grohl and Novoselic from delivery of Masters to Geffen/Universal and to enjoin Geffen/Universal from any action on the Boxed Set pending further court order, thereby halting all negotiations and actions until the Court decides otherwise."

    "CONCLUSION: On the present record, Courtney Love has the clear contractual power to prevent release of previously unreleased recordings of Kurt Cobain without her consent. An injunction will issue to prevent the irreparable injury that would flow if Grohl or Novoselic deliver or otherwise release previously unreleased masters to Geffen/Universal without her consent, including specifically any recording by Kurt Cobain of 'You Know You're Right.' There is no need to enter an injunction against Geffen/Universal at this time with regard to the Boxed Set. There is no showing of wrongful acts in any negotiations over the Boxed Set, and no showing that they have possession of the disputed Cobain recording as to which an injunction might properly issue to prevent premature unauthorized release. In the absence of evidence establishing the contrary, this Court presumes that both sides will negotiate in good faith about the inclusion of masters in the Boxed Set. "

    Once again, read the full document here. Very interesting reading. The motion reads, in part; "Defendants Grohl, Novoselic and Nirvana, L.L.C. are specifically prohibited from releasing to defendants Geffen/Universal or any other person or entity, and from otherwise publishing, the song 'You Know You're Right' without either the written consent of plaintiffs or further Court Order. " In other words, only Courtney can release this song - as it looks right now. Read the complete Seattle Times article here. Thanks to Cary Smith, Maria, Bastian, Dave, Jonathan and others for the link. Apparently Krist Novoselic put up an article of his own on his website about this issue, but it has since been taken down. Krist's article is very interesting, as it describes the development of Nirvana, and Krist's take on the whole issue. You can read it here.

    AllStar and CDNow also put up a story about the case that you can read here. Finally, it should be noted that both the CDNow story and the Seattle Times story note an October 23, 2001 release date for the box. However, the 10th anniversary for Nevermind is September 24. It's certainly possible that the October date is the correct one, though.

    Today, the 30th annual Roskilde Festival in Denmark started. The festival was struck by tragedy last year, as 9 people lost their life due to an incident during a Pearl Jam concert. But the festival, where Nirvana played in 1992, continued and this year it features extensive security precautions - especially on the large stages - to prevent further incidents like last year. With a bit of a dull lineup, the biggest names on the bill this year include Deftones, Bob Dylan, AQUA, The Cure, Green Lizard, PJ Harvey, Queens of the stone age, Stereo MC's, Tool, Neil Young and Robbie Williams. Unfortunately, the headliner Guns N' Roses cancelled their show a couple of months ago. Check the Roskilde Festival website for more info. Click here for a 40-page document detailing the security precautions taken at this year's festival.

    "Dave Grohl has been reported to be drumming on a few songs on Queens Of The Stoneage's next album. He's a big fan of their music and has offered his drum services. The Queens gladly accepted his offer!" Thanks to Dave for this story.

    - - - June 27, 2001 - - -

    A new section of the site opened a few days ago. The section is a little webpage for the NFC Chatroom on the IRC network. The page features profiles for some of the most active users, and some interesting statistics about the channel - updated daily. You can also find the rules you need to follow in order to use the channel. And, of course, there is the actual chatroom which can be used from your browser as well as a regular IRC client (such as mIRC). To check out the new page, just go here. Special thanks to 'marshgas' for his hard work.

    "Hey, just thought I'd let you know: Kurt Cobain is featured on the cover of the US 'Guitar One' magazine. This August 2001 edition is dedicated to guitarists 'gone too soon'. There is also an article about Kurt, but it's general knowledge, so it's not really interesting." Click here for a scan of the magazine's cover. Thanks to Marian for the news and the cover scan. Dave added more info; "It has Kurt on the cover and talks about fallen heroes. There are many people in it and [it] talks about all their deaths and why they were so good. Buzz Osborne says 'Kurt wasn't noted as a guitar hero - guitar heroes have that marvel comics - style mystique. His biggest guitar contribution is that he pissed off people in metal, so they went away and he sold way more records with half as much effort in the process.'"

    "The bassist and drummer (Mike Inez, Sean Kinney) from Alice in Chains started a band called Spys 4 Darwin, and in an interview they were talking about how the band came about. They said they jammed with the people in Seattle like Soundgarden and said that Krist Novoselic hung out and played with them a lot, but apparently they said none of it was recorded. Thought this was interesting cause no one's been up to speed on what he's been doing lately really. For the interview, go here". Thanks to Tom!

    - - - June 25, 2001 - - -

    At around 5 PM Eastern Time, the counter on the main page of this site passed 4 million! In other words, since this site opened on April 8th 1997, it has been visited more than 4 million times. Or the main page has at least. Thanks to all the visitors.

    - - - June 22, 2001 - - -

    The 2nd NFC Compilation has now been released! The "NFC Compilation: Volume II" features almost 50 songs made by people who post on the NFC Discussion Board (or their bands). The entire compilation is currently available for download as high quality MP3 files. You can download the songs, read the liner notes, and get more info on the project by following this link. A huge thanks to all the talented artists involved.

    "Despite admitting they are anxious to take a break, the Foo Fighters are preparing to record the follow up to 1999's 'Nothing Left to Lose.' 'As much as we'd like to take a vacation and enjoy life outside of the band, I think we've finally realized that the best part about life is this band, and there's nothing we'd rather do,' writes Foos frontman Dave Grohl in a post on the band's Web site." Story courtesy of Rolling Stone.

    Sam was kind enough to transcribe the liner notes for the two Nirvana tribute albums and send them in. Check out the liner notes to the album, "A Tribute to Nirvana" (the one with a dolphin on the cover) here, and the notes for "Smells Like Bleach" here.

    "Just to let you know a new 'various artists' compilation will be released tomorrow (June 19) called 'Music of the Millenium' and supposedly has a Nirvana song on it (unknown at this time) and has other musicians such as David Bowie, Blur and Elton John." Thanks to 'Cobainela'.

    "In Holland, and in several countries in Europe I guess, there's this commercial for Mars (the chocolate bar). Well, I have to admit I didn't pay much attention to what the commercial shows, but it includes a guy in a desert or so, knocking on a (fortress door) to be let in, then eating a mars bar, and walking off again. But that's not the main thing: The song being played during this is 'Where Did You Sleep Last Night'. That's a Leadbelly song, I know. But this version is the same as Nirvana's. In fact, it's a cover of Nirvana's cover! It's played and sung the same, and it includes the raw singing in the end of the song, like Cobain did and all. It was played the exact same way. So I guess you could say it's a Nirvana cover." Thanks to Marcel!

    "In the July 5, 2001 issue of Rolling Stone, there's an article about Buddy Arnold, the man who runs the Musicians' Assistance Program to help musicians with drug problems, etc. In the article, he says: 'Failure and death are built into what I do. Kurt Cobain - He was a nice kid. Very soft-spoken, warm, no pretensions. Kurt said to me once, 'Buddy, I play all the wrong notes. All I do is turn up the distortion level.' I never understood that, but now I think I do. He wasn't dealing with a melodic or harmonic line. He was dealing with some kind of emotional impact. That's what that music was about. That's what his life was about. I've learned you can't ever tell who's going to make it, or who won't.'" Thanks to Bruce for passing this on.

    "This website which offers information about Nine Inch Nails and Marilyn Manson claims that a cover of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit was recorded by Marilyn Manson. However, due to Courtney's feud with the lead singer, the song was pulled from the final film of Moulin Rouge. It was replaced with the melody that your site mentions." This sounds a bit odd, but check this link for more info. Courtesy of Lon Markham.

    - - - June 13, 2001 - - -

    "A Los Angeles Superior Court judge has denied 11 of the 15 clauses of action filed by Courtney Love against Universal Music Group in which the singer-actress is charging the company with a variety of California labor codes and contractual misdeeds. Love is seeking to end her contract with Universal (which is also suing Love for her attempt to bail on her contract)." These past few weeks haven't exactly been kind for Courtney Love; first she had a miscarriage, then she was the victim of a $100.000 theft (including the wedding ring given to her by Kurt Cobain), and now her lawsuit against UMG seems to be more or less falling apart. Story courtesy of AllStar News.

    - - - June 12, 2001 - - -

    Another incident has happened to Courtney Love while shooting her latest movie in Vancouver; "More than $100,000 in jewels and other items were stolen from Courtney Love's hotel suite while she was out filming a movie, her manager said. Among the items said to have been taken is the wedding ring she received from Kurt Cobain, the Nirvana lead singer who killed himself in 1994 in the couple's Seattle home. Love arrived last month in Vancouver to shoot the movie '24 Hours' with Kevin Bacon and Charlize Theron. Also missing are a $30,000 ring that actor Edward Norton gave Love 'at a time when he had only $40,000 to his name,' and diamond bracelets she received from a former boyfriend/manager, said Lisa Shaw, a manager working with Love during her stay here. Toys belonging to Love's daughter with Cobain, Frances Bean, also were taken last week, Shaw said." Story courtesy of AP and Yahoo! Click here for a nice picture of Courtney and Frances at the recent premiere of the movie Pearl Harbor, courtesy of Reidar.

    "Next Sunday night (the 17th) on VH1 they are doing a 'Behind The Music' on [the year] 1994. In the commerical for the show, it features an interview from Kurt and later they show a clip of 'Heart-Shaped Box'. All of this fun info leads me to believe that there's going to be something about Nirvana in the show." More than likely. Thanks to 'Mr. Apple', Greg and others for this one. VH-1 also did a 'Behind the Music' special in 1992, I believe, that featured an interview with Krist Novoselic.

    - - - June 9, 2001 - - -

    This year's MTV Movie Awards featured a brief Nirvana appearance, as the presentation of the first nominee for the "Best Breakthrough Performance - Female" award included a clip of Nirvana's "In Bloom". The entertaining show was attended by many celebrities in the movie and music business, including Britney Spears, Jim Carrey, Mena Suvari, Tara Reid, George Lucas, John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson and many others. The show was aired today in Europe and in the US a few days ago. Thanks to Jordana and Rob for the news.

    "In next months (well, Augusts) edition of Total Guitar magazine there will be a Kurt Cobain feature." Thanks to Evan.

    The NFC Discussion Board, operating with a new script that I wrote, has now been up for a little over a month and seems to be running smoothly. A few problems here and there have been fixed, and most of the features - from the user's point of view - that the old script offered, have also been implemented with the new one. The entire script operates on a database, making it very fast and efficient. During the first month the script has been in use, the board has gotten a little over 30.000 messages spread over some 2.500 different topics ('threads'). In addition, there is now about 4.000 registered users. At the moment, however, new users cannot register. The registration option will return shortly. Check out the NFC Board here.

    "On they have posted a story about the artist Tricky whose new album will include a 'haunting take on Nirvana's Something in the Way.' He also works with fellow Rockers RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS. You can read the rest of the story here." Thanks to 'Mr. Apple' and CP.

    - - - June 4, 2001 - - -

    As mentioned earlier here, the new movie "Moulin Rouge" starring Nicole Kidman features a special musical version of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit". The song, however, is NOT on the soundtrack for the movie but integrated into a scene of the actual movie; "In the beginning of Moulin Rouge the cast breaks out into a song and they sing the lines 'Here we are now entertain us' for about ten minutes". Some more details; "In a dancing scene where the characters are supposed to be doing the 'can-can' (I believe) they begin to sing some songs. The entire movie has modern day songs such as Roxanne by The Police and Like a Virgin by Madonna, but this one scene has everyone singing Smells Like Teen Spirit." Thanks to Antonio and Lex for this info. Apparently, the director Baz Luhrmann had to beg Courtney Love (who owns the rights to Nirvana's music) for a while to get permission to use the song. The actual soundtrack contains songs with vocals by David Bowie, Christina Aguilera, Nicole Kidman, and Bono of U2.

    "It's not really news because it's not new, but I just wanted to let you now that the Belgian alternative radiostation 'Studio Brussel' has an annual program called 'De tijdloze top 100' (The timeless top 100) and Nirvana's SLTS has had the first place for two years now!" Thanks to 'Negative Creep'.

    "I just heard on the radio yesterday that a band called 'Scandle-us' are going to do a cover of Nirvana's SLTS. There is more to it though. Basically this band is Australia's Spice Girls -- a manufactured boy/girl band." Thanks to Chris for this one.

    Nirvana is mentioned in the May 2001 issue of the British magazine "Rock Sound". The magazine offers a couple of Nirvana posters. Thanks to Tony C. and Brandon W. Also remember that there is a lengthy article about "In Utero" in the May 2001 issue of Mojo magazine, as mentioned earlier. It might be available at your local Tower Records. Thanks to the beautiful Natalie for that one.

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