May 30, 2005
The new Classic Albums documentary about Nirvana's "Nevermind" album
is coming to the Sony PSP. Read more here.
Off The Record, a legendary store in San Diego where Nirvana
once did an in-store acoustic gig is closing, but will reopen
in a new location. Read more here.
The lovely Stephanie who joined the tribute to Kurt Cobain at Viretta
Park in Seattle this past April wrote a story about her visit to Seattle
and her love for Nirvana. You can find it here.
May 10, 2005
Foo Fighters konkurrencen er slut og vinderne er blevet kontaktet. Tak til dem der deltog!
May 9, 2005
Only for people in Denmark: Eksklusiv konkurrence! Vind billetter til
Foo Fighters koncerten i Danmark på onsdag d. 11. maj. I samarbejde med
Sony BMG udloder vi 5x2 billetter til koncerten i Tappehallerne i Hellerup
på onsdag. Koncerten vil blive sendt på MTV over hele verden og er del af
et launch party for MTV Danmark. For at deltage i konkurrencen skal du sende
en e-mail til: (konkurrence er slut) og
svare korrekt på følgende spørgsmål:
Hvad hedder den første single fra det
nye Foo Fighters album, In Your Honor, som udkommer 13. juni?
a) Everlong
b) Best Of You
c) Monkey Wrench
Husk i din mail at skrive dit navn, samt navnet på din ledsager (hvis du vinder
får du 2 billetter).
Send svaret per e-mail senest kl. 14 - tirsdag d. 10. maj 2005
Vinderne får direkte besked per e-mail i løbet af tirsdag eftermiddag.
Foo Fighters - Live in koncert
Onsdag d. 11. maj: Tappehallerne/Tuborg Havn, Hellerup
Dørene åbnes kl. 20.00 og lukkes kl. 21.30
Koncerten fejrer en MTV launch i DK - bliver filmet af MTV og efterfølgende
sendt på alle MTV kanalerne i hele verden. Dette er en fed start på en meget
speciel dobbelt-CD udgivelse. In Your Honor udkommer d. 13. juni: "New double
CD: 20 songs, 2 CDs, one loud, one not so loud"
May 5, 2005
Jon sent in some interesting news: "There is a screening
of 1991 - The Year Punk Broke with Sonic Youth and Nirvana. It is showing
this weekend, Saturday May 7 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in St. Louis, MO. at the Webster
University Film Series. What is extra special about the screening is it is being
shown with director Dave Markey's 2005 companion piece (This is Known As) The Blues
Scale which equates to about forty extra minutes of footage of the original film.
Nirvana performs In Bloom though the audio is a little rough. I have to tell
you though, Kurt's solo is blistering in this version of the song. Sonic Youth also
performs 4 more songs and there are plenty more backstage antics, especially with
Sonic's Thurston Moore. The whole series includes The Decline of Western Civilization,
The Year Punk Broke with Blues Scale as the centerpiece, and Instrument.
The series concludes the next weekend with the premiere of the new Flaming Lips documentary
The Fearless Freaks. This is a one night only screening to see Kurt, Krist, and Dave
on the big screen." For Film Series calendar, directions, prices, and times go here.
Also check out Dave Markey's own website here.
Interest in the latest NFC Competition has been quite overwhelming. In
just three days, some 2000 people have already entered! See the May 2
story for more info on how to enter if you haven't already.
May 2, 2005
The time has finally come for another NFC Competition. This one features
quite a unique first prize and the most valueable out of all the prizes
offered in the many competitions we've run over the years. For this, the
12th NFC Competition, the first prize is the authentic Pennyroyal Tea
single. The single was recalled shortly after Kurt died in April 1994 and
it is believed that only a few hundred copies are in circulation around the
world. Together with the Love Buzz 7" this is one of the most sought
after Nirvana collectibles. For a chance to win this single, or one of the two
other prizes, simply enter your name and email in the form and answer a couple
of questions. The competition ends September 1st, 2005.
First Prize: Pennyroyal Tea authentic single (limited edition)
Second Prize: Classic Albums: Nevermind - brand new DVD including promo poster and postcards
Third Prize: NME Originals: Gods of Rock - magazine with a lengthy article about Nirvana
Contest has ended!