- - - April 30, 2001 - - -
Courtney Love has made some additional posts over at the official Hole website,
talking about the boxed set. Though, among other things, she also states that
Chad Channing (former Nirvana drummer) has more publishing rights to the band
than Krist and Dave put together. She also shares her plans of dissolving the
company holding the Nirvana trademark, Nirvana LLC, since she feels that there
is "no legal way the partnership should have been formed", on the basis that
Kurt wrote 98% of the songs (the partnership consists of Kurt as well as Krist
and Dave). She talks about how she has more than 100 tapes of unreleased material
in her possession, and wants to release it on her own, and not participate with
Krist's boxed set. In addition, she claims Nirvana legally ceased to exist in 1994.
You can read quotes from her posts here.
"Hi, I'm from Brazil and Mudhoney just played some shows here. They said some really
interesting things about the grunge movement and also about Seattle bands like Nirvana
[in an interview];
Interviewer: 'What effect did Kurt Cobain's death have on your career?'
Mark Arm joked: 'This beat us down! We could not do more shows without our vocalist.'
Turner: 'It was sad, a tragedy, but in fact, it didn't change our music. It's just that. Sad.
Hey kids, don't shoot at your head!'
Showing that he was tired about talking over and over
about the death of Kurt Cobain, Mark Arm joked again:
'We are starting a campaign, don't
kill yourself shooting at your head'.
Right after the death of Kurt Cobain, a lot conspiracy
theories appeared, involving Courtney Love. The members of the band agreed:
'It is not true, Kurt
Cobain killed himself!' Mark Arm: 'In order to create a perfect plan without leaving any suspicion,
it was necessary [for] a very intelligent person and at that time, everybody was too stoned to do
Steve Turner: 'However, El Duce is certainly a very trustful source of information!'
'Nowadays, everybody is talking about stoner rock, do you think it will be as big as the grunge movement?'
Steve Turner: 'No'.
Interviewer: 'What bands are you listening nowadays?'
Steve Turner: 'Elliot Smith,
Discharge, Duane Peters and the Hunns, Waylon Jennings, Townes Van Zandt, X, Wire, Charlie Rich, Ultravox,
Briefs, Spits, Vaccines, Wiretraps, Kent 3...'
Interviewer: 'What do you think about new Seattle bands
like Murder City Devils?'
Steve Turner: 'I like Murder City, A-Frames. There are a lot of cool punk bands
in Seattle right now.'
Mudhoney is against the rock star behavior, so they don't like to be classified
together with bands like Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam or Soundgarden.
Mark Arm: 'These three bands can be
classified together because they make a more commercial type of sound. It was their desire to sell millions
of records. It was their goal. They are hard rock commercial bands while we are anticommercial and unpopular.'
Dan Peters: 'But this doesn't mean that we hate them! They are all good people'.
Hate is not the exactly
word to describe what Mark Arm feels about these bands, but a little bit of resentment is noticeable when
he talks about Green River. He admits that the anxiety for success of his ex-bandmates (Jeff Ament and Stone
Gossard) was the reason for splitting up the band." This article, including an interview with Mudhoney,
was translated by Gust from Brazil.
"Kurt and Courtney are on the cover of [the current] Entertainment weekly about Hollywood
and drugs. There also is a pic of Kurt in the magazine." Thanks to Jordana.
- - - April 29, 2001 - - -
I have spent the last three weeks or so writing a new database driven Discussion Board script
for the site - which has now been implemented. The script replaces the old one - "The Ultimate
Bulletin Board" - that had been in use for a couple of years. While being a nice script, especially
after several modifications and new features being added by me, it suffered from being slow and
instabile - and had several security flaws. In addition, it was quite expensive, requiring a $250
fee. In fact, a large business (300+ employees) would have to cough up $4.299 for a "Non-
expiring license" for using the script (source: Infopop Corporation). The new script should be faster
than the old one, a little easier on the eyes, and offer most of the basic features the old one
did. Most of the bugs and errors have been fixed now, and the script seems to be running fairly
well. Since it's implementation a few days ago, it has gotten about 1.000 new messages a day. A
large number of the messages made to the "old" board are available in the archive
(more to be added shortly). Thanks to the wonderful people who created PHP and MySQL and thanks
for making it free. Also thanks to my host for refusing to install the latest PHP, forcing me to
make the script database driven, as opposed to using files ;) Check out the board here.
- - - April 27, 2001 - - -
An interesting e-mail I got the other day; "This e-mail is 'official notification' that your site --
The Internet Nirvana Fan Club -- is now mentioned in print! Your web site is mentioned in the new book,
The Incredible Internet Guide to Pop Music! Our 330+ page book lists your site along with over 3000 of
the hottest music sites! Borders, Barnes & Noble, and many other national bookstore chains have the book
in stock! The Incredible Internet Guide to Pop Music shows you the best sites for over 60 of today's top
music artists, including Madonna, Britney Spears, Eminem, Nsync, Destiny's Child, The Dixie Chicks, Lenny
Kravitz, Creed, Jennifer Lopez, Will Smith, Janet Jackson, Oasis, Faith Hill, Stone Temple Pilots and tons
more! The Incredible Internet Guide to Pop Music also includes the official web sites for hundreds of other
artists, music resources online, and a whole chapter on the best in Internet radio." Courtesy of Facts on
Demand press.
A recording of Nirvana's 12/28/91 show in Del Mar, California was recently aired on the radio show
'99 The Buzz'. The recording, which is in excellent quality, featured the entire show. The show has
been heavily bootlegged and is available on a number of commercial bootlegs, varying in quality.
Thanks to David for the news.
- - - April 23, 2001 - - -
"My name is Sean and I'm from Canada. I just thought I would let you know
that Mudhoney is playing a concert on May 11, 2001 in Seattle at the Crocodile
Café. This is their only concert scheduled at the moment." Thanks to Sean.
"Just thought I let you know that PlayUk (music and comedy channel) had a
show on saturday the 21st April which celebrated the top 20 pop rebels.
Nirvana came in at number 6 - Come As You Are was played resulting to that.
Also on english radio about midnight I was surthing the air waves when i
caught a piece about a doctor talking about depression and suicide. He
brought up Nirvana's Kurt Cobain saying that becuase of his fame and being
very well known through the teenage crowd he could have a effect on the
their society." Courtesy of Denzo.
- - - April 21, 2001 - - -
MTV Europe are having a "Legends" special this weekend. They will be airing various
shows and music videos focusing on music legends such as Kurt Cobain, Madonna, Michael
Jackson and others. Today, they aired the "Bare Witness" special again. It's possible
that there will also be mentions of Nirvana tomorrow.
SonicNet put up a story about Napster, including a blurb on Nirvana; "With labels shouldering
the burden of naming songs to be removed from Napster, many indies choose to skip the process
entirely. A court injunction stemming from the major labels' copyright infringement suit against
Napster has forced it to block access to copyrighted songs — but labels have the burden of naming
the songs in question. And many small and mid-size indie labels have so far chosen not to shoulder
that particular burden, leaving Napster chock-full of their music. Want the entire catalogs of
Pavement and Sleater-Kinney, or early work by Nirvana or Guided by Voices? It's all still available,
even as the oeuvres of Christina Aguilera, Eminem and Metallica get harder and harder to find.
The court injunction requires labels not only to submit artist names and song titles, but also to
list the specific file names used for those songs on Napster — a time-consuming and expensive process,
the major labels claim. 'We have a two-person team — me as the new media director and then the webmaster,'
said Josh Ayala of Seattle's Sub Pop Records, whose 500-album catalog includes classics by Soundgarden
and Nirvana. 'For us to go and compile the song list [is too difficult] — our energies are better spent
elsewhere. Especially since [Napster] might increase our exposure.' " It's refreshing to see that
a record label, Nirvana's original no less, has some sense and realizes that Napster can in fact increase
exposure to indie bands. Story courtesy of Sonicnet.com Music News of the World, the daily music news service
- http://www.sonicnet.com/ and MTVi. Please have in mind that there are a LOT of fake Nirvana songs and deliberate
mislabels floating on Napster. Do NOT e-mail me about these. Instead, refer to the NFC FAQ.
Thanks to Chris for the link to the SonicNet story.
- - - April 18, 2001 - - -
"Nirvana will be on the VH1 show, 'All Access: 25 Years of Punk' on Thursday, April 19,
along with other artists like Pearl Jam, RHCP, Ramones, RATM, R.E.M., Sonic Youth and others.
The Foo Fighters will be on the same show as well. The Foo Fighters will also be on CBS: 'The
Late Late Show With Craig Kilborn' on the same day." Thanks to Daniel for passing this on,
courtesy of Wall of Sound.
"Being from England I saw the British channel PlayUK's Top 100 ('100 Greatest Songs voted by
the viewers'). Nirvana came in at #2 with 'Come as you are' and #1 with 'Smells like teen spirit'".
Also, Radio One in the UK's listeners made a Top 30 where "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was also
number one. Here is a newspaper clipping about that, from an edition
of "The Mirror". Thanks to Michael and 'thedohboy' for this news.
"I am amazed that I hear another radio thing about Nirvana, today (4/16) DC101 (DC/Baltimore) had
played All Apologies, and after the Radio DJ came on mentioning a boxset due for Christmas of this
year!" Thanks to Tameem.
- - - April 17, 2001 - - -
A brand new book about the band Alice in Chains has just been released.
The band, often described alongside Nirvana and Pearl Jam as "Grunge",
is also loved by many Nirvana fans. "Unchained - The story of Mike Starr
and his rise and fall in Alice in Chains" tells the story of the band by
the words of their former bassist (Mike Starr); " ... it uncovers many
mysteries and much of the mystique of Alice in Chains and what role heroin
played in the band's fate." - "'Unchained ...' is the life story of the
Grunge band's founding bass player. It details how fame and fortune can
go awry when heroin enters the mix. It's based on interviews with Mike,
his family, and his close friends." - "The result of the 16-month long
writing odyssey reveals more stories about rockers and celebrities than
John Brandon [the author] expected to hear. 'Unchained' contains exclusive
stories about Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, Pauly Shore, Matt Dillon, Van
Halen, Pearl Jam, and Evel Knievel." Cobain was a fan of Alice in Chains
and the book contains several mentions of him, including a story where Kurt
tried to approach the band at one of their concerts, only to be knocked off
stage by a bodyguard. After reading a few pages, it seems to be quite an
interesting book, and it dares to answer the question "Why is heroin destroying
so many young lives?" - a question that is particular relevant in the Nirvana
fan community. If you live in the US and want to order a copy of the book,
simply call this number: 1-800-247-6553. You can also get it from
here. The price is just $12.95
US dollars, plus $4 for shipping (international shipping might be higher).
John Brandon, the author, noted that; "I have a brand new book coming out
titled 'Unchained...The Story Of Mike Starr And His Rise And Fall In Alice
In Chains.' It's been published by Xanadu Enterprises of Iowa. It contains
several untold, exclusive stories about Kurt Cobain, how he felt about music
and the other Grunge Music bands, and why Mike and he became friends. Mike
Starr and I began work on it in December 1999 and I just completed it.
It's based on interviews with Mike, his parents and sister, and several of
his close friends. It's about Mike's life story, Alice In Chains from the
beginning, the entire Grunge Music scene, and Mike's heroin addiction. It
uncovers much of the mystique of Alice In Chains and it's the only book I
know of about the band." I will have a copy of the book up in the next NFC
Competition, autographed by the author of course. With a little luck, this
competition will also include the brand new edition of the "Winterlong" book.
The competition will be up soon. As for the "Unchained" book, check out it's
official website for more info.
Special thanks to John Brandon and Craig Chilton for their generosity and
helpful information.
Today it's been exactly ten years since Nirvana first did a live performance
of the now legendary song "Smells Like Teen Spirit". Performed at the OK Hotel
in Seattle (a venue that is about to be destroyed, if it hasn't been already,
because of the recent earthquake in Seattle) on April 17, 1991 - the song was
immediately an audience favorite. A clip of the performance was included with
the documentary "Hype!" from 1997.
- - - April 16, 2001 - - -
"Joey Ramone, lead singer of legendary punk band the Ramones, passed
away at 2:40 p.m. Sunday at the age of 49. The towering front man, born
Jeffrey Hyman, did not respond to treatment for lymphatic cancer, a disease
that attacks the body's ability to fight infection. Along with his cohorts
Johnny, Tommy and Dee Dee — all of whom adopted Ramone as a surname — Joey was
credited with helping found the modern punk movement. In mixing the griminess
of the New York streets with a love of bubblegum pop, '60s girl groups and the
Stooges, the Ramones inspired everyone from the Sex Pistols and the Clash to
Green Day and Blink-182 to stake their turf on four dirty chords and an (often)
inane hook." Story courtesy of MTV.
This story is from the DHS newsletter; "A 14-year old girl killed herself in
Italy on April 10 2001 for Kurt. This is the 68th copycat suicide I have heard
about. The news was only printed in Italy." Story courtesy of Jordana and DHS.
"Around 4:15 eastern time on April 15th, WHFS (99.1 Baltimore) finished
playing a 3-block set of Nirvana and the radio DJ came on after 'Come As You
Are' had just finished. He began to talk about Krist Novoselic and how after
being a rockstar, he had become a political activist, always dressed up in
suits and a very busy, serious guy. Than he mentioned that there will be a
TV show (??) with him in it, coming up sometime, and then moved on to speak
about Dave Grohl working on their next album (actually I missed how the DJ
phrased it here, he could of been talking about the boxset that Krist and Dave
were working on, but I doubt it.)" Thanks to Tameem for that story.
"Apparently, they are making a movie out of Nick Hornby (High Fidelity, Fever
Pitch)'s book, 'About a Boy'. And it's not going to be a small-scale indie movie.
In the book, there are numerous mentions of Nirvana, and the story goes on when
Nirvana hits big time, until slightly after Kurt dies. Here's stuff I found about
[the movie]: 'Catherine Zeta-Jones has decided against playing a single mom opposite
Hugh Grant — the sultry Welsh actress wants to spend more time being a real-life mom.
Zeta-Jones was in talks to star in About a Boy, a British romantic comedy based on the
novel by Nick Hornby — whose High Fidelity was also turned into a film featuring Miss Z-J.
But the actress dropped out of the running recently, and various sources say she wants
to relax at home with husband Michael Douglas and their 8-month-old son." You can probably
find more info at www.imdb.com. Thanks to Daniel for the info. There is a review of "About
a Boy", mentioning the Nirvana/Kurt references, in one of the past NFC Newsletters.
"This morning I got my monthly susbcription to Mojo magazine through the door, to find
that this month the feature article is 'The agonising birth of In Utero', a 9-page in depth
article about the recording of this great album. The article is very informative with some
interesting sub-stories about life at the Pachyderm whilst Nirvana were there, partcicularly
the ubrupt and uninvited arrival of Courtney... I think a bit of the info is quite 'unknown',
or at least not widely known. One of the pictures in there was described as 'never seen before',
and it's quite cool. I've scanned it in and other images of interest." View the images here:
#1, #2,
#3 and #4. Thanks to Tim Hall for this story, and the scans.
"Hi, my name's Mike and I don't know if anyone's let you know about this, but there's a station
at www.shoutcast.com that plays nothing but Nirvana and Kurt Cobain related songs." Here is the
link (should be opened with WinAMP). Thanks to Mike.
- - - April 13, 2001 - - -
Dimitri sent in this one; "[There will be] a big party in Hamburg:
KURT COBAIN MEMORIAL NIGHT No.4. Friday 13.04.2001 at 21.00 (9 PM).
The price is DM 12.- or DM 15.-. The address: Neuer Kamp 30, 20357
Hamburg - St. Pauli. The party will include: 1) Multimedia-Slideshow
with more then 300 pics of Kurt Cobain. 2) They will show 'KURT &
COURTNEY' on the big screen. 3) Disco with Alternative-Rock-Hits from
1990 - 2001 with a lot of Nirvana stuff. 4) Virtual Nirvana concert on
the big screen etc." Go to www.nirvana1.de for more info. Thanks to
Dimitri for this info. Click here for
a flyer about the event. Sorry for not posting this sooner.
- - - April 8, 2001 - - -
Today, it's been exactly seven years since Kurt Cobain was found dead in his Seattle
home by electrician Gary Smith. MTV Europe were airing a live show called "Most Wanted"
at the time, and the host (Ray Cokes) first reported that "a man had been found dead in
the home of Kurt Cobain". Later in the show, it was announced that it was in fact Kurt
himself. This was probably the moment where most Nirvana fans in Europe heard the news,
and MTV Europe have never had as many viewers as they did that faithful weekend. I have
put up some movie files of the two above moments on MTV in the show "Most Wanted" that
I taped 7 years ago. Click
here for the first clip, where Ray Cokes announces that a person has been found dead
in the home of Kurt Cobain. Then click here
for the second clip, which features the announcement and a clip of Nirvana's "Come as you
are" video. I am sure there are many fans out there who remember this moment like it was
yesterday. The two files are in the 'Windows Media Video V8' format, and can be played
back with a recent version of the Windows
Media Player. To keep the file size low, the quality isn't the greatest. Both clips
are ©1994 MTV Europe.
One of the first (if not the first) reports from the Associated Press (AP) read;
"SEATTLE (AP) Kurt Cobain, the troubled lead singer of the hugely popular grunge rock
band Nirvana, shot himself to death at his home, sources said today. A police source in
Seattle confirmed the man found dead in Cobain's home today was the singer-songwriter.
And in Los Angeles, an MCA Inc. executive told AP Entertainment Writer John Horn that
Ed Rosenblatt, the president of Nirvana label Geffen Records, informed parent MCA Records
that Cobain was dead. For the record, officials said only that a man roughly Cobain's age
had been found shot to death at the home, a suicide note nearby. The body, described as that
of a white male in his 20s, was discovered by an electrician who went to the home this morning
to do some work, said police spokeswoman Vinette Tichi. Nirvana pioneered grunge rock and is
known for the multimillion-selling 1991 album 'Nevermind,' which featured the hit 'Smells Like
Teen Spirit.' Another best-selling album, 'In Utero,' was issued last year. Cobain, 28 [sic],
wrote the music and anguished lyrics to most of their songs. Medical Examainer Dr. Donald Reay
said officials are 'working on the presumption' that the deceased is Cobain. He gave no details.
In Aberdeen, Cobain's mother, Wendy O'Connor, said her son had been missing for six days and that
she feared he would be found dead. She said she had no official confirmation the dead man was her
son, but said, 'Now he's gone and joined that stupid club,' referring to the early deaths of such
rock stars as Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison. 'I told him not to join that stupid club,' she said."
"In early March, Cobain spent several days in a Rome hospital after falling into a drug-and-alcohol-
induced coma. Tichi said the body, found in a cottage apartment above a detached garage, had been
there about a day. The man had suffered a shotgun wound to the head. She gave no detail on the content
of the suicide note. A spokesman for Cobain's management company, Michael Meisel of Gold Mountain
Entertainment in Los Angeles, said they had heard nothing. Meisel didn't know whether Cobain was
in Seattle or not. When he fell ill last month, Cobain had reportedly gone to Rome with his wife,
Courtney Love, also a singer, and their daughter to recover from health problems that had forced
the band to cancel two recent concert dates in Europe. The grunge style features second-hand
shabbiness in attire and ear-splitting iconoclasm in music. Along with rival Pearl Jam, the
three-member Nirvana made Seattle a leading center of alternative pop music, and the grunge
look was even picked up by fashion designers. Michael Azerrad, author of 'Come As You Are:
The Story of Nirvana,' said the songs are so popular because they speak to the worries of
people in their 20s. 'The divorce, the violence, the drugs, the diminished opportunities for
an entire generation that is so crucial to the sound of their music and the success of their
music,' he said in a 1993 Associated Press interview. 'The band translated that pain and anger
and confusion into musical soundwaves very directly that hit a nerve among a large amount of kids,'
Azerrad said. Love, lead singer of the rock band Hole, also was treated for heroin use, her
lawyer said while filing a lawsuit against her doctor last year. The couple's daughter, Frances,
was born in 1992. Love's band is known for the albums 'Pretty in the Inside' and a new one, 'Live
Through This.' Cobain was the product of a gritty boyhood in Aberdeen, a rough-and-tumble coastal
logging town. In a Los Angeles Times interview last fall, he recalled being intensely alienated
from most of his boyhood acquaintances when he sought painting rather than sports and a life beyond
work in the woods, on the docks or at lumber mills in town. 'Yeah, you know, there were a lot of
Beavises and Buttheads back there,' he said. 'The only difference is they weren't as clever as the
guys on TV.' AP-DS-04-08-94 1537EDT." Courtesy of The Associated Press, ©1994. Check out the following
photos, from April 8th, released by the AP;
On March 13 1994 (just a few weeks before Kurt died), MTV Europe had a "Nirvana Sunday"
special. Throughout this day, they played Nirvana's videos, the Unplugged show, the terrific
"Past, Present and Future" special and the complete "Live and Loud" show (including performances
by The Breeders, Cypress Hill and Nirvana as well as comments from the hosts Anthony and Flea of
RHCP). The Nirvana Sunday started at 8:00 AM with the early video for "In Bloom" and was hosted
by the beautiful Marijne Van Der Vlugt. MTV made a little promo for their 'Nirvana Sunday' that I
also taped -- you can view it
here. The quality of this clip should be a bit better.

"In the latest issue of Spin magazine, '25 years of punk' with Sid Vicious on the cover, there are many
mentions of Nirvana. Included are a picture of Kurt, In Utero listed as 1 of the 50 most essential punk
records, and Dave Grohl kissing Krist on SNL as 1 of the 5 best times punk was on TV. Also, in the special
collector's issue of Guitar Legends, with Hendrix on the cover, there is a picture and article about Kurt
being 1 of the 100 greatest guitarists." Thanks to 'paper cuts' for this info.
- - - April 7, 2001 - - -
"Karl over at Weezer's fanclub site has posted the rest of the Nirvana songs covered by Weezer in
1998. At this site, the rest of the show where
Weezer disguised themselves as Goat Punishment and played a bunch of Nirvana covers is downloadable
as MP3s." The setlist includes:
1. Mr. Moustache
2. Aneurysm
3. Breed
4. Dive
5. Swap Meet
6. Blew
Thanks to Scott, Kyle and Jon-Paul for this news.
"On MTV Cribs, I saw this on April 5th, Kurts death date, they showed Dave
Navarro's home. At his home he had a purple case with one of Kurt Cobain's
guitars. He said Kurt had lent it to him but he never had a chance to return it
and it's [his] most prized posession." Thanks to Matt for this story. Thanks
to Scott, Jay and others for correcting the name.
After 2454 total votes, the 19th NFC Poll - "What should be the main content
of the box-set?" was concluded with the following result; "CD's" - 1143 votes (47%),
"Videos" - 849 votes (35%), "DVD's" - 263 votes (11%), "Books/mags etc." - 72
votes (3%), "Other (shirts etc.)" - 127 votes (5%). Thus, just about half the
voters thought that the forthcoming boxed set should mainly consist of CDs, but
a lot of people also wanted DVDs and Videos. Hopefully, the finished product will
be a mix of those. Thanks to everyone for voting! Maybe this will help give the
Nirvana people a push in the right direction :) Another poll has been put up;
"What is your favorite B-side?" B-sides are usually released on singles and
compilations. All of the choices are songs that have been released officially,
with the exception of "You've Got No Right". I figured I'd include it since
a lot of people have listened to the live recording from a bootleg, and since
it will more than likely be featured on the upcoming boxed set from NIRVANA.
The schedule of upcoming stuff about Nirvana on TV has been updated again.
Especially MTV Germany and MTV2 in the UK will be paying tribute to Kurt
Cobain this weekend. Thanks to Dimitri and Stephan for updates.
- - - April 6, 2001 - - -
"On page 5 of Kerrang! [magazine] #847, in the top right corner, it says that
Nirvana's "Smells like teen spirit" has been voted Kerrang! readers' favourite
promo clip. The video was the first shown on Kerrang! TV when it hit screens on
April 2nd. It states the Top Ten as: 1: Nirvana - Smells like teen spirit;
2: Metallica - Enter sandman; 3: Limp bizkit - Break stuff; 4: Marilyn Manson
- Beautiful people; 5: Slipknot - Wait n bleed; 6: Korn - Freak on a leash;
7: Foo Fighters - Learn to fly; 8: Deftones - Back to school; 9: Red hot chili
peppers - Give it away; 10: Rage against the machine - Sleep now in the fire."
Thanks to Daniel for this info.
The British Channel 4 currently have a trailer going for a viewers 'Top 10 Music
Moments', and the trailer shows clips from the Nirvana performance in 1991 at a
show called 'The Word'". You can vote for the Nirvana performance at the Channel
4 website. Thanks to Daniel and Baz for this one.
Toby Andrew Amirault, webmaster of the controversial website "The Murder of Kurt Cobain"
has apparently killed himself; "Amirault, 35, of Woburn, Mass., fought off at least three
people who tried to stop him from jumping out a hospital window Tuesday, according to a
Columbia police report. He landed on a roof over the hospital's third floor. He was at the
hospital while recovering from a broken leg and a head injury he suffered in a previous
suicide attempt, officials said." - "Police were on the way to the hospital to take Amirault
to another facility when the incident occurred, hospital spokeswoman Tammie Epps said. Amirault
didn't know he was being moved, she said." - "Amirault was admitted to the hospital Sunday after
he jumped in front of a moving car in Clarendon County, Watts said."
Story courtesy of The State and Lora Hines. The article was published in this ("The State") newspaper on March 15,
2001. His website was infamous for publishing some e-mails that Amirault had apparently received from Courtney Love.
Quotes from these can be found in past news updates and NFC newsletters. His website featured
detailed analysis of Kurt Cobain's death, and various issues that should point towards the
murder theories. He also made an effort to get people to boycott companies supporting MTV,
as they supported Courtney Love and Hole. He organized a couple of protests around MTV's New
York offices, but nothing much ever came of it. The website is no longer online, though his
personal site has a brief message; "What else should I be. all apologies. Toby Andrew Amirault
committed suicide on March 13, 2001 in Columbia, South Carolina, after struggling for over a
decade with mental illness." Thanks to Bonnie for the news.
James sent in a very interesting file; "What I am sending you is a file called Nirvana
Lyrics.tr. It is a TRML document file for a program called TomeRaider (@ www.tomeraider.com).
TomeRaider is this really nifty utility for Windows CE and PocketPc's Operating Systems (and
I think it also works with Palm Pilots). It's kinda like HTML but more spreadsheet like. It
interfaces really nicely with the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com)." - "I took your
Nirvana Lyric webpages and converted them word for word into a format that TomeRaider can
use. I did this for my own personal use, but there are probably other people out there
who would love this file. (I've already found that my friends love it). So, I figured I'd
offer it to you to put on your site." Thanks a bunch to James for this one. You can download
the file here. You can contact James
here if you have questions about the file.
Rob sent me a little advertisement for a site that sounded interesting; "VIP-24 -
The world's only online music and film fair. Almost half a million items to buy
direct from your PC. Also includes in-depth information on all the UK's music fairs."
Visit the site here.
- - - April 5, 2001 - - -
Today, it's been exactly 7 years since Kurt Cobain died. Born on February
20, 1967, he would only live to be 27. A lot of people have written poems
and songs about this faithful day. Some of these can be found in the special
tribute section - others in the
vault. Rest in peace, Kurt Cobain.
- - - April 3, 2001 - - -
As you may know, there will be a lot of Nirvana specials on TV this
week (mostly the Unplugged show) in light of the 7th anniversary of Kurt
Cobain's death. The TV schedule has been updated and can be seen under the
April 1 update, or as a printable text file here.
Thanks to GrungeGirl and others for updates.
- - - April 2, 2001 - - -
Today, it has been exactly 4 years since this domain was registered,
and in 6 days it will have been 4 years since the actual website on
this URL opened. Work on the actual website you are looking at now
started in 1995, however, and was initally known as "The Danish Nirvana
Homepage" - a site that started sometime around March of 1996. Check
out the museum for more information. Today, this
site is being visited by more than 100.000 people every month and has an
active discussion board with more than 3.400 registered users and thousands
of new posts each month. In fact, the discussion board archive dating back
to August 5 last year contains nothing less than 10.897 topics (threads)
comprising a half gigabyte of text. Assuming that each topic has received
a mean of 20 posts (just an assumption), some 218.000 posts are available
in the archive :) It is also worth to mention that there is a handful of
active users who have made more than 7.000 posts each. Thanks a bunch to
all the visitors and discussion board users. And don't forget to click the
sponsor banners in order to bring the site into a 5th anniversary next year!
The lucky winners of the 8th NFC Competition have now been found.
The first prize went to Per Amundsson, second prize to John William,
third prize to Andrew Mcintosh and finally the 4th prize was won by
Jason Gerber. Congrats to all the winners. Another competition will
be up soon.
Apparently, Paul McCartney has purchased Courtney Love's home;
"Paul McCartney, tired of staying in hotels, has bought a $4 million,
4,700-square-foot house in the Hollywood Hills. The former Beatle purchased
the French Country-style house from rocker-actress Courtney Love, who bought
it in 1997 from Ellen DeGeneres. Before closing escrow about a week ago,
McCartney had been leasing the home from Love. Love bought a $2.8 million
loft in New York in November, and plans to keep a smaller home in Los Angeles."
Story courtesy of Yahoo! There is a rumour going that his condition for
signing the deal was that Courtney left some Nirvana/Kurt Cobain memorabilia
in the house!
"Breed: The Nirvana Webring" has been resurrected. The webring had
been left more or less unattended for quite a while now, and a lot
of the sites in it were no longer active. A few days ago, the majority
of sites in the ring were deleted as they were either no longer active,
or because they didn't have the proper HTML code for the ring on their
page. The webring, founded in 1996 by Ed Dame, has now been handed over
to Robbin Pennycuick who will be maintaining it. The webpage for "Breed:
The Nirvana Webring" - hosted by this site - was re-designed from scratch
and made up-to-date. If you have a Nirvana website and would like to join
the webring, just go to this page for further instructions.
- - - April 1, 2001 - - -
On MTV Europe they will have a special Kurt Cobain night on April 5,
beginning with the "Bare Witness" special at 9.30 PM followed by the
MTV Unplugged show at 10 PM, both Central European Time (CET). Thanks
to Christian and others for this news. MTV2 in Europe doesn't have any
Nirvana specials scheduled, but they are running a lot of videos from
the alternative music scene throughout the day, so it would be odd if
a Nirvana video wasn't among them - and there are also a couple of viewers
choice shows throughout the evening. On the British VH-1 they are airing
the "Egos and Icons" special on Nirvana at 9 PM, British time. The show
is "An in-depth profile of the band fronted by Kurt Cobain". In addition,
at 12:30 AM they are airing a "Greatest Hits" special featuring Nirvana.
While MTV2 are not having any Nirvana related programmes on April 5, they
do on April 8. At 9 PM (On April 8) they will air a show called "Kurt Cobain
- A Tribute" followed by the "Bare Witness" special on 9:30 PM. Then, at
10 PM they are also airing the Unplugged show. On April 12, BBC Choice (also
in the UK) will air a 15-minute program entitled "Kurt Cobain's Rock Shrine";
"BBC Choice joins America's disillusioned youth outside the house where Nirvana
rock star Kurt Cobain once lived, in Seattle, on the anniversary of his suicide"
The show runs from 7:45 till 8 PM. It is also worth to mention that BBC Choice
will air a show called "Clive Anderson's Conspiracies" on April 6 at 2 AM which
includes a segment on Kurt Cobain; "Last in the series taking a look at conspiracy
theories, narrated by Clive Anderson. This edition considers theories suggesting
that Paul McCartney is dead, Elvis Presley is alive and that Kurt Cobain might not
have committed suicide". The controversial documentary "Kurt and Courtney" will
be aired on BBC Knowledge on April 9 at 10:30 PM. Upcoming Nirvana TV Schedule:
- April 4, 2001:
12.00 PM (CET) - "Push (Nirvana Special)" - VIVA-Swizz
1.00 PM (ET) - "Saturday Night Live feat. Nirvana" - Comedy Central
- April 5, 2001:
12.00 PM (ET) - "MTV Unplugged" - MTV2 US
1.00 PM (ET) - "Bare Witness" - MTV2 US
8.00 PM (CET) - "2Rock: Nirvana Special" - VIVA Zwei
9.00 PM (ET) - "MTV Unplugged" - MTV2 US
9.00 PM (UK) - "Egos and Icons" - VH1 UK
9.30 PM (CET) - "Bare Witness" - MTV Europe
10.00 PM (ET) - "Bare Witness" - MTV2 US
10.00 PM (CET) - "MTV Unplugged" - MTV Europe
11.30 PM (ET) - "Bare Witness" - MTV US
11.30 PM (ET) - "Bare Witness" - MTV US
- April 6, 2001:
12.30 AM (UK) - "Greatest Hits" - VH1 UK
2.00 AM (UK) - "Clive Anderson's Conspiracies" - BBC Choice
3.00 PM (CET) - "2Rock: Nirvana Special" - VIVA Zwei
- April 7, 2001:
5.00 PM (CET) - "MTV Masters" - MTV Germany
10.00 PM (ET) - "MTV Unplugged" - MTV2 US
11.00 PM (CET) - "MTV Unplugged" - MTV Germany
- April 8, 2001:
9.00 PM (UK) - "Kurt Cobain - A Tribute" - MTV2 UK
9.30 PM (UK) - "Bare Witness" - MTV2 UK
10.00 PM (UK) - "MTV Unplugged" - MTV2 UK
10.00 PM (CET) - "MTV Spin: Nirvana" - MTV Germany
11.00 PM (CET) - "MTV Unplugged" - MTV Germany
- April 9, 2001:
10.30 PM (UK) - "Kurt and Courtney" - BBC Knowledge
- April 12, 2001:
7.45 PM (UK) - "Kurt Cobain's Rock Shrine" - BBC Choice
Don't forget that the winners of the current NFC Competition will be
picked later today! So if you haven't entered your name yet, hurry up!
This is your last chance! Enter the competition here.