NFC Nirvana Information Nirvana tabs
Introduction: This section is for guitar players who want to learn how to play Nirvana's songs, or at least get an idea of how to go play their songs.

The tabs here were transcribed by Andy from Finland. Keep in mind that it is extremely difficult to get a 100% correct interpretation of the songs. Kurt Cobain would often improvise a lot and slightly change the way a song is played. Therefore, for the most part, you shouldn't expect to sound exactly like Kurt Cobain's guitar playing even if you follow these tabs. Hopefully you will get close enough and do the final adjustments yourself.

Any corrections to these tabs (excluding the bass tabs) should be e-mailed to Andy and NOT the webmaster of NFC. Corrections to the bass tabs should be e-mailed to the respective authors.

Please do not e-mail the NFC webmaster with questions about the tabs, about guitars, or about the instruments Kurt and Nirvana used. For more information about that we suggest you check out Brian Haberman's excellent guide to Kurt's equipment.

Tabs for MTV Unplugged are currently not available. You should be able to find tabs for the missing Unplugged songs from a Meat Puppets website. Also note that tabs for certain rare songs and covers are currently not available. We have chosen not to concentrate on bass guitar tabs, which is why those files might be lacking in quality and may omit songs.

Before you get started you should check the notation guide.

Guitar tabs:

In Utero

Rare and unreleased songs
Bass tabs:

Bass tabs for many Nirvana songs (Courtesy of Peter Henriksson)
Bleach, Nevermind & Incesticide (Courtesy of Philip Moi)
Drum tabs (all from external sites):

Drum Tabs link #1
Drum Tabs link #2
Drum Tabs link #3