NFC Nirvana Information Nirvana Information Archive
Introduction: The Nirvana Information Archive is a great website created by Brian Peterson. He has kindly provided the files to the NFC as well. You can find them below.

Nirvana tour of Aberdeen, Seattle and Olympia!
Brian visited all the Nirvana and Cobain-related sights in Aberdeen, Seattle and Olympia. See here for info about where to visit!
Pictures from Nirvana tour of Aberdeen, Seattle and Olympia!

Nirvana Information
Awards for Nirvana, Nirvana by the numbers (includes album sales and RIAA awards), books, chim chim chronicles, Kabalarian definitions, thank you's, Jason Everman info & Nirvana tribute bands.

Nirvana Thoughts
What was Nirvana? Thoughts by NIA webmaster, Brian Peterson.

Nirvana Meanings
Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia for Nirvana.

Nirvana Facts and Trivia
A wealth of Nirvana-related information, including background info on songs, bio details and more.

Nirvana Reviews
Brian reviews various books, movies, and CDs related to Nirvana.

Nirvana Questions
Frequently asked Nirvana questions - with answers. Includes lots of info not found in the NFC FAQ.

Nirvana Benefits
Which causes did the band support throughout their career? Find out here!

Kurt Cobain Memorial
Information about the Kurt Cobain Memorial Project in Aberdeen, WA.
Info mostly from this site. See for the latest.

The Nirvana Years
A brief chronology of Nirvana's development as a band from 1987 to 1994.

Nirvana Tribute
What did Nirvana mean to you? Read thoughts here.

Nirvana Associations
A list of various words and people and their association to Nirvana.

Nirvana Biographies
Various Nirvana biographies culled from a number of different sources.

Nirvana Quotes
Various interesting quotes from members of Nirvana.

Aberdeen Info
A bunch of information about Aberdeen, Washington - including demographic details.

Kurt Cobain Journals
Kurt Cobain's Top 50 Albums - as found in the Journals book.

Nirvana Linernotes
Linernotes from various bootlegs and the Hormoaning EP.

Nirvana Rare Songs
Information about some of Nirvana's more rare songs.

Journals Excerpts
Excerpts from the Kurt Cobain Journals book.

Nirvana Articles
More than 200 different Nirvana articles from many, many sources. More than 1000+ pages!